Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 145 Get off the horse!

Chapter 145 Get off the horse!
"Bozi, I'll go back straight later, do you want to..." Tony looked at Pepper with a wretched smile, but it was suddenly dark, and even though there was a light on, Tony still hit the glass door "Ah... what the hell is this weather!"

"Pfft~~" Little Pepper was really amused by Tony, and turned his head away from Tony to hold back his laughter.

"Boss, what a coincidence, today seems to be a solar eclipse." Happy helped Tony up, jokingly said.

But Tony didn't know that all of this was just Mo Yu's blow to the earth's forces.

Nick Fury has basically confirmed that all these actions were done by Mo Yu, and took out a BB pager under the computer table with both hands, ready to call Ye Daddy for surprise.

" you think it's you who is faster, or the speed at which the earth exploded?" Mo Yu could naturally see Nick Fury's small movements.

"Can you control the sun?" Nick Fury stopped and asked Mo Yu.

Mo Yu's tightly clenched palms were slightly opened, and the sunlight returned to the earth.

Just now, not only the earth fell into darkness, but also the entire solar system and everything that the sun can shine on, all without light.

"Are you referring to the red black star outside the earth?" Mo Yu tilted his head and pointed at the sun.


"No, no, no, I can't control the sun..." Mo Yu shook his head, opened his eyes and stared at Nick Fury, "I can control all the stars and planets!"

Mo Yu's words were astonishing, and Nick Fury's mind went blank.

What is the concept of controlling all stars?
It is basically an unrivaled existence, at least their earth cannot be hostile, and other gods Nick Fury don't know.

And Mo Yu said that he can blow up the sun, that is, he can blow up the stars.

The power of a star explosion alone can destroy an entire galaxy. Without the sun in the star field, the creatures inside can basically wait to die.

Take the earth as a comparison, without sunlight, photosynthesis with plants is impossible, there will be no oxygen, animals and the remaining plants will die one after another, the temperature will plummet, and solar power will be useless.

Moreover, many crops are inseparable from the nourishment of the sun. If human beings do not have the sun, although they can live for decades, they will eventually perish.

"Well, what you said is very convincing..."

Nick Fury had no choice but to compromise first, but he was still worried about Mo Yu, an outsider of unknown origin.

"But I want to know why you came to Earth!"

"It's not that I want to come, it's that I have no choice. After I find a way to go back, if you forcefully stop me, I won't stay here for another day." Mo Yu said.

To be honest, if it wasn't for me not being able to go back, do you think that I would care about this strange earth and universe that I have never seen before?
"Then before you go back, can you help us solve the crisis on the earth?" Nick Fury looked at Mo Yu tentatively, and put the bb pager in his hand back into the bag.

At present, it seems that Mo Yu has no obvious hostility towards the earth, and Nick Fury will now try to win over Mo Yu.

"Use me as a mercenary? I'm sorry, I don't like being used as a gunman..." Mo Yu sneered, then stood up and prepared to leave, but stopped, tilting his head and said slightly, "Unless there are miscellaneous fish On top of me!"

After saying that, Mo Yu left the Stark Group building. Fortunately, he had a first-level access card given by Tony. Freedom of entry and exit is very common for Stark Group.

Nick Fury's face is very ugly now. After turning off the video communication on the computer, he sat on the chair and tossed and turned.

He could hear Mo Yu's self-confidence and dominance, and he could also hear the threat in his words. This was the second time that he was under power.

The current black stewed egg can already be determined. Except for Captain Marvel who can fight Mo Yu on the current earth, I am afraid that no one can defeat him, at least not now!

"..." Nick Fury was lost in thought, and he spoke to Coulson after a long time, "Look at what he did first, if it is really harmless to the earth, we can try to invite him to participate in the Avengers Affiliate Program!"


Coulson put one hand to his ear and nodded solemnly.

Mo Yu on the other side has already returned to the house Tony bought for him through the wormhole.

