Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 159 Understand?

Chapter 159 Understand?
More and more Zeta Swiss soldiers gathered around, and the teams led by the US team did not show any neglect on their faces.

"Captain, they have all moved closer, what should we do next?"

Tony tilted his head and asked.

Captain America was the most famous commander during World War II. He had heard about all the battles he commanded, and Tony handed over the command to him only after he knew about it.

"Okay, then I will..."

Captain America turned around, ready to tell everyone about his plan, but dozens of dark lightning bolts fell from the sky.

Huge energy swept the entire battle situation, and all the Zeta Swiss soldiers surrounding Captain America and others were smashed into ashes by black lightning.

Seeing this scene, Thor, the god of thunder, was a little surprised. The effect on lightning was similar to his own.

"'s not me, I didn't do anything just now, so don't look at me!"

But when Thor came back to his senses, all the members looked at him, Thor immediately turned his head away from them, and muttered.

"The thunder just now was very powerful, and all of them hit those aliens with a clear goal. If you didn't do it, Sol, who would it be?"

Captain America calmly analyzed.

While everyone was waiting for Captain America's answer.

Hulk raised his head fiercely and roared, ignoring other people's eyes and walked forward.

Everyone followed where Hulk was looking, and saw that the space door opened by the space gem became a little bigger, and more and more Chitauri individual aircraft came out of it.

"Tony, you and Sol are the only ones here who have the ability to fly, so you go and hold them first." Seeing that the situation has gotten worse, the US team immediately said to Tony, and then said to Sol, "Sol , you go find a high point, entertain them with lightning when you have the necessary time!"

"Barton will follow Sol to the commanding heights, and help us check the battle situation and be responsible for long-range strikes!" The US team looked at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with a bow and arrow.

"Natasha and I will be responsible for cleaning the ground!" Captain America said, looking at the Black Widow.

"Hulk~~~ Just smash it!"

Captain America looked at the big guy in front of him, thought for a while and blurted out.

Ho Ho~~~
Hulk heard Xie Mei's smile, roared and jumped towards a Chitauri individual aircraft, and the absolute force instantly dragged the entire aircraft to the ground.

The lethal green hands kept pounding the three soldiers on the aircraft, and Hulk roared and jumped to the next target.

"The captain, I'm going too!"

Tony saw that Hulk had started to move, and he looked back at the US team.

Mark [-] had just taken off at an altitude of tens of meters when a blue laser ray suddenly appeared and hit the leg of Tony Mark [-].

"Sir, the power thruster of the left leg has been damaged, and it is now impossible to fly for a long time!"

Jarvis revealed the holographic projection in the Tony Mark VII armor, and reported the damaged parts and conditions to Tony.

"Who can help me guys, I can't fly fast now." After Tony learned the news, he controlled his other flight propellers and said while stabilizing his figure.

But the Zeta Swiss soldier didn't have time to wait for him, and several laser rays rushed towards Tony, but Tony was in a state of adjusting his body, so he couldn't dodge it.

Without exception, those rays all hit the Mark VII armor on Tony's body.

"Sir, the Mark 70.00's propulsion device has been damaged by more than [-]%[-], and it can no longer maintain normal flight." Jarvis will report the damage data immediately.

"Captain, it seems that I am no longer capable of intercepting the enemy. My armor cannot support my flight now."

Tony immediately shouted to Captain America.

"Sol, Tony can no longer intercept the enemy from the air, and his armor can no longer fly. Now this task can only be entrusted to you!"

The US team immediately put Tony's task on Saul.

"I am the God of God's Domain, I don't pay attention to such trivial matters!"

Thor said proudly, spinning Mjolnir in his hand, ready to take off.

"Would you mind taking a ride?"

Barton looked at Saul and asked.

"I don't mind throwing you down if you mess around and mess with my hair!"

Saul flew into the sky with Patton, not forgetting to say harsh words on the way.

Only the US team, Black Widow and Tony are left on the ground.

"Tony, you can't fly now, so join us in cleaning up the enemies that have landed on the ground!"

"it is good!"

Hearing Captain America's concern, Tony immediately agreed.

