Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 143 Tony = ATM

Chapter 143 Tony = ATM
Stark Tower
Tony's personal assistant, Pepper, was wandering back and forth in Tony's office. His eyes were red and he must have cried, while Tony's driver, Happy, stayed aside, "Miss Bozi, sir, you must be fine. We have been rescued, I believe that Mr. will come back soon..."

"I have been kidnapped for more than two months, and there is no news from Tony..." Pepper fumbled for the phone, "No, I have to call Roddy and ask..."

A person suddenly appeared in front of them and fell to the ground.

Pepper looked at the person who came, the tattered clothes and familiar face, and he clicked the cancel dial button in a daze, very surprised: "Tony?"

Tony was about to vent his emotions to Mo Yu because he was thrown by Mo Yu, but when he heard a familiar voice, he turned his head to look.

Little Pepper was looking at herself with red eyes, "Bozi..."

After Little Pepper confirmed that the person who came was Tony, he immediately ran over and embraced.

"Hiss... hey hey... I'm still hurt..." Tony didn't hug Pepper, he couldn't help it, the wound on his chest still hasn't healed, although the arc shock reactor saved his life.

Pepper immediately realized that he seemed a little too excited. Looking at the reactor and wound on Tony's chest, tears filled his eyes again.

"Oh oh oh, are you worried that no one will pay you when the boss dies?" Tony said jokingly.

"I'm just too lazy to look for other jobs," Pepper said, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Okay..." Tony pretended to be a little disappointed, and then said to Happy, "Happy, can you buy me a cheeseburger quickly? By the way, help me bring a set of handsome clothes."

"Yes, boss..." Happy nodded, and walked out of Tony's office.

"Tony, let me take you to the hospital." Pepper looked at Tony's wound and said worriedly.

"No Pepper, you help me hold a press conference first, I have something to announce..." Tony rejected Pepper's proposal, he still remembers everything he saw in that cave, Tony always thought he invented His weapon is to protect the world, but he didn't know that others regarded him as a merchant of death, and he got what he is today by making money from dead people.

"However, the wound on your body needs to be treated in time, otherwise..." Before Little Pepper could finish speaking, Tony interrupted:
"Oh oh oh... I'm fine now, look," then turned his body to show Pepper, "Look, I just don't look good in my clothes, I'm fine now, the only thing I want is a cheeseburger And hurry up and hold a press conference."

"Okay, I'll wait to make arrangements..." Little Pepper nodded slightly, but still worried, "At least after I'm sure you're okay, otherwise don't even think about it."

"Okay..." Tony turned helplessly and wanted to go back to his director's chair and wait for Happy, but he saw that someone was already sitting on it.

Seeing Mo Yu sitting leisurely in his seat, Tony was furious. This bastard caused him to fly in the sky at a super high speed for nearly half an hour.

Although I was very safe along the way, I couldn’t help but be frightened by Mo Yu, like letting Tony fall freely, or throwing Tony out to see if he can catch it, etc. Tony is always worried .

"Hey, Birdman, that's my place!"

"Is that how you called your savior?" Mo Yu turned his head away from looking at the scenery of the building.

"Tony, who is he?" Pepper came behind Tony and looked at Mo Yu cautiously. The woman's intuition told him that this man was not simple.

"He's just..." Before Tony finished speaking, Mo Yu got up and walked up to Pepper and Tony and stretched out his hand, "Hello, Miss Pepper, I'm Mo Yu, and I'm also an angel. I rescued him in the Middle East." This little guy..."

Mo Yu's eyes also cast aside Tony who was standing beside him.

"Ah... hello, Mr. Mo, I'm Tony's personal assistant, Pepper Pozzi, thank you for saving Tony." Pepper looked at Tony's expression, believed what Mo Yu said, stretched out his hand and talked to Mo Yu shake hands.

"It's a great honor!" Mo Yu smiled, and that charming smile caught Little Pepper's eyes.

Seeing this, Tony immediately stood between them, and then whispered to Mo Yu: "Don't try to get her idea, Little Pepper is my personal assistant, personal!"

"Oh~~~Understood." Mo Yu suddenly realized that Pepper really had something to do with Tony, and Mo Yu wanted to try it, but now it seems to be true.

"Go away..." Pepper pushed Tony who was in the way, and continued with Mo Yu, "You said you were an angel just now, are you really an angel?"

Mo Yu could see that Tony's assistant Pepper was a believer in angels, so he nodded with a smile, "Yes, Miss Bozi, I am indeed an angel, but... Angels are not legends on earth, angels exist in the universe, angels Believe in peace and justice, angels do not allow a higher civilization to invade a lower civilization."

Mo Yu brought out Keisha's rhetoric and explained it to Tony and Pepper.

"'re an alien?" Tony asked a little puzzled.

"According to common sense... yes, but I can say no..." Mo Yu answered Tony's doubts, and continued, "I am the god of the earth, I just awakened the genes of angels, so I am an angel , can also be regarded as earthlings!"

"Well, it's really unbelievable that I actually saw an angel... May I have a look at your wings?" Little Pepper said slowly, and then asked Mo Yu as if asking.

"Of course it's okay, but you can't tell others..." Such a request, Mo Yu agreed to her, for Tony's sake.

"I won't!" Little Pepper quickly assured that she would be able to see the real appearance of the angel soon, and Little Pepper was visibly trembling.

Mo Yu nodded, and the golden wings slowly opened from his back, flying above the office with a white light, and the black armor came out of Mo Yu's arsenal piece by piece, and spliced ​​​​on Mo Yu's body.

Soon, Mo Yu finished dressing, and the black helmet blocked Mo Yu's face, so that people could not see his face, only the blue eyes on the helmet could be seen, showing the letter V.

"Oh Maiga, it's really an angel..." Pepper was obviously a little over excited, and was about to collapse.

Tony reacted and grabbed Pepper's slender waist.

Mo Yu put the helmet on his head into the arsenal, and continued: "Let's get to know each other again, my name is Mo Yu, the angel Mo Yu, hello Miss Pepperpooz, you are as beautiful as Tony said."

Mo Yu also inadvertently glanced at Tony at the side, as if to say, I behaved well, I helped you a lot

"Thank you..." Pepper glanced at Mo Yu, then smiled sweetly at Tony.

Wow, Mo Yu was caught off guard and fed another bite of this dog food.

The door of the office was opened, and Happy walked in with a bag of hamburgers in his left hand and a suit in his right hand.

"The boss gives it."

Tony took the clothes, then looked at Mo Yu who had recovered his original appearance and shook his head, then said to Pepper: "Help me hold a press conference, I'll take a shower first!"

After speaking, Tony walked towards the bathroom that came with the office.

Pepper saw that Mo Yu changed back to his previous clothes in a split second. Although he really wanted to ask, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, so he walked out of the office and started to help Tony organize the press conference.

"Tony, where will I live in the future?" Mo Yu shouted in the direction of the bathroom.

"I don't care where you live, Happy, you go and help him out." Tony's voice came from the bathroom.

"Good boss!" Happy nodded, then turned to Mo Yu and said, "Sir, please follow me."


The two came to the real estate project area of ​​the Stark Group, where they selected a residential area near Litoni's villa for Mo Yu.

It is also not far below Tony's hilltop villa, which is very suitable for Mo Yu to go and joke with Tony in the future.

Payment method, Tony will give the money. Although Mo Yu doesn't have a penny, he has a 'super core'.

You can hack into the largest banks and companies in the world at will, and then take out all of them, and they will never find out.

I can't find out who did it, but Mo Yu won't do it, he has Tony, the ATM.


(End of this chapter)

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