The entire house is beautifully decorated, all with unique floor-to-ceiling transparent glass windows, very breathable and well lit. It is a two-story building. My bedroom is on the second floor. There are bathrooms on the first and second floors. There are sofas, TVs, and computers.

"Yes, Tony is still very conscientious, not only giving the room but also the furniture! If you can give a good review, I will definitely give a five-star review." Mo Yu directly lay on the sofa.

"Children, you did a good job just now, you should let them know the majesty of God!" Kesha praised.

"Thank you Queen Keisha for your praise. I'm just a new god, and I still need to study hard..." Mo Yu said modestly.

After all, Kesha is the real god, a true god who regards the safety of the whole universe as his own. Mo Yu, like Karl and Morgana, respect Kesha.

"That's why I said that gods shouldn't communicate too much with mortals, or mortals will see the other side of God and not think about the consequences." Kesha said slowly, "Okay, I won't say much, I want to Take a break, find time to look at your astrocomputer, I made some adjustments to yours, and loaded some data from my treasure house of sacred knowledge, I hope you don't waste it..."

Kesha's voice gradually faded away, Mo Yu didn't expect that Kesha would help him so much, and it really was better for her natal family.

Now Mo Yu can be said to be in a good mood. Looking at his new house, he began to look forward to his future life. He fantasized that he and Yan lived in their own home and lived an isolated life. happiness.

Just when Mo Yu was thinking of their future children, Tony's screams faintly reached Mo Yu's ears.

Then Mo Yu quickly came to Tony's villa through the worm gate, looking at this villa which was so different from his own house, Mo Yu didn't envy Tony.

"Sir, who are you?" An electronic voice suddenly sounded beside Mo Yu.

"I'm Tony's friend Mo Yu, I'm here to find him!" Mo Yu said in a chatty manner.

"Hello, Mr. Mo Yu, I heard you mentioned you. You saved his life, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart! You are in the basement research room, you can go down the next elevator!" the electronic male voice said again , and then a round glass door not far next to Mo Yu opened, and it seemed that it was the elevator mentioned by the artificial intelligence.

Soon, Mo Yu came to Tony's laboratory, looking at Tony lying on the laboratory chair and Pepper with white sticky hands, Mo Yu suddenly felt as if he had ruined his good deeds.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see anything, you just keep going..." Mo Yu rolled his eyes to the left, avoiding Tony and Pepper in embarrassment.

"Tony!" Pepper blushed immediately, pushed Tony who was complacent on the chair, and left the research room with the old arc shock reactor removed from Tony's chest.

"Sure, young man, as long as you are brave, the secretary will give you maternity leave!" Mo Yu saw Pepper leaving, and walked up to Tony with a teasing smile.

"Get out!" Tony scolded with a smile, while tidying up the clothes on his chest, he continued to talk to Mo Yu, "By the way, how did you get in?"

"That artificial intelligence of yours let me in!" Mo Yu said casually.

"Jarvis, is it true?" Tony said.

"Yes sir!" Jarvis' mechanical male voice came from the room.

"Did I ask you to let him in?" Tony said, pointing at Mo Yu who was looking around.

"What's wrong with me? I'm your savior. You still owe me [-]% of the Stark Group shares. Why can't I come?" Mo Yu was unconvinced. Without me, you would have died a long time ago. In that desert.

"I didn't talk to you." Tony interrupted without answering Mo Yu's words.

"You..." Mo Yu choked on the words in his mouth.

"Sir, Mr. Mo Yu is your savior and can enter your villa." Jarvis said.

"Beautiful job Jarvis." Mo Yu immediately praised with a smile on his face.

"Thank you Mr. Mo Yu for your compliment!" Jarvis said modestly.

"Jarvis, where did you learn that..." Tony asked with black lines on his face.

Jarvis replied.

"Mr. taught me well!"


(End of this chapter)

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