Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 17 Daily Training

Chapter 17 Daily Training (2)

The dark alloy transporter is here
Ge Xiaolun suddenly pointed to Mo Yu and Leina not far away, "Look, it's Sister Na and Brother Yu."

When Xin Zhao heard it, he immediately turned his head and looked at the place Ge Xiaolun was pointing at, "Really! Brother Yu looks even more handsome with a black armor!"

"Oh, yes!" Liu Chuang said.

Lena walked up to everyone and said, "Mo Yu is back in the team."

Mo Yu walked to Ge Xiaolun's left and stood there.

Reina said again, "In the future, we will have physical training in the morning, training separately in the afternoon, and the history of the universe class from 6:10 to [-]:[-] in the evening."

Ge Xiaolun was a little puzzled, "We are going to fight, why study the history of the universe?"

"If you don't study the history of the universe, do you know who you are fighting with?" Qiangwei said with some contempt.

Ge Xiaolun was instantly stunned.

Reina came out to smooth things over, "Okay, okay, everyone get on the plane!"

"Yes" shouted the other team members.

Soon, the dark alloy transport plane came to an altitude of [-] meters, and Lena commanded everyone, "Get out, get out, bears, jump up. The action must be quick, and the execution must be firm."

The first one is Qiangwei, followed by Cheng Yaowen, Rui Mengmeng, Qilin, Mo Yu, Liu Chuang and Zhao Xin.

When it came to Ge Xiaolun, he was a little hesitant, "Sister Na, will it be okay to jump from such a high height?"

Lei Na kicked Ge Xiaolun off the plane from behind.

"What can be the matter." Then he also jumped up.

Everyone landed perfectly, and Mo Yu directly opened the angel wings and flew down.But Ge Xiaolun was different, perfectly embodying his prominence, landing his face on the ground, and then everyone stepped over his 'corpse'.

Mo Yu helped him up and trained together.

in the afternoon
Xin Zhao liked the feeling of flying very much, he was as free as a bird, and he couldn't help shouting, "Crossing the mountain, flying over the river, wow, wow."


The Xiongbing Company are super soldiers who possess the Kamigawa gene.The universe was born 138 billion years ago, and the destiny of kind civilizations has long been connected.They will pass down the super gene against evil until today.

Xin Zhao runs at super speed.Xin Zhao, fast as lightning.

Rose, changing space, the core of tactics.

Cheng Yaowen, the heart of the earth.

(Qi Lin is standing on a branch with a sniper rifle, "Sniper standby.")
Qilin, a Kamigawa sniper, can use the No. [-] armor-piercing projectile to fight beyond visual range.

Glenn Glenn.
Ge Xiaolun looked at Leina whose back was turned to him, "By the way, what are my abilities? What should I do?"

"Well?" Reina turned around, "Stand, get beaten!" After saying that, she raised her shield and retreated.

In the distance, rows of tanks fired at Ge Xiaolun in turn.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"


It took more than 300 shells to stop.

Ge Xiaolun walked towards Leina in disgrace, "Sister Na, why is my ability so unlucky?"

Lena suppressed a smile and said, "Don't worry, you, Ge Xiaolun, codename: Power of the Galaxy, ability: withstand damage. It is mainly used to attract firepower on the battlefield, protect snipers and tactical cores."

"Of course, the power of the Galaxy is far more than that. The Power of the Galaxy is the final product of Dexing's third-generation god-making project. It contains the space-time god, the principal of our Super Seminary, and almost his whole life's hard work. As far as I know The power of the galaxy should have more than three gene locks, each of which can be opened to obtain different energy to a large extent, but the activation method of each is different, and this requires you to slowly understand the strong emotions in your heart to stimulate .The final form after excitation: the main god with sub-biological ability and god-killing power, can face the ultimate fear directly." Lena said every word.

