Chapter 166
In the early morning of the next day, Mo Yudu walked on the corridor leading to Sol's room.

The problem of weapons must be solved, and Yan's weapons cannot be used all the time, and they are not very handy.

As the crown prince of Asgard, Thor is also of Thor bloodline, and his brutal and powerful reputation has spread throughout the Nine Realms.

Presumably, he should also know some craftsmen who are very good at making weapons.

"Sol, do you know where the weapon craftsmen make the best weapons..."

Pushing open the door and walking in, Mo Yu yelled loudly, but he didn't see Sol's figure. It was a man in golden armor with white hair looking at him standing on the platform in Sol's room with his back on his back. Facing Mo Yu.

"Sol's not here, he's gone to Earth."

Odin slowly turned his head and looked at Mo Yu.

"Damn it, you didn't bring me with you when you went to Earth."

"No, there are some troubles in the case on the earth, Sol can only take the lead to help solve it." Odin said.


Mo Yu didn't continue to answer the conversation, but opened his Eye of the Stars, and saw the situation on the earth through the way of dark energy invasion.

Tony and Dr. Banner fiddled with the Mind Stone, and finally made an Ultron, and Jarvis became Ultron's exorcism.

Moreover, Ao Chuang also wants to destroy the earth by falling meteorites, but meteorites need a certain height to successfully smash the earth into pieces, and it is impossible for a meteorite to derail in a short period of time in space.

So Ultron decided to use the rocks on the ground to lift off and attack the earth. At this time, the Avengers were gathering together to discuss countermeasures.

Two newcomers were added in the middle, a witch and a fast man.

Everything that Mo Yu showed could be seen in Odin's eyes, and there was an unnoticed arc at the corner of his mouth.

After confirming that Tony and others have the ability to defeat Ultron, Mo Yu re-faced Odin.

"I came to you today mainly to apologize to you!"

Odin reopened the topic, speaking sincerely and sincerely.

"It's a bit overwhelming for me."

"No, it's because I made a mistake first. As a civilized king, I actually expressed ill-will towards guests who came from afar. That's why I, Odin, sincerely apologize to you here!"

Odin sincerely condemned his previous inappropriateness, and then bowed and apologized to Mo Yu.

"no, I'm fine……"

This move startled Mo Yu, because Odin is also an elder, and if he bows, his life may be shortened.

He hurriedly stepped forward to help stop him.

"As an apology gift... don't you need a weapon? You can bring any weapon you want!" Odin waved his hand grandly.


Mo Yu obviously didn't realize that Odin would be so rich.

"Of course!"

"I need two swords, both capable of controllable nuclear fusion and thunder!" Mo Yu immediately put forward his request without saying a word.

"Tsk tsk... What's this? The sword in our God's Domain may be different from what you imagined, so if you want the sword in your mind, you have to make it yourself..."

Odin paused, looked down at Mo Yudao.

"It just so happens that I know where there is the best craftsman in the universe, you can go there and try it out!"

The dwarves are arguably the most well-known foundry family in the Marvel universe, and many of the weapons they made have become artifacts.

For example, Thor's hammer, purple potato's gloves, etc., are all powerful weapons.

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Odin."

Mo Yu smiled politely and thanked him.

"You're welcome, you can call me Uncle Odin if you don't mind!"

Odin showed a loving smile and said kindly.


Mo Yu was stunned, what's going on?
But in the next second, he suddenly realized that things were not simple. How could Odin recognize himself for no reason?There must be a wonderful relationship in it.

When I think about my upcoming mission, it seems that every time it happens in God's Domain, is it also related to this matter?

But Odin's next sentence completely confirmed Mo Yu's guess.

"I hope you can fight with Thor at the same time in the future!"

As Odin's crown prince, Thor must learn to take responsibility. If the task target appears in God's Domain, Thor will definitely fight, but how can he beat two powerful and impermanent gods.

At this time, Mo Yu's help was needed. In fact, Odin didn't know the specific strength of Mo Yu, he just saw that Mo Yu could lift Mjolnir.

