Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 18 Daily Training

Chapter 18 Daily Training (3)

"Ask," Lingfeng replied calmly.

"What is the beheading operation? What is the Shenshen-[-] armor-piercing projectile? What is dark energy?" Rui Mengmeng's face showed a desire for knowledge.

"The decapitation operation refers to the use of high-tech means such as micro-wormholes and dark alloy armor to destroy the enemy's leaders and communications in a very short period of time. This can reduce the casualties of people and soldiers, and it can be regarded as a future war. The form of Shenshen No. [-] armor-piercing bullet is a bullet that can produce a singularity reaction and destroy the super genetic structure, thereby injuring those gods with super self-healing ability and defensive power. Dark energy exists in the dark plane. The plane is an existence parallel to our main plane. Our behavior, language, and thinking will be recorded by this plane, just like a huge book. The drive of dark energy is to interfere with the dark plane One way is to erase memory on the dark plane and transport micro-wormholes. What's even more frightening is that dark energy can be converted into real energy, resulting in a huge energy change, which is far more powerful than a nuclear bomb. Powerful energy, each of you has a gene that regulates dark energy in your super genes. So some warriors of advanced civilizations can distinguish whether you are a human or a super soldier through dark energy. Dark alloy armor, our black armor, is to help You mobilize the special armor of dark energy. And it will not be located by conventional positioning, so it is often used for beheading operations." Lingfeng patiently explained to everyone.

"However, the research on the dark and energy of the dark plane is only superficial. If you make good use of dark energy, you can win quickly. As far as I know, there seems to be a difference between the dark plane, the secondary biological plane, and the ultimate fear." Some kind of subtle relationship, but we can't understand. Your principal, space is conducting research in this area." Lingfeng said slightly disappointed, and turned another page.

"Angel civilization, belonging to the Angel Nebula, is about 7 light-years away from the earth. It is one of the top three civilizations. It has a flaming sword and a powerful eye of insight, which can read our dark energy and information. In every field Both have made great achievements. Angel Nebula and Super Seminary have always been an alliance. The current King of Angels, the main god of Angel Nebula is called Kaisha, who promotes justice and order and judges evil, but it is an out-and-out centralized rule By."

"I'll go, the angels are so beautiful!" Xin Zhao couldn't help sighing when he saw the photos of the angels, "If I can marry an angel as a wife, I will enjoy it a lot."

"Ahem!" Lingfeng coughed twice to suppress classroom discipline, "However, student Zhao Xin, high-ranking angels all have infinite lifespans, and the love of angels is different from ours. They will choose the male god in their hearts during the battle As the object of protection, they will never leave, forever. Of course, ordinary humans will not be chosen by them, if you want to, then try to become a real god."

Lingfeng drank his saliva and continued, "The level of angel civilization is strict. High-level angels have extremely strong fighting ability and the most perfect appearance in the universe, while low-level angels don't even have the most basic judgment standards. They just accept orders to fight. Then the trial will be carried out."

Lingfeng continued to talk, but the few people except Rui Mengmeng and Cheng Yaowen began to lose their minds to varying degrees.After that, I talked about several smaller civilizations, such as the gluttonous civilization and giant wolf civilization in the Styx galaxy, and Frazer in the Freljord galaxy. These contents are a bit boring compared to the previous ones.

Xin Zhao is sitting and marrying Angel Meimeng by himself, Qilin tries hard to force herself to listen carefully, Liu Chuang has long been perplexed: it's nice to be educated.Ge Xiaolun also took a few glances when the angel came out, and stared at Qiangwei for the rest of the time, but Qiangwei was thinking about something on her mind.

"Okay, that's the end of today's class. The next class will talk about the Deno galaxy and Lieyang civilization. I suggest you to preview it. If you don't understand, you can ask Lena and Yaowen." Lingfeng said and walked off the podium , out of the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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