Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 147 Mark 3 Vs Mark 1

Chapter 147 Mark Three Versus Mark One

The reason why Tony's Mark II fell down was because Tony died and flew to an altitude of more than [-] feet, causing the outside of the Mark II to freeze.

Fortunately, Tony is fine. By the way, he bought the carbon alloy metal of the Seraphim Satellite as the armor appearance of the Mark III.

During the period of making the armor, Tony attended a party and learned that the Stark Group secretly sold weapons to terrorists.

Mo Yu is currently researching super genes for Tony!
On TV, he learned that the doctor Ethan's hometown, Gamila, who rescued him, was being attacked by terrorists, and he used weapons developed by his own Stark Group.

Tony was suddenly angry, and immediately put on his Mark III armor and went to rescue the civilians there.

Since then, Tony has vaguely noticed that Obadiah has been doing something quietly without telling himself, so he asked Pepper to steal information from Obadiah's office in the Stark Group.

Really found substantive evidence that Obadiah wanted to kill Tony. Pepper met Agent Coulson on the road and left the company under Coulson's protection.

Immediately reported the case to him, and the Homeland Strategic Security Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau immediately sent six agents to assist in the arrest of Obadiah.

And Obadia came to Tony's villa first, used a high-tech paralyzer to paralyze Tony who was talking on the phone with Pepper, and took away the reactor on Tony's chest.

Put the removed reactor on the Mark [-] prototype developed by himself, successfully start the Mark [-], and drive it in.

Fortunately, Tony's old-generation reactor was not destroyed by Pepper, so Tony installed it in time to hold his life.

At the No. 16 arc reactor research site of the Stark Group, it is specially used for research reactors. There is an oversized arc reactor, but it still cannot be contracted to reach the point of civilian use.

It also cannot be used as the energy source of Mark [-], so Obadiah snatched Tony's new reactor.

Mo Yu developed a super gene suitable for Tony in his own house.

During the period, I also asked Tony for various data, such as blood reports, genetic tests, physical fitness tests, etc., and Tony cooperated with them one by one.

Now with the help of Holy Kaisa and 'Star', 'Steel Star' has finally been successfully developed by Mo Yu.

The quality of the super gene developed by Mo Yu can be seen only by the loading of Tony's container.

When Mo Yu came to Tony's villa with the super gene suitable for Tony, he didn't see Tony's existence.

"who are you?"

A voice sounded behind Mo Yu, and Mo Yu turned his head slowly.

The voice is a black baby, presumably he is Colonel Roddy, one of the few black friends of Tony.

"I'm Tony's friend. I've come to see him for something. Do you know where he is?"

Mo Yu said and walked towards Luo Di.

"Hey just stay there and don't move!"

Luo Di thought that Mo Yu was trying to feel bad for him, so he waved towards Mo Yu with one hand, and touched the gun on his waist with the other.

"Okay buddy, I'm really Tony's friend, my name is Mo Yu, and I'm the new shareholder of Stark Group..." Mo Yu looked at Roddy helplessly, and explained calmly.

"Oh... I heard from Tony that the latest shareholder of the Stark Group is called Mo Yu, who is of Chinese descent." Only then did Rody understand. It seems that the Chinese man in front of him is really Tony's friend, and slowly retracted Touching the gun, he said awkwardly to Mo Yu, "Sorry my friend, I'm really sorry, it's a professional habit."

"It's okay, I can understand!"

Colonel Roddy, as Tony's black friend in the military, has a high degree of vigilance and vigilance towards things. Mo Yu can fully understand, after all, Mo Yu was also a soldier before.

"Do you know where Tony is? I have something important to do with him!"

Mo Yu asked Rody after Rody was not on guard against him.

"Oh... By the way, Obadiah of the Stark Group is going to kill Pepper and Tony. Tony has already gone to the rescue. I have to stop the military." Mo Yu was so delayed that Rody almost forgot his own Task.

"What, Tony is in danger? Do you know their exact location?" Mo Yu continued to ask.

As Tony is Mo Yu's friend, Mo Yu naturally can't just sit idly by.

"I only know that it's in the Stark Group, and I don't know the exact location." Rody replied to Mo Yu.

"Got it, I'll go help Tony first!"

Mo Yu nodded and turned around. In front of Colonel Luo Di, he entered the wormhole behind him and disappeared.

Looking at Colonel Rody with a look of astonishment, could it be that he is a person with superpowers?
And on the rooftop of Department 16 of the Stark Group, a golden-red Iron Man is fighting with a gray domineering Iron Man.

Tony pilots the Mark III against a prototype Mark I piloted by Obadiah.

The battles between the two sides were equally fought, but Tony's Mark III used an old version of the reactor for energy, so it had already run out of energy.

Obadiah snatched Tony's latest version of the reactor, which has plenty of energy.

