Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 146 'Xiong's old recipe reappears!

Chapter 146 'Xiong's old recipe reappears!

An unprecedented experiment is going on in the laboratory under the villa. The content of the experiment is that the weapon is also protection, and it is the future Iron Man.

Tony experienced many failures during the period, and Mo Yu went to Tony's laboratory almost every day to watch and watch Tony's computer play games.

Helping Pepper watch over Tony if something happens.

"Tony!" Mo Yu came to Tony's test video site and looked at Tony who was preparing to test the flight propulsion at the table.

"What's the matter, Mo, I'm busy." Tony fixed the thruster on his hand, and looked at Mo Yu.

"Actually... Tony, I have a way to help you." Mo Yu smiled mysteriously, and walked to Tony's desk, "What the hell are you using?"

"Let go, that's none of your business!"

Mo Yushan smiled and put the materials back to the original place, "Actually, I am the vice captain of the Xiongbing Company, and I have high technology!"

"What is Xiongbing Company?" Tony looked at Mo Yu blankly.

"Xiongbing Company is an organization I have worked in before. There are less than 20 people in it, and everyone has high-tech armor. I am the deputy captain in it." Mo Yu said.

But Mo Yu didn't tell Tony that this happened on another earth.

"Do you have any technology to support me?" Tony turned back and continued to debug the circuit of the thruster.

"Our technology has a history of more than 1000 years. In the history of more than 1000 years, although our Xiongbing Company has less than 20 armors, we have a complete industrial system!" Mo Yu said, looking at Tony almost listening Go in and continue to strike while the iron is hot, "Super Seminary! The pillar behind the scenes of our Xiongbing Company!"

"Super Seminary?" Tony looked at Mo Yu doubtfully again.

"Yes, it's the name of a high-tech organization. You don't have to care so much, you just need to know that the Super Seminary has high technology!"

"Okay, continue..." Tony turned his gaze back, the thruster connected to the circuit was shining in the palm of Tony's hand.

"So, the technology of our Xiongbing Company has a history of thousands of years. It can be regarded as an ancient recipe. I call it the 'Xiong's' Old Fang!" Mo Yu said, looking at Tony with deep eyes.

"If you use other technologies to research, you can only spend money and suffer in vain. Our 'Xiong' family has three major goals, practicality, quality and word of mouth! So you can rest assured to accept my help, only three One step can be a complete success! Our "Xiong" old party will divide the soldiers into three ways to find the problem, and help you solve all the problems at once. If there are problems, what's the point? Are they still human? Mo Yu continued to flicker, looked at Tony's half-believing eyes, and continued to add more information, "And the technology we have mastered is 'micro-wormhole-like technology', and your earth will get technology after 3000 years."

As he said that, Mo Yu also performed a show, passing the screwdriver in Tony's hand through the worm door and taking it into his hand.

"... Can this 'Xiong' family old Fang you mentioned really help me solve my problem?" Tony looked at Mo Yu's operation in amazement.

Now he has completely believed in what Mo Yu did, and he has no doubts about the "Xiong" old Fang he said.

Even if Mo Yu has any request now, Tony will probably believe it, this is the power of deception!
"Tony..." Pepper came down the stairs, holding a cardboard box with a cup of coffee on it.

"Obady is waiting for you up there."

Pepper put the items in his hand on the table beside him, first smiled at Mo Yu, and then saw the thruster in Tony's hand and said with a sense of interrogation from his wife: "Didn't you stop studying weapons? "

"'s just a flying thruster..." Finally, the thruster in Tony's hand was adjusted, "Please take a few steps back, I'm going to test the power."

Pepper froze on the spot, and Mo Yu immediately stepped forward and invited Pepper behind him, nodding at Tony.

Tony nodded slightly, and the thruster in his hand flashed white.

Tony was sent flying by the huge impact and fell to the ground.

"The power of propulsion is still too great..." Mo Yu smiled and turned his head to look at Tony in the chair, "Do you want to consider our 'Xiong' family's old Fang?"

