Chapter 144 Threats!

The press conference started, Tony was wearing a suit and leather ties with Pepper, Happy and Mo Yu walked out of the elevator.

It drew applause and welcome from others, and they all cheered for Tony's narrow escape.

An old man with a white beard and unshaven face showed a stern look when he saw Tony, and then walked up to Tony with a smile and hugged him.

"I'm glad to see you all right, it's nice."

"I'm happy too, Uncle Obadai." Tony said with a smile on his face.

"I heard that you will have a press conference as soon as you come back. Is there something important?" Obaday continued.

He heard that Tony Stark clamored for a press conference as soon as he came back, and he didn't know what Tony Stark was thinking.

"It's okay, I just figured out some things, so I decided to do this." Tony lowered his head slightly, and then walked to the lecture alone without waiting for Obadedo to say, "The press conference has officially begun!"

Then the prepared reporters below began to take pictures and ask questions.

Mo Yu found a quiet corner to sit alone, thinking about his next arrangement.

The two tasks he wants to complete are related to Asgard, but he doesn't know the location of Asgard now, nor does he know the views of God King Odin, so he dare not perceive them rashly.

It seems that he can only take one step at a time, but time waits for no one. The ghost knows what will happen in the super god universe during the time he completes the task.

The press conference was still going on as usual. A man stood by the side of the venue after talking with Pepper, watching Mo Yu all the time.

"Boss, this person is the mysterious white-haired Chinese man who appeared with Tony Stark. I don't see anything special about him, but I feel that he is different from other superheroes." This man should be an agent, With one hand next to his ear, he turned slightly and reported the situation to his boss.

And his boss, a black stewed egg, sent back images from the miniature camera on the agent's body. Looking at Mo Yu on the screen, the black stewed egg felt as if he had been exposed in front of him and had nowhere to hide.

" go to talk to him first, and take a look at his specialties by the way!" Nick Fury thought for a while, "Remember that the video cannot be disconnected during your conversation with him!"

"Understood!" The agent turned his head and walked towards Mo Yu.

Sitting down on the sofa next to Mo Yu, Mo Yu was thinking about the problem, but he didn't realize that there was another person in front of him.

"Cough, cough..." The agent coughed, trying to get Mo Yu's attention, but Mo Yu still didn't look at him, and was alone in a daze.


"En? En..." Mo Yu finally came back to his senses, looked at the man in front of him, Mo Yu stared at him with a smile on his face, and also stared at the miniature camera on his collar.

Nick Fury looked at Mo Yu through the secret agent's camera, so why didn't Mo Yu look at them through the camera in their monitoring room?
Looking at Mo Yu on the screen, it seemed that he was not looking at the agent, but more like examining himself, which made Nick Fury sweat coldly on his forehead.

"Quick, turn off the video chat!" He shouted immediately.

Even though they quickly turned off the video communication and turned off the wifi wireless network, the feeling of being scrutinized still remained.

Nick Fury had no other choice, and decided to have a good chat with Mo Yu in person.

"Hello, let me come..." Before the agent finished speaking, Mo Yu continued:

"I know, Homeland Strategic Security Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency, Agent Phil Coulson, what's the matter?"

"Sir, this is information intrusion!" Agent Coulson said to Mo Yu seriously.

"Who told you to put all the important materials in such a backward computer, and you can see them all at a glance." Mo Yu said indifferently, those information were in front of Mo Yu like Chinese characters one by one.

"Well, it's hard to believe that you actually remembered our awkward name." Coulson heard Nick Fury say in his Bluetooth headset not to offend Mo Yu, so Coulson didn't pursue the matter just now, Instead, he said half-jokingly.

"It's okay, I'm writing for the author..." Mo Yu said with a smile.

"Well, you're smart!" Coulson praised.

"Thank you, everyone said that, I'm used to it..." Mo Yu smiled slightly, and then changed the topic, "I won't talk to you anymore, tell me...what do you want from me?"

"We understand how Tony Stark escaped from the terrorists, did you have any involvement." Coulson is now stalling for time, their director said to come in person.

"Is this... You can go to Tony directly and ask me why?" Mo Yu thought for a while and continued.

"Uh..." Coulson didn't know how to answer, so he could only stand there in a daze.

Mo Yu turned his head to look at Tony, and seeing that he had announced the closure of the weapons research and development department, the reporters on the scene were immediately excited.

The camera in his hand was clicked on Tony, and it was a random shot.

