Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 167 The Sword of "Empty Star"

Chapter 167 The Sword of "Empty Star"

The huge flames and the high temperature continuously corroded the ore and the blade, melting them into juice bit by bit.

Frequently liquid seeps through the gaps in the storage table and flows into the pipes below.

"Report to the captain, the melting is complete!"

One of the observing dwarves gave a cry.

"Okay, turn off the neutron high-temperature platform, and prepare to switch on the 'transformation body' for molding!"

Ai Cui nodded, and then ordered.

A group of dwarves began to get busy.

Seeing the dwarves coming and going, Mo Yu also felt that they seemed to have an elusive love for weapons. Although the weapons they forged could not be used by themselves, they still loved this kind of work.

Immediately, a string of flowing liquid attracted Mo Yu's attention. The liquid flowed down the pipe slowly, but there was a bright red liquid in the middle, which looked more powerful than the silvery white liquid at the front and rear ends.

After analyzing Mo Yu, he learned that the red liquid is the most essential part, which is most suitable for the body of the blade, and the silver-white liquid can be used as a hilt.

"Use the 'transformation body' as the most important part of the sword body, and the other 'light body' as the scabbard!"

Ai Cui commanded from the side, and the dwarves below immediately took out tools and began to disperse the 'transformed body' and 'light body'.

The 'transformation body' is the most essential liquid after the melting of special metal ores. It will not be cooled, and it must be artificially cooled.

'Light body' is the most common form of special metal ore after melting, and it is also the most conservative one, usually used as an off-hand weapon.

The dwarves came over with two large jars of red velvet liquid, and Ai Cui immediately took out the mold.

"Pour it in and send it to the cooling unit."

Ai Cui said shortly, pointing to a large light blue pool.

After filling the two molds separately, wrap them with special tools. It is true that Mo Yu's mold does not have the effect of high temperature resistance.

As soon as the mold was put into the pool, it was like a tornado, bubbling non-stop, with a trace of high-temperature gas.

As soon as possible, the two swords were formed.

"The next step is to temper the body!"

Ai Cui turned his head to look at Mo Yu, the next thing to look at.


Knowing that it was time for him to perform next, Mo Yu got up and walked to a storage table. The dwarves immediately put two ugly sword blades on it, and walked out a hundred meters away at random.

They have seen how much energy is used to temper the body of the sword. For example, Sol's Mjolnir abruptly consumed almost all the energy of several entire stars to be so powerful.

Looking at the operation he was about to use next, Mo Yu felt nervous from the bottom of his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it.

With one hand, many huge wormholes appeared on the periphery of Nivada, and the light blue free molecules were constantly moving.

Mo Yu's entire hands were wrapped in huge blue energy, and his eyes turned blue.


"Come here for me."

Mo Yu roared and exerted all his strength, the light from the periphery of Nividar became more and more intense, piercing the eyes of the dwarves with pain.

" to the captain, there are more than a dozen stars outside!"

A dwarf ran over and said in a trembling voice,


Suddenly shocked all the dwarves, only Ai Cui stared at Mo Yu intently.

He seemed to feel that he had seen the power emanating from Mo Yu before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

In less than 10 minutes, less than ten stars gathered around Nivida, and the largest mass was 1.9891*10^30 kilograms, similar to the sun in the solar system.

"Huh~~ This is the first time I have called so many stars!"

Mo Yu panted slightly, looked at his masterpiece outside, and talked to Ai Cui and others like a joke.


Mo Yu exerted his strength again, and all the stars almost uniformly shot out their energy, gathered into a point, and hit the storage table.

Such a huge force is not something the simple furniture of the dwarves can bear.

Immediately, a huge turmoil was caused, and Nividar trembled violently like a swing.

Mo Yu looked at the surrounding situation, and immediately raised his hand to make a reflective barrier to protect the storage table.

Nivada was thus preserved.

Time is like a cloud of smoke in the past, quietly passing away in the blink of an eye.

Slowly, dozens of hours passed, and all the stars sent by Mo Yu were about to bottom out, and Mo Yu felt that he had to do something.

"Thunder energy, that must require a lot of thunder energy as a pillar!"

"Well... let's do this!"