"Boys, we seem to be in trouble." The black widow said quietly from the side.

ho ho ~~~
A series of intensive low growls rang in the ears of the three of them.

The Zeta Swiss Soldiers have already surrounded the three of Tony, and the surrounding streets and walls of houses are full of Zita Swiss Soldiers.

A certain Zeta Swiss soldier roared, and all the Zeta Swiss soldiers surrounding them raised their laser transmitters and aimed at Tony, Captain America, and the three Black Widows.

Tweet Tweet~~~
Blue rays shot out densely from all directions, and the three of Tony became the target.

Tony subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands, and the US team pulled the black widow behind the shield.

Countless explosions gathered together to form a strong explosion, instantly submerging Tony, Captain America, and Black Widow.

The Zeta Swiss soldiers jumped off the wall, and together with the foot soldiers, they picked up the weapons in their hands and slowly approached the area of ​​gunpowder smoke submerged by the explosion.

The smoke dissipated.

I saw Tony and others in a blue spherical barrier, and the palm cannons of Mark Seven's hands could no longer hold back the roar of energy.

Two white rays of light emerged from the palm.

"Get down!"

Tony yelled as he spun himself to adjust the energy erupting from his palms.

Captain America and Black Widow immediately leaned over, and the violent energy in Tony's hand instantly melted all the nearby Zeta Swiss soldiers into two halves.

"Tony, what's with this shield?" Captain America asked.

"It should be a good thing that guy did!" Tony turned his head and said lightly.

"That guy?" Captain America was very puzzled, "Who is that guy?"

"Tony is talking about his friend, the [-]% shareholder of the Stark Group." Black Widow explained.

"At the same time, he has another identity: an angel!" Black Widow added.

"My special?"

The US team was stunned, "Are there really angels in this world?"

"Even Thor, isn't it normal to have an angel?"

An unmasked voice came from behind the three of them.

Several people looked back immediately, and saw a man with the appearance of a silver medieval knight hanging in the sky behind them, and the two pairs of golden wings were particularly eye-catching.

"Okay, you just came now, where have you been these few days? You didn't discredit me, did you? Do you want to continue working?"

Although Mo Yu was wearing a knight helmet, Tony still recognized Mo Yu's identity, and immediately pointed at the handsome Mo Yu in the sky and shouted.

"Hey hey hey... Tony, what you said is meaningless. I'm obviously going on vacation, so what do you mean to discredit you?" Mo Yu argued with Tony with his head bowed.

"It's useless for you to explain. Anyway, you have been absent from work for more than two months. Prepare to be fired!"


"Of course, if you solve them for me immediately, I can still consider your matter~~" Tony pointed at the Zita Swiss Soldier and the space door, and said slyly.

"All right!"

Mo Yu nodded calmly, opened his palm slightly, a burst of white light protruded from Mo Yu's palm, and finally turned into a gorgeous sword blade.

"Child, why do you have the royal order I gave Yan?"

Looking at the weapon in Mo Yu's hand, Kesha stood up on the simulated grass in the dark plane, stared at the 'Wang Ming' in Mo Yu's hand and said.

"The last time the black hole was parted, I forgot to return it to Yan. My own weapon fell into the known universe and I didn't bring it here, so I can only use Yan's king's order to fight!"

Mo Yu's figure burst out, and while explaining to Kaisha, he poured rich energy into the 'Wang Ming' and gathered it into a little silver bird.

Taking the bird head as the vanguard, Mo Yu came to the door of the space gate as if he had no enemies in the past.

Some Zita Swiss soldiers who wanted to stop Mo Yu on the way were directly shattered by the air wave brought out by Mo Yu when he walked through.

"omg, look, is that an angel?"

"Oh ⊙⊙! My God, it seems to be an angel!"

"God really exists, and now he sent angels to save us."

After seeing Mo Yu, some civilians hiding on the ground turned into faithful prayers.

Mo Yu looked at the Chitauri spacecraft parked in the universe in the space gate, and the Chitauri individual aircraft and software-laden spacecraft all stared at Mo Yu.

"Earth, I covered it! Understand?"


(End of this chapter)

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