So he is gambling!

The future of God of Gamblers!

"Of course!"

Because of the mission conditions, Mo Yu would definitely agree. Not only would he have the hope of completing the mission, but he could also get Odin's favor for nothing.

"Well, you go to Heimdal, he will send you to your destination!"

After seeing Mo Yu's quick promise, Odin was in a good mood, and threw a stone to Mo Yu casually.

Mo Yu took it, and looked at the stone in his hand a little puzzled. The dark copper color and the difficult-to-decipher substance made Mo Yu even more curious.

Soon the analysis result came out, and Mo Yu looked at Odin and his Eternal Spear with a strange expression.

That's right, this is the forged metal of the Gun of Eternity, which is a big deal.

"Thank you Odin...Uncle..."

To be honest, it would be a bit unacceptable if he could change his mouth so quickly.

"You're welcome, let's go!"

Odin waved his hand, Mo Yu turned and left, heading for the Rainbow Bridge terminal.

"This time I will send you to Dwarf Star, which is a good place to forge weapons. You have the introduction from Father Odin, and they will definitely do their best to help you."

Heimdall came to the Rainbow Bridge Terminal Center to explain to Mo Yu, and activated the Rainbow Bridge with the blade in his hand.

The rainbow bridge bursts out a colorful light towards the depths of the universe, and the huge beam of light approaches the beautiful and deep starry sky.

"Welcome to Nidawi!"

Mo Yu had just landed when a giant over three meters tall walked over.


Recalling that Heimdall told himself that this place seems to belong to the dwarves. Are you sure that the three-meter-tall giant in front of you is a dwarf?
"I have received news that we will forge weapons for you!"

The big tall dwarf in front of him continued.

"Oh, thanks!"

Mo Yu nodded in gratitude in a daze, and continued: "Hello, my name is Mo Yu!"

"Ai Cui!"

Ai Cui replied back.

"You want a sword-shaped weapon, may I ask?"

"Yes! I have made all the molds!"

Mo Yu nodded, took out the weapon template he had prepared, and handed it to Ai Cui.

"Very good, it meets the requirements!"

Ai Cui carefully observed Mo Yu's template, and found that apart from the cool appearance of the weapon, it also seemed to have a sharp feeling. The hilt was a pair of angel wings.

Moreover, what Mo Yu gave were the molds of two swords, which should be a pair of swords, a bit similar to Mo Xie.

"The design of this mold is very good. With just such a mold shape, we can rely on it to create magic weapons!"

Ai Cui can't see anything abnormal unless he looks carefully. This mold Mo Yu can be said to have considered a lot, including the various rune textures that can be reflected on itself, and the core blessing inside the hilt.

The rune texture can help the blade mobilize.The reflected energy includes thunder, flame, extreme ice, space and inner core.

The core inside the hilt is used to stably maintain the high-energy burst of the blade, and the energy inside the star must be stored in it.

"May I ask who made this mold?"

Ai Cui asked Mo Yu with excitement on his face, and the meaning of researching the watch was extremely excited.

As Nidawi's most powerful casting master, this is the first time he has seen such a beautiful mold.

"Uh... a master craftsman who retired from the universe and returned to hermit..."

It's hard for Mo Yu to say that he did it by himself. After all, it's too hard to save others' face, so he can only make up a master craftsman himself.

"Really, I really want to meet this old master for advice if I have a chance."

After Ai Cui finished speaking, he continued to lead Mo Yu to the reception station of their dwarf Nidawei.

There are all kinds of giants on the way, and some of them are more than five meters long. How can this be called a dwarf?

"We have more than 300 dwarves in Nidavi, each of whom is a top-notch master craftsman. Out of respect for this weapon, we will dispatch [-] of Nidavi's top forging masters to participate in this build. .”

Ai Cui introduced to Mo Yu.

"Well... thank you!"

Seeing that others are so caring and responsible for their own affairs, Mo Yu nodded his thanks sincerely.

