Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 154 Provocation and Slander!

Chapter 154 Provocation and Slander!

bright sky
A ray of fresh sunlight came in through the window and shone on Mo Yu's sleeping face.

The wonderful scene can be called peaceful, which makes people feel very ordinary.

A touch of soul is sitting in front of the desk, holding a magic book in his hand, his eyes are fixed on the words in the book.

Mo Yu has finished reading the two books "Key of Solomon" and "Book of Sight", and now he has "Supreme Code" in his hand.

"The Origin and Use of the Soul" Mo Yu just read the outline, and then he can also use the method of projecting his own soul.

As for whether it is possible to do the same operation as Gu Yi's to play the soul, Mo Yu still doesn't know.

"It seems that there is a magic weapon class today!"

Mo Yu, who was in a soul state, raised his head, put the books in both hands on the table and said.

Although Mo Yu has a book about magic tools, it may be exactly the same as what the magic teacher said.

But Mo Yu still decided to go for it. After all, it was issued by a magic weapon, and Mo Yu just needed a magic weapon to provide a success rate for his combination experiment.

Mo Yu in the soul state slowly flew up from the desk, and got into Mo Yu's body on the bed with a swoop.

Mo Yu then woke up, and after getting dressed, Mo Yu rushed to the training ground in a hurry.

At this time, about [-] students had gathered in the training ground, and they also came to receive instructions from the magic weapon class.

Mo Yu came late, and seeing that there was no class yet, he breathed a sigh of relief, walked to a place with light steps and stood up.

Soon, the teacher came in, and Mo Yu knew him, but the teacher of magic weapon class was actually Mo Du.

Standing on the podium, Modu glanced at the students in the audience with a serious face.

Seeing that Mo Yu was also among them, he showed an unthinkable smile.

"Today we are taking a magic weapon class. You must first understand the characteristics of your own magic, so as to choose a basic magic weapon that suits you..." Mo Du stepped off the podium and shuttled among the students, but Mo Yu There was a slight pause in front of him, then he walked out of the crowd and continued, "Come with me first, I will take you to find a suitable magic weapon first!"

All the students also followed the pace of Mo Du.

to a large training ground

The field is lined with tables with many preventive items.

Modu turned around and said to the students: "The ones on the table are magic tools, which are an important magic weapon necessary for junior mages, and are essential items to help you in your future training!"

"So can we choose the magic weapon that suits us?"

A female student raised her hand and asked.

"Of course!"

Modu smiled and said that he didn't say how to choose the magic weapon that suits him. The students couldn't find the magic weapon that suits them.

After receiving Modu's answer, a group of students happily ran to the training ground set up by the mage.

At this moment, Mo Yu fell into deep thought.

Is it really as simple as Modu said?
Just find the magic weapon that you think is suitable?
As if sensing someone's doubts, Mo Du turned his head and saw that Mo Yu hadn't set out to find his magic weapon with other students.

Mo Du's face suddenly became brilliant, it seems that what Gu Yi said was not wrong, Mo Yu is indeed a good seedling who is good at thinking.

After the selected students returned to their positions, seeing that Mo Yu, a very talented student among them, did not choose a magic weapon suitable for him, a man with a gloomy face first taunted:
"I really didn't expect that the most talented mage Mo Yu among us didn't choose the magic weapon that suits him. Could it be that he doesn't like these basic magic weapons? He thinks they are not worthy of his status as a genius?"

"I also think Casillas is right. Even though Master Moyu is very talented, he cannot deny that he also started as an ordinary person!"

"Master Mo Yu is too self-righteous!"

"Such an arrogant person is not worthy of being a mage."

"He is not qualified to learn ancient magic, leave Karma Taj!"

Many students also thought that Mo Yu did not respect the essence of magic, and asked Kama Taj to drive Mo Yu away.

And the mage Casillas who was the first to mock Mo Yu showed a sinister sneer after hearing that so many people believed his words.

Mo Yu looked at Casillas, who took the lead in mocking him, and the latter looked at him with a disdainful face, with a particularly strong look of pride on his face.

"Students, like Master Mo Yu, I am a student who has been taught by Master Gu Yi, but the difference is that Master Mo Yu was personally invited by Master Gu Yi to learn magic, while I rely on unremitting efforts and hard work to learn magic. The qualifications obtained by Master Ancient One to be taught, so..."