Lena said to everyone in the Xiongbing Company in the classroom, "We can't decide who will be the first to be shot and who will be the first to kill the enemy. But from now on, we are comrades in arms." After speaking, let everyone train themselves special ability.

After everyone's special training is over.

Lena held a stellar energy ball in her hand and explained to everyone, "You are called Shenli, we are called Technology."

Xin Zhao retorted, "That's what you call divine power!"

"Okay, go to the classroom at six o'clock in the evening to teach the history of the universe, prepare well, there is still some time before the class, let's chat with each other and get to know each other." Lena walked off the podium directly after finishing speaking.

Xin Zhao looked at the daily schedule, his face was full of black lines, "What kind of magical class is this! Physical training in the morning, special training in the afternoon, and history of the universe in the evening, this f*ck makes people live."

Mo Yu was packing up his things and preparing to go back to the dormitory.

Suddenly Qi Lin got up to stop her, lowered her head, blushed and said to Mo Yu, "Thank you for saving me and my colleagues at Feiliu District Airport last time."

Mo Yu smiled and said, "It's okay, this is what I should do, are you all Chinese?"

"Well! It's a holiday, can I treat you to dinner?"

"ah ok"


At 5:56 p.m., in the classroom,
"Hey, Xiao Lun, who do you think will come to teach us later?" Xin Zhao leaned against the wall with his head in his arms, his legs resting on the table, and he was shaking the bench while talking.

Ge Xiaolun turned his gaze from Qiangwei to Xin Zhao, "I don't know, Lord Xin, it should be an old professor." After speaking, he continued to look at Qiangwei.

"Oh, by the way, where is Brother Yu and Sister Na?" Xin Zhao asked the others suspiciously.

Qiangwei replied, "Leina is a god, there is no need to learn it, and so is Mo Yu."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the classroom opened, and a beautiful blonde woman walked in with high heels, holding a bunch of documents.

"Damn!" Xin Zhao hurriedly put his legs down, wanting to make a good impression in front of the beauty.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Xiao Lun, what do you think of her figure? This bust is at least 37D, right?" Xin Zhao almost drooled, looking like a pig.

However, Ge Xiaolun didn't look at him, just stared at Qiangwei in a daze.

"Hi everyone, I am your mentor: Lingfeng. I will be one of the logistics commanders of your Xiongbing Company in the future. I hope you can listen carefully to the class, because the history of the universe is extremely important to you." Emphasized speech.

"The history of the universe is mainly about the known universe, which is what we call the main biological universe. Now you mainly want to understand some relatively large advanced intelligent civilizations in the known universe." Lingfeng waved lightly, switching the big screen picture on .

"The demon civilization is mainly distributed in the demon nebula. It is about ten light-years away from the earth, and its technological level is one of the three top civilizations. It mainly relies on the rapid beheading action technology with the help of micro-wormhole transmission. It has the first generation of super soldier genes , Conventional bullets can't kill at all, and need to be equipped with the No. [-] armor-piercing bullet, which is one of our main enemies. The main god of the demon civilization is Morgana. The pursuit of depravity, eternity, and freedom, there are several generals under him called Heifeng , A Tuo. You will definitely meet in the future, and I will tell you in detail when the time comes."

Speaking of Lingfeng, he changed another picture, "Death Song Academy is located in the Styx galaxy. It is about 15 light-years away from the earth, and it is one of the top three civilizations. The main combat power is the ordinary soldiers of the Styx galaxy, mecha fighters , Void-level mech fighters, weapons are flame-level and void-level, and void-level weapons do not belong to the main biological universe to a certain extent, so they have terrible space rewriting capabilities and dark energy restriction capabilities. The main god of the Styx galaxy is called Karl, who claims to be The Grim Reaper, who studies death and the void for fun, is also one of the main enemies."

"Teacher, I have a question!" Rui Mengmeng raised her hand.

"Just ask."

 For the heroine, choose one between Lena, Qilin and Angel
  Hope you all support
(End of this chapter)

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