The two sides fought from the rooftop to the road. After Tony was ruthlessly suppressed by the female driver, the two fought to the sky again.

Tony used the principle of high-altitude icing to narrowly defeat Obadiah, but Tony's energy was less than 3% at the time. Even if the backup hidden energy was activated, it could only guarantee safety and landed in the Stark Group's No. 16 department. on the roof.

"Bozi, I need your help!" Tony opened his helmet and immediately contacted Pepper who was worried about him.

"Oh Tony, are you all right!"

"It's okay, I'm going to run out of battery soon, I have to take off this bastard!" Tony said while removing the armor on his left hand.

"Haha, Tony thinks too much." Mark [-] flew behind Tony, raising his hand and punching him.

Tony immediately closed his helmet, bent over to avoid the attack, and wanted to hit Obadiah with the flying thruster on his backhand, but his bare palm could only be born for others to see.

Immediately, with the help of the flying propeller, he jumped up and punched Mark One, causing little damage.

Instead, he was hugged by Obadai, causing Tony's Mark III to be unable to move.

The sheer force caused Tony's Mark III's weapon systems to fail.

"Fire a flashbang!"

A series of flash bombs shot out from the waist of Mark III in an instant, and Obadiah's eyes were so pierced that he couldn't open it.

Tony took the opportunity to hide behind the wall next to him, and contacted Pepper again, "Bozi, go and see if Mo is here?"

"Tony, Mo hasn't come!" Pepper was now very worried about Tony's safety.

"Forget it, you go and turn on the switch of all the reactors, and we will blow Obadiah and the ceiling together." Tony ordered.

If Mo Yu is not around, this is the only way to deal with Obadiah.

But if Tony's Mark III still has enough energy, it is not a problem to beat Obadiah's Mark I.

"Good job Tony, you closed the weapon research and development department, but you invented the most powerful weapon in the world, and I will use it to kill you. I believe your father will be very pleased." Obadiah said While looking for Tony, he did not forget to make ironic remarks.

Taking advantage of Obadiah's unpreparedness, Tony jumped onto his back and looked at the exposed lines on Mark [-]'s back, "It seems that this is your weakness!"

After speaking, he went in with the arm that hadn't taken off the armor, and pulled out many lines.

Mark 16 spun around and knocked Tony out with a punch, landing on the transparent glass of the skylight in Department [-].

"Bozi, are you alright!" Tony sat up sideways.

"Okay, Tony, get out of there quickly." Pepper has already turned on all the reactor switches, and now as long as the lever in his hand is pulled down, all the reactors will start to operate, resulting in an energy overload and an explosion.

But now Tony is still directly above the nuclear reactor, and Pepper is afraid of hurting Tony's life, so he doesn't do anything.

"Don't worry about it, turn on the switch quickly!" At this moment, the Mark [-] has no energy, and Tony can only put all his eggs in one basket.

"No, your life will be in danger too, I can't do this!" Pepper shook his head, rejecting Tony's order.

"Pepper, please trust me, I will be fine, now, turn on the switch!"

Tony yelled.

"Oh, Tony, it seems that you are dying, so I can only end your life first, go to heaven and say hello to Howard!" Mark One stood up and aimed the missile on his back at Tony with infrared rays.

With a thud.

The missile was launched, but it did not hit Tony, but exploded after dragging you more than ten meters away.

"It seems that you destroyed my aiming device, but don't worry, I will kill you slowly!"

Obadiah said jokingly, aiming the Gatling gun on his arm at where Tony was.

da da da~~~
The fiery Gatling continued to shoot violent tongues of flame, and bullets flew towards Tony continuously.

Tony immediately opened the mechanical shield on his arm, and the bullet 'ding ding ding' hit Tony's armor and the shield on his arm.

"Quick, open it now!" Tony shouted loudly.

Pepper's heart was ruthless, and he snapped off the lever. All the reactors in Department 16 started to operate, and the violent energy burst through the skylight in an instant.

A huge column of energy pushed straight into the dark sky, and an astonishing burst of energy knocked Tony aside.

After disabling Obadiah's Mark One prototype armor, Obadiah was stunned inside the Mark One.

Even with the Mark [-], it took down the skylight and fell into the giant reactor, causing a violent explosion.

The No. 16 department of the Stark Group also disappeared with violent explosions and flames.

Fortunately, Tony's Mark III used advanced metals, so it was not affected by the energy shock generated by the overload of the nuclear reactor.

But Obadiah's Mark [-] was different. It was directly paralyzed by the current of the reactor, fell into the reactor and exploded to death.


 38 degrees high fever these days

  My head hurts and I feel dizzy
  Just had a fever this morning

  So in a hurry, I will give you an update.

  Welcome everyone to join my group
  I will announce the plot of another fantasy novel I wrote in it

  At present, I have introduced Chapter 1 with my group of friends

  The group number is in the profile

(End of this chapter)

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