Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 160 The Nuclear War

Chapter 160 The Nuclear War

Mo Yu's voice was not loud, but in a different way, the ordinary words reached everyone's ears, including the members of the Avengers and those civilians who were bathed in the war-torn Manhattan, New York.

"Praise the angels, thank God for sending great angels to protect us!"

"A powerful angel, please help us destroy the alien invaders!"

Hearing Mo Yu's words, the people below immediately raised their heads and shouted passionately, expressing respect to Mo Yu and denouncing the behavior of the alien invaders.

"Tony, is he really your friend?"

The US team looked at the arrogant Mo Yu in the sky in disbelief, and asked.

"Uh... I don't have such a friend!"

Tony hesitated for a while, nodded and said seriously.

"Sir, you are disrespecting Mr. Mo." Jarvis' electronic voice sounded in Tony's Mark Seven.

"Jarvis, now take care of what you should do and ignore the rest!" Tony's tone changed slightly.

"Yes, sir."

"Scan to see if there are any traces of aliens nearby."

Tony took a few steps forward, watched Mo Yu blocking tens of thousands of Chitauri warships alone, and decided that he could not fall behind, so he ordered.

"Scanning complete, sir."

"All the alien creatures that landed on the ground in New York have been cleared away, and all the creatures with flying devices have returned to stop Mr. Mo. Do we need to help Mr. Mo?"

Jarvis lightly poured all his data reports into Tony's mind.

Tony was instantly relieved that all the aliens were evacuated from the ground in New York, at least the casualties on the ground were guaranteed, and helicopters could be dispatched to rescue refugees at any time.

"Jarvis, contact the military and ask them to send troops to rescue civilians," Tony said.


Watching a large wave of aircraft rushing up from the streets of Manhattan, New York, heading straight towards Mo Yu's direction.

At this time, a bruise on the right side of Thor's right face came out of nowhere, and slowly walked out of the hole in a nearby teaching building. The asymmetrical face looked extremely funny.


Tony glanced at it by accident, laughed out loud, and came to Saul with a smile, as if he cared, and asked as if mocking:

"Sol, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at the big bruise on the right face, Tony continued, "Who hit it? Can you tell me?"

"Flower Q!"

"Don't be so stingy. After all, we don't beat people we don't know. If you encounter any difficulties, just tell me and I will help you share some..." Hearing the fragrance in Sol's mouth, Tony was not angry. , but continue to 'persuade', but the smile on his face has already shown his true thoughts.

Thor didn't answer, but just glanced at Hulk who was climbing up among the tall buildings with resentment.

At this time, all the Zeta Swiss soldiers have surrounded Mo Yu, three layers inside and three layers outside, but the side of the portal earth is the least surrounded.

There are less than [-] Zeta Swiss soldiers, and less than [-] individual aircraft, but there are still Zeta Swiss soldiers flying up from New York City below.

"Did you see Loki?"

Sol looked at the Zeta Swiss soldier flying off the ground, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, and asked Tony.

"No, I haven't seen it since I came down from my building," Tony said.

"I saw!"


Sol immediately looked up in Barton's direction.

"He's going to stop right away because... I'm already targeting him!"

Barton stood on the corner of a tall building, holding the bow and arrow in his hand in the most standard archery posture.

The Mitsubishi arrow in his hand flashed with red dots.

The hand pulling the string loosened, and the sharp arrow shot out of Barton's bow with an indifferent scream.

Predict Loki's flight trajectory, when the arrow is about to hit Loki's cheek.

One hand grabbed the arrow with lightning speed.Loki suddenly showed a disdainful expression, and looked at the Chitauri individual aircraft pilot who took him away with a mocking look.

beep beep~~~
But a red light suddenly flashed at the top of the Mitsubishi arrow in his hand.

The explosive arrow physically exploded in the heart of Loki's hand, and the fire wave blew up the aircraft under Loki's feet.

The 'Golden Deer God' Loki kept changing his position in the sky. He couldn't fly in the first place, but now he's fine...

Fortunately, with the inertia brought by a certain explosion, Rocky fell into Tony's Stark Group building.

