Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 16 Daily Training

Chapter 16 Daily Training (1)

One day
At around 10 a.m., Mo Yu walked into the classroom yawning and rubbing his eyes.

Lena saw Mo Yu enter the classroom, "Okay, okay, everyone is here, now I will start the first lesson. The content of the first lesson is to get to know your teammates." After speaking, she waved her hand, and the big screen A photo of everyone in the Xiongbing Company appeared.

"I, Di Leina, the Lord God of the Sun Star, genetic code name: Light of the Sun, ability: can drive star energy charging and solar flare bombing series, and can cooperate with Rose's micro-wormhole to bomb. I am also the captain of the Xiongbing Company."

"Du Qiangwei, genetic code name: Spacetime Rose. Ability: micro-wormhole transportation and space medium calculation, one of the core tactics. Others should cooperate with her as much as possible in battle, and she can perform space jumps, both jumping over space." The enemy's peripheral defense can be beheaded, and the wormhole can be used for long-distance concentrated fire bombing."

Ge Xiaolun is generally very concerned about Qiangwei, and he also cares about the topic of Qiangwei. He asked puzzledly, "No, what is a micro-wormhole?"

"Hmph, you will learn later. Qiangwei will teach you how to understand and use micro-wormholes in a special course. Although you are not required to reach the level of Qiangwei, you must master it." Lena first smiled slightly, and then expressed serious.

Continue to introduce to the big screen.

"Cheng Yaowen, gene code name: Heart of the Earth, ability: control the soil to form fortresses and barriers, which can be used to protect teammates and limit enemies. If necessary, he can cooperate with me to carry out flare bombing, and then use soil shields to reduce casualties." Cheng Yaowen's words are displayed on the big screen Photos and gene introduction.

"Qi Lin, Gene Code: Kamigawa Super Sniper, Ability: Beyond Visual Range Combat, Can Use God-Killing No. [-] Armor-Piercing Projectile, Main Output Unit, One of the Core Tactics, Can Cooperate with Micro-Wormholes for Beheading, Priority on the Battlefield Kill the primary target, but tank fighters are needed for protection." Lena pointed to Qi Lin who was wearing a police uniform.

"Liu Chuang, Gene Code: Nuoxing God of War, Ability: God-killing Power, has the ability to use God-killing Wu, which can greatly damage the body of a god, and is the main output unit in hand-to-hand combat."

"Rui Mengmeng, genetic code name: Nuoxing sharp knife, ability: the ability to advance and harvest, can quickly approach the back row to cut, and can pose a large-scale threat." Rui Mengmeng, who has the same white hair as Mo Yu, listened Seeing that she was talking about herself, she seemed extremely excited.

"Xin Zhao, genetic code name: German Star Spear, ability: high mobility and high support ability, after training and stimulation, he can have super high-speed movement ability, belongs to high mobility fighter, can support teammates as quickly as possible, or snipe at the enemy Hand strike instantly." Hearing that he was being said to be so awesome, Xin Zhao pointed to the photo on the screen and pointed to himself, saying that this is me.

"Mo Yu, gene code name: Starlight, ability: can use star energy and star power, its power is similar to my solar flare, also has some angel gene activation status, air combat unit, and also has super high-speed computing. The weapon is the Judgment Blade, which has the power to kill gods, can carry out battles against gods, has super high mobility, and is now a god body."

Liu Chuang looked at the introduction, "Damn, Brother Yu is amazing, just like my genes."

Xin Zhao also echoed, "That's right, that's right, super-high mobility is the same as me!"

Reina also came "It's really perverted, stronger than me."

Ge Xiaolun couldn't help but ask, "What about me? What about me?

"What is your ability?" Reina showed an elusive smile on her face.

"Don't worry, you'll know soon enough."

"Oh!" Ge Xiaolun lowered his head in disappointment.


Reina heard the roar of engines outside and saw a large gunship on the playground.

"You put on the black armor first, go to the helicopter and wait for us. Mo Yu, you and I will get the black armor." After speaking, he turned and walked to a certain place. Mo Yu got up and followed with a smile.


Somewhere in Super Seminary
grow black
The blond beauty Lingfeng looked at the cylindrical glass, which was a pair of black armor.

For the appearance of the black armor, please refer to the source plan of Jie in "League of Legends".

Leina led Mo Yu towards Lingfeng, and stopped at Lingfeng's left hand side, "Report, Mo Yu will bring it to you."

Lingfeng turned her head and nodded to Lena, and said to Mo Yu, "This is the black armor specially prepared for you under the guidance of Admiral Ducao himself."

"Thank you, and please thank the chief for me." Mo Yu saluted Lingfeng.

"It's okay, Heijia's best permission and calling code have been transferred to you"

Mo Yu nodded his head, closed his eyes and went 'beep!Unknown data found, receiving.beep!Receive complete. '

With a wave of Mo Yu's hand, the black armor inside the glass cylinder slowly disappeared, and covered Mo Yu's body in the next second.

Lena looked shocked, "The third generation of micro-wormhole transportation technology?"

Lingfeng was also surprised, "En! It's the third-generation micro-wormhole transportation technology. Mo Yu, who taught you?"

Mo Yu "Taught by Qiangwei, plus my own opinion!"

Lingfeng asked seriously, "Can we share the third-generation micro-wormhole transportation technology?"

Mo Yu nodded and agreed, "Yes, but I only share it with Qiangwei!"

"no problem!"

Leina and Lingfeng said, "Auntie Lingfeng, let's go to training first!"


Lena dragged Mo Yu to the outside of Hei Changcheng, "Let's go, let's go!"

Mo Yu stopped Lena, "Oh! Are you in such a hurry?"

Lena heard Mo Yu's complaint, and said impatiently, "Can you take responsibility for the delay in training?"


Lena, who was walking, still didn't forget to turn her head and tease Mo Yu, "Oh, isn't it good, you look like a dog!"

Mo Yu was a little annoyed when he heard Leina say that, with a cold face, "Leina, what do you mean?"

Leina felt that Mo Yu was angry, "Hehe. What do you mean? This goddess is praising you, praising you for being handsome in black armor."


"Hey? Has my weapon been upgraded?" Lena was a little anxious when she thought that her weapon seemed to be still with Mo Yu.

Mo Yu took out the Dawn Blade with his backhand, and threw it to Lena, "It's ready, take a look."

Lena took the weapon and began to look up and down carefully.

The appearance of Dawn Blade has not changed much.If you don't look carefully, it is the same as the previous one, but it has a new core added by Mo Yu, and the upper line of the stellar energy storage is increased. Now it is a real flame-level weapon.

"Not bad."

"Then you don't know who upgraded it." Mo Yu raised his head proudly.

"Yo, look at what you can do." Lena looked at Mo Yu with an expression of 'I'm the best'.

(End of this chapter)

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