"Small question, we also thank you for bringing us more advanced knowledge in this universe."

"We're going to build it for you out of Ulu Metal, what do you think?"

"Well... By the way, I have some metal minerals here, I hope they can be integrated into my two swords!"

Mo Yu suddenly remembered that the metal given by Odin and his dark silver needed to be fused together, and he took it out and put it in front of Ai Cui.

"My God! My God!"

Seeing the two pieces of metal suddenly appearing in front of him, Ai Cui suddenly stopped talking.

One is the most mysterious metal that exists, and the other is a metal he has never seen before.

There is no doubt that both metals are the best, and even any of them can surpass Ulu Metal.

"I need to do a test on these two metals, so as not to cause any errors in the finished product due to deviations in the forging later!"

After Ai Cui was excited, he looked at Mo Yu with sincere eyes and pleaded.

"By the way, please melt this sword too, and use it as a new weapon to change the dynasty!"

Mo Yu took out Yan's "Wang Ming" with one hand, and threw it into Ai Cui's hand, saying indifferently.

At this moment, Ai Cui's hands were already shaking!
What a perfect sword!It perfectly integrated the energy of thunder into it. Although the technology was not as good as that of the dwarves, it showed excellent talent in other effects.

"Sir, can I understand that you are wasting?" Ai Cui raised his head tremblingly.

"No, I believe in your dwarves' forging skills. You will definitely be able to make a better magic weapon than this sword!"

Mo Yu didn't care at all, his affirmative eyes gave Ai Cui the most moving way.

"Sir, don't worry, we will live up to expectations!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out with resolute steps, and went to the test bench to test the hardness of the metal and the degree of dissolution of the weapon.

"Child, you just melted the symbol represented by the King of Angels?"

Kaisha's voice whispered in Mo Yu's ear.

"Don't worry, I have copied the second king's life, even if the creation fails, I still have a backup."

The reason why Mo Yu didn't panic was because he had a second "king's order". He even copied a lot of the metal that Odin gave him and put it in the space for storage.

The power of reality gems is so nice!
"Well, then I don't worry about it."

Keisha's voice faded away again.

After a long time, Ai Cui came up with three pieces of metal and a sword blade.

Putting the item on the table, he said excitedly: "Sir, after our tests, the melting point of your sword is around 12.8 degrees, and these three metals can also be perfectly fused together."

"is it?"

Mo Yu was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, there was an extra metal. He stretched out his hand to touch the Ulu metal, and quietly copied all the substances of the Ulu metal.

"It's not too late, let's get started!"

Mo Yu spoke to Ai Cui solemnly.

"it is good!"

Ai Cui nodded heavily, picked up the blade and three kinds of metals and walked out, Mo Yu followed behind.

The two came to a disposal table, and a four-meter-tall dwarf called Mo Yu: "Sir, please don't pass any further, or the high temperature will dissolve you."

Mo Yu paused, but retreated to what they thought was a safe line.

Ai Cui put the four items in his hand on the storage table, and the machine started slowly, transporting the towing table to the central universe of the star ring.

"Nidawi is a huge furnace with a neutron star as its core. The high temperature it emits is enough to dissolve all the metal and sword blade you gave, and then follow the pipeline over there." Ai Cui walked to Mo Yu and pointed The pipeline on the left said, "Flow into the mold you give, and then cast into shape!"

"But once the blade is formed, it needs a lot of special energy to temper the body and enhance its strength, so..."

Ai Cui was worried that the newly created weapon would not be able to reach the magic weapon that Mo Yu thought had not been tempered, so he was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about this, I have my own way!"

Mo Yu assured with full confidence.

All the star rings outside Nidavi stopped after all their movements, and a spherical core in the center of Nidavi began to undergo nuclear fusion reaction.

A dazzling beam of high-temperature light shot out from the core of the neutron star, instantly covering the four items on the drag table.


 Recommended author Trumpet's new book "E-sports Salted Fish"

  Update one chapter a day, and more salty fish tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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