Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 155 'Bear' child!

Chapter 155 'Bear' child!
There was an uproar at the scene.

"Since both parties agree to this competition, I will be the referee in charge of the fairness of this written test. Are there any objections?"

After Gu Yi smiled, he looked down at the entire training ground seriously.

"With the personal presidency of the supreme mage, we naturally have no problems!"

Casillas looked at Mo Yu with a treacherous smile.

"Then hurry up and prepare your magic weapon, it only takes an hour!"

Gu Yi turned around, took out a folding fan, opened it and fanned it, and sat back on a wooden chair.

Casillas turned around and took out a wooden stick in his hand, then looked at Mo Yu coldly.

And Mo Yu closed his eyes, slowly waving his hands according to the feelings in his heart.

The golden energy danced under the waving of Mo Yu's hand, and the golden lines were drawn into a shield-like figure.

Mo Yu placed it flat on top of his head.

The golden pattern slowly made a sound and expanded into the sky, then suddenly gathered into a point, and flew to the left.

Such wonderful operations left all the students stunned.

Casillas' face darkened instantly.

Without saying a word, Mo Yu stretched out his hand to draw a space door made of golden lines and chased after him.

Through the release of magic, find the magic weapon that can resonate with yourself.

Obviously, Karma Taj didn't have the magic weapon Mo Yu needed.

The golden dot happened to help Mo Yu find it, and Mo Yu also understood, so he chased after it immediately.

The next location has left the Middle East and arrived in New York, where Mo Yu hasn't been back for a long time.

New York Temple

Mo Yu stood in the storage room of the New York Temple, where Ancient One used to store all kinds of rare instruments.

The gold point guides Mo Yu to come here, which means that the magic weapon suitable for Mo Yu should also be here.

Jin Dian slowly flew in front of Mo Yu, moving forward slowly like a guide.

Mo Yu followed and walked on the wooden floor of the storage room, looking at the magical instruments protected by square glass covers.

There are many strange mages in the storage room, cloaks, pens, rulers, fans...

Mo Yu alone has seen more than dozens of mages, and there are even many that Mo Yu has not seen.

But none of them are suitable magic tools for Mo Yu, only the magic tools guided by the golden dot are.

The golden dots slowly stopped in front of a square glass cover and turned into dots of starlight, flying towards the items inside the glass cover and slowly disappearing.

Looking at the items wrapped in cloth robes in the square glass cover, Mo Yu felt more and more curious.

But this place seems to be Gu Yi's private storage room, and Mo Yu didn't get Gu Yi's consent, so he couldn't move the contents without authorization.

A golden space door appeared in front of Mo Yu, and a hand was stretched out to make a thumbs up gesture, and then it turned into light particles and disappeared.

Mo Yu looked at the place where he disappeared and was a little lost. It seemed to be Gu Yi's hand just now.

Is the thumb allowing me to move the things inside?
"It must be agreed... hey... I'm worried for you." Queen Keisha's voice slowly whispered into Mo Yu's ear.

"Really?... Well, thank you Queen Keisha for reminding me."

Mo Yu spoke eloquently.

"Okay, it's okay, I'll continue to rest..." Keisha said in a slightly lazy voice.

"It turns out that Queen Keisha is here to make a fuss." Mo Yu laughed at Keisha, but his hands began to draw, and a space door appeared between Mo Yu and the glass cover.

"What? Do you think I shouldn't come?"

Keisha's tone changed slightly, a feeling of being questioned by an elder, who was only 3 years older than herself, arose spontaneously.

"No, am I not active!" Mo Yu embarrassedly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Hey... I've been talking to you for so long, it's disturbing my beauty sleep..." Keisha said leisurely, "By the way, what are you going to do with that brat who provoked you?"

In Keisha's view, Casillas is indeed a real brat.

"A bear boy looks like a bear child, what else can I do? Just give him a beating."

Mo Yu said lightly.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore..."

Kaisha's voice slowly disappeared from Mo Yu's mind.

The latter shook his head, and took off the mysterious veil of the gray robe in his hand.


Gu Yi, who was sitting on a chair drinking tea, immediately looked up.

A space door outlined by thick golden lines appeared in front of everyone.

Mo Yu walked out slowly, came to his original position and stood up.

Gu Yi put down the teapot in his hand, stood up and walked to the center of the two, looked at Mo Yu and Casillas and said.

"Show the magic weapon of your choice!"

Casillas raised the wooden root with one hand with a smile on his face.

Mo Yu took out his magic weapon belatedly.

A brown writing brush with a length of 50 cm and a width of 1.30 cm lay in Mo Yu's palm.

The white texture is portrayed on the body of the brown pen, and the lavender whiskers point to Gu Yi.

Seeing the magical artifacts of the two, Gu returned to his position with a gratified expression and stood up, then turned around and said: "Then let's start!"

Following the order of the supreme mage Gu Yi, everyone around the training ground except Mo Yu and Casillas all exited the training ground.

Only the brat that Kaisha called was left to confront Mo Yu in disdain.

"Do you think you can beat me by just picking up a broken brush somewhere else?" Casillas pointed at Mo Yu with extreme disdain and taunted, "Hehehe...that's fantastic!"

"Are you still fighting?"

Mo Yu showed a lazy expression, playing with the brush in his left hand.

"Are you in such a hurry to lose to me?"

"No, no, don't get me wrong, I'm not in a hurry to lose to you, I'm in a hurry to go back and read! Do you know that you've already wasted a lot of my time!"

With a helpless smile on his face, Mo Yu said plainly.

"Be quick with your tongue, then I will satisfy your loser's thoughts!"

"Don't think so, I don't know if I can beat you..." Mo Yu pointed the brush in his hand at Casillas, "But you... definitely can't beat me!"

"court death!"

This can be said to have completely angered Casillas. With a roar, he raised the wooden root in his hand and turned around.

Like a nunchuck, the wooden roots are elongated in an instant and each section is connected by golden lines.

The rope-like lines went straight to Mo Yu's body, making a roar of 'Zi Zi Zi'.

"I didn't expect Master Casillas to have such a deep knowledge of magic weapons."

"It seems that the final result of this duel is already obvious, Master Casillas will definitely win!"

"Hey, hey... Look, that mage Mo Yu is not ready to dodge at such a critical moment. It seems that he really doesn't know how to use the magic weapon in his hand. Sure enough, those who go through the back door are not as good as hardworking geniuses. .”

"I think he was probably scared out of his wits and forgot to dodge."

There were more and more students watching around, some even came to see the excitement, and seeing Mo Yu's inaction, they all followed suit and mocked.

The golden thread wrapped around Mo Yu's waist, and the corner of Casillas's mouth immediately turned up in disdain, and he looked at Mo Yu with a mocking expression.

"It seems that you are not very good. You can't even use your own magic weapon, so I need to teach you a lesson for the magic weapon."

After finishing speaking, Casillas turned his back, put the wooden cut in his hand on his shoulder, and prepared to throw Mo Yu over his shoulder.

But I found that I couldn't use any strength, and felt that the opponent was as heavy as a mountain.


(End of this chapter)

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