Hulk, who was climbing up quickly, just saw the scene where Loki fell in, and immediately turned around and climbed to the hole that Loki smashed.

Ho Ho Ho ~~~
Looking at Loki sitting under the bar, Hulk roared, smashed the marble floor with his hands, and rushed towards Loki.


With a growl, Loki got up and glared at Hulk, which completely stunned Hulk.

"I am a god, noble and powerful..." Loki hadn't finished speaking.

bang bang bang~~~
Instead, there was a moment of intimate contact between himself and the floor.

Hulk grabs Loki's legs and smashes them against the floor.


Seeing that the 'god' in his hand lost his ability to resist, Hulk threw him on the ground in disgust, and glanced disdainfully at Loki, who doubted the birth of God on the floor, and said lightly with a mouthful of saliva:

"What a weak god!"


"Tony, the military is desperate and only cares about its own interests. It has launched a nuclear bomb on New York!" Nick Fury looked at the fighter jets flying away from the aircraft carrier, and contacted Tony immediately after being disappointed for a while.


Tony couldn't believe his ears, the nuclear bomb was actually dropped on New York?

"Sir, the location of the nuclear bomb is locked!"

"Concentrate all the energy on the thrusters and get ready to take off!"

Tony yelled, posing as if he was about to go to the sky at any time.

"Sir, with all due respect, your thrusters can no longer support your next actions, so..."

"Do it now!"

Before Jarvis could finish speaking, Tony shouted indifferently.



The thrusters at the soles of Mark [-]'s feet slowly ejected white energy, and with the sound of electric arcs, Tony rushed out of the ground.

This attracted the attention of Captain America, Black Widow and Thor not far away.

"What is he going to do?" Captain America asked in confusion.


Neither Saul nor the widow answered, because they didn't know either.

"Forget it, the most urgent thing is to close that door!" Captain America thought for a while, then turned around and said to Natasha and Sol, "Sol, take Natasha to the top of Stark Tower and find a way to close the Rubik's Cube. operation!"

"You can't take care of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, I want to take it back to God's Domain for safekeeping!" Sol said.

"I'll talk about these things later. The first thing to solve now is the troubles of the earth."

Captain America said anxiously.

"All right!"

Saul didn't continue to argue, looked at the black widow, and reminded: "Hurry up."

The widow nodded solemnly, and Sol immediately spun Mjolnir in his hand, and flew towards Stark Tower with Natasha.

The Mark [-] in the air kept using undamaged propellers to stabilize its body movement, but it had little effect.

In order to save New York from the baptism of nuclear bombs, Tony can only activate his own self-healing system.

But this system is still in the experimental state, and he doesn't know the specific effect.

"Jarvis, fix the thruster for me within 2 minutes with the Repair Damaged System!" Tony said to Jarvis immediately.

The time for the nuclear bomb to detonate is getting shorter and shorter, and Tony has no extra time to delay.

"But sir, the restoration system is still in the experimental stage. If it is used without knowing it now, it may..."

"Sometimes we have to act first and then look at the actual situation!"

Tony said seriously.

"Yes, sir!"

"The restoration system is repairing your armor, please wait..." Jarvis's mechanical voice came from Tony's ear.

"NO, NO, NO, it's all for repairing the thruster unit!" Tony emphasized, "Remember to hurry up, we don't have time!"

Looking at the specific nuclear explosion time projected by the hologram, Tony swallowed saliva, a little nervous.

Seeing that there was only one minute left in the time, Tony couldn't wait any longer, and immediately activated the thrusters of the Mark 1 with all his strength, and rushed towards the direction of the nuclear bomb again.

Watch as a white missile streaks over New York City, smoke trailing a long line at the tail.

A red, white and gold figure got under the nuclear bomb, hugged it tightly with his hands, and then used the thrusters that had only been repaired to less than 50.00% to fully launch, intending to take the direction of the nuclear bomb away from the ground.

But facing his own building, no matter how Tony started the engine, the nuclear bomb showed no sign of deflecting.

Looking at the approaching Stark Tower, Tony closed his eyes in despair.


(End of this chapter)

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