The Stark Group, which relies on the weapon masters, actually closed the weapon research and development department, and it took effect immediately. This is definitely a big hot spot.

Obaday rushed forward to stop Tony, but Tony had already finished speaking and stepped off the platform to go home. Obaday immediately got the microphone and began to divert the attention of the reporters, but it was of no use.

"If you have nothing to do, I'll go back." Mo Yu stood up after packing up his belongings, and said to Agent Coulson.

"Sir, I'm sorry, can I delay you for 5 minutes? Our director wants to talk to you personally." Coulson also stood up immediately, reaching out his hand to stop Mo Yu who was about to leave.

"Well then, tell him to come over quickly, I don't have time to chat with him." Mo Yu looked at Coulson, then sat back on the sofa and looked at the clock in the hall.

"Director, how long do you have to come here? He's leaving..." Coulson immediately contacted Nick Fury.

"I'm on the aircraft carrier right now, and I don't have time to pass, so hurry up and find a computer, and we'll have a video chat!"

"Okay!" Coulson stood up and said to Mo Yu, "Sir, wait for me for a while..."

Then went to the computer.

Soon, he found an Apple notebook, put the notebook flat on the table opposite Mo Yu, and then stood aside by himself. Inside the note was a one-eyed dragon and a black marinated egg.

"It seems that you are their boss..." Mo Yu turned his head, looked at Nick Fury on the screen and said.

"Yes sir, I am Homeland..."

"Nick Fury, director of the Homeland Strategic Security Defense Offensive and Logistics Support Bureau, are you a one-eyed black egg? I know." Mo Yu answered the conversation again, and then taunted him again.

"..." There were many black lines on Nick Fury's forehead, especially after hearing the word "Black Braised Egg".

"I want to know who you are? What's your purpose?" Nick Fury believes that Mo Yu is not an ordinary person. The network security of their office is world-class. It is impossible for Mo Yu to crack it so quickly. There must be something special, or There are gangs to help.

"Don't you have my materials? I remember you have read my materials." Mo Yu leaned on the sofa with his eyes closed, rubbing his forehead slightly.

"Really..." Nick Fury looked down, and began to recall his own memories, and suddenly thought of something, "Could it be that you are the sky..."

"Shh~~~ Just know it, don't say it." Mo Yu closed his eyes, and put his index finger with one hand to his mouth.

"...Sir, do you know that this is already a network information invasion?" Nick Fury was surprised, and already regarded Mo Yu as an alien. When he thought that the information was read by the alien in front of him, he couldn't be angry. Hit one place and said through gritted teeth.

"I've said it all, who told you to put all the important information in such an outdated computer, blame me?" Mo Yu's body leaning on the sofa moved slightly, and his tone was indifferent.

"Then you mean to blame us for failing!" Nick Fury's voice became a little angry.

"Otherwise?" Mo Yu waved his hands innocently.

"Do you know that this is already provoking us, do you want to go to war with our earth?" Nick Fury clapped his hands on the table, stood up instantly, and glared at Mo Yu from his notebook.

After being told this, Mo Yu also became angry, "War? Hehehe... What is there for me to invade a backward earth? Is it for your oil? Natural gas? Or minerals?"

"Even if I really go to war with you, how do you think you can defeat me, just rely on your... toy... guns? Cannons? Or nuclear bombs?" Mo Yu glared at Nick Fury, and the majesty was transmitted to the opposite side through the video , Pressing Nick Fury in cold sweat.

Nick Fury was left speechless by what Mo Yu said, and what Mo Yu said was right, the earth has no external power yet, and the Avengers Alliance has not yet been fully established, so it is impossible to rely solely on Captain America.

"... No matter how powerful you are, you can't be an enemy of the whole earth, right?" Nick Fury has any means to make other countries on the earth attack Mo Yu.

"Rely on what? Nuclear bomb?" Mo Yu said again indifferently, "How many usable nuclear bombs do you have? Can the nuclear bomb kill me?"

"Although we can't use too many nuclear bombs, I believe that nuclear bombs will definitely destroy you!" Nick Fury said firmly.

"Hmph..." Mo Yu snorted disdainfully, then stretched out one hand, and slowly clenched it in front of Agent Coulson and Nick Fury.

The area of ​​the outside world that was illuminated by the sun fell into darkness, and the sunlight disappeared instantly in a short period of time, leaving only the dark and dull sky, which did not have the sunny feeling just now.

There is only a gloomy cold wind blowing across the earth constantly.

"What do you think will happen to you humans if I blow up your earth's sun?"

(End of this chapter)

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