Pepper hurriedly brought an ice pack filled with ice cubes and applied it to Tony's head.

"I'll think about it later, at least until there is a serious problem with the armor I made myself...Okay, I'm going to find Obaday." Tony got up from the chair and walked into the stairs.

"Queen Keisha, what kind of super gene do you think he is suitable for?" Mo Yu took the position where Tony had just been cooking.

"I don't know what kind of super gene he is suitable for, but the woman who has been following him is very suitable to become an angel. If it wasn't for the sacred knowledge treasure house that chose Anicid, I would have wanted her to become the king of angels..." Keisha replied road.

Pepper has excellent leadership skills, excellent command skills, and rich workplace experience.

"It seems that Queen Kesha is very optimistic about Pepper's talent." Mo Yu thought slightly.

If Pepper is suitable to be an angel, then Tony is suitable for a super gene worthy of being an angel.

"Have it!"

Mo Yu soon thought of the idea of ​​a super gene, which happened to be the prototype of a super gene made by Mo Yu himself.

Now that Tony can be the guinea pig, it will be beneficial to Tony in the future.

On the stairs, Tony walked down slowly with a gloomy face.

"Tony, what's wrong?"

"I was suspended..." Tony sat next to Mo Yu, "Xie Te, didn't I just lose more than 60.00% of my shares!"

"I have good news here, do you want to hear it?" Mo Yu smiled and said to Tony.

Tony stood up, put on his full thruster set, and after scrapping his two sports cars, his thruster ended in success.

Then came to the hall of the laboratory, many mechanical arms appeared around, and began to install armor for Tony.

Soon everything was assembled on Tony, and a gray humanoid steel machine appeared in front of Mo Yu.

To be honest, when it was just installed, Mo Yu actually had a feeling of blood boiling, as expected...Mechs are the romance of men!

"What good news are you talking about?" Tony's voice came from inside the steel machine.

"It is the super gene technology researched by Mr. Xiong, which can redevelop your brain, fully evolve your physical fitness, and make your lifespan exceed 100 years, or even 1000 years, allowing you to have strength far beyond ordinary people!" Mo Yu Looking at the armor on Tony with interest, he explained slowly.

"Well... let's talk when I come back!" It seemed that Tony was interested.

The increased lifespan and the development of the secondary brain field made Tony a little excited.

Tony then controlled his Mark II and left the laboratory through the underground parking tunnel.

"No problem, when you come back, let's talk about Pepper and becoming an angel!" Mo Yu said slowly.

Pepper's becoming an angel must go through Tony's decision. Mo Yu feels that there will be a big crisis in the future of this universe, and he must be prepared now.

'Steel Star'

The super gene that Mo Yu is going to study for Tony can not only improve his brain development, he can also be a weapon master.

He is good at the research and development of various weapons. Of course, they are all high-tech weapons, and the melee weapons are the same.

At the same time, weapons of various forms and methods can also be used, and there is also a rare way of controlling weapons with the mind.

Of course, the best thing is to strengthen the body. In the early stage, the bomb will not hurt you, and the nuclear bomb will not kill you in the later stage.

The internal engine choice is 'Heart of Steel', a Jarvis-like assistant responsible for helping Tony understand his super genes and how to use them.

Pepper's angel gene has to wait for Mo Yu's 'star body' to be analyzed before he can develop angel gene for her according to Pepper's physique.

'Astral' has obtained part of the data of Kaisha's sacred knowledge treasury, and it is completely possible to choose a suitable angel gene for Pepper.

Mo Yu has decided to help Tony develop the super gene, and now he just needs to talk to Tony about some details about the super gene.

Then discuss with Tony and Pepper about Pepper becoming an angel.

A gray Mark II steel armor fell from the ceiling above Moyu's head, smashing one of Tony's sports cars.

Tony's automatic fire extinguisher was a puff of dry ice smoke to Tony wearing the Mark II.

"Tony, I think... I know the model for your supergene!"


(End of this chapter)

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