Casillas continued to speak self-righteous words to bias everyone's views. Of course, his effect is also very obvious.

This not only makes everyone's prejudice against Mo Yu stronger, but also makes others respect their identity more.

"Get rid of him, Karma Taj doesn't need a relationship!"

"Get rid of him!"

"Get rid of him!"

"Get rid of him!"

Successfully brought everyone's opinions to Mo Yu's door through the back door through other forces and unequal interests to enter the door of Karma Taj.


Mo Yu laughed angrily at Casillas' remarks.

clap clap~~~
Mo Yu, with an admiration on his face, kept applauding Casillas.

To be honest, anyone can tell that Casillas deliberately fabricated the rumor because he was jealous of Mo Yu's talent.

So many people actually believed his nonsense.

The term "three people become a tiger" is true.

The ancients never lied to me!

"Cassilias! Did I tell you to talk?"

Mo Du sternly reprimanded.

"Mr. Modu, I believe you have the same idea. It's just that due to some uncontrollable factors, you can't express your inner voice, but I... I am expressing their inner voice for everyone!"

Casillas spoke slowly and unhurriedly, raising his figure to a higher level in front of all the students in an instant.

Many students have even begun to feel that what Casillas said is the truth, and have begun to become his fans and fans.


Mo Du instantly felt speechless. Even if he tried his best to defend Mo Yu, if he didn't have enough strength to come out and slap Casillas in the face, he couldn't get rid of the statement that Mo Yu was a related party.

Casillas is using the power of the masses to do some dirty things for himself.

A typical example is a certain mouse and a certain open.

A certain mouse uses a 'just' side to expose a certain 'ugly' side.

It succeeded, using the pressure of public opinion to defeat a certain Kai who was framed by him.

Now I just want to say one thing


Casillas began to use the pressure of public opinion to frame Mo Yu.


Mo Yu was not in a hurry to defend himself, sometimes the more he explained, the more unreasonable it became.

"Then what do you think you think of me?"

"So I'm going to duel with you!"

Casillas looked at Mo Yu and said word by word.

"Duel? With me?"

Mo Yu obviously didn't believe his ears. How could this public opinion maker have the courage to challenge himself one-on-one.

Oh~~~ Mo Yu understands.

If you beat Mo Yu, you can take it for granted that Mo Yu is a related household who came in through connections.

If he loses, it can be said that Mo Yu has been personally taught by Gu Yi, and it is normal to lose.

If he did not accept Casillas's proposal, it could only mean that Mo Yu knew that he was not strong enough, so he did not dare to fight Casillas.

No matter what Mo Yu does, the result seems to be that Mo Yu cannot be on the right side.

"That's right! Do you dare?"

Casillas looked at Mo Yu provocatively, and his tone was full of jokes.

"I heard that someone here is going to have a magic duel?"

A light female voice sounded in everyone's ears, and the person who came was Gu Yi in yellow robe.

"Supreme Mage!"

Everyone bowed and said hello to Gu Yi.

Even if they questioned Mo Yu's identity, they would not question Gu Yi's decision. After all, students like them could not question the reputation of the supreme mage.

Gu Yi smiled and nodded to everyone, and Modu walked up to Gu Yi and spoke softly in Gu Yi's ear.

After Gu Yi, who was originally smiling, listened, the smile slowly disappeared from his face.

This made the cold sweat on Casillas' forehead flow down unconsciously.

With Ancient One's wisdom and experience, he should be able to easily see through his tricks.

"Oh~~ So that's the thing, let them use the magic weapon they think is suitable for the magic duel, it's more fair!"

Gu Yi showed a light smile again.

Casillas didn't expect that Gu Yi didn't expose himself. It seems that God really helped him.

As long as he defeats Mo Yu, a related family, then he can use Mo Yu's identity to step on his position and gain more prestige.

"I agree!"

Casillas naturally raised his hands and feet in agreement.

Mo Yu still didn't rush to agree for a while, but continued to meditate.

After a while, just when everyone felt that Mo Yu was intimidated.

"I agree!"


(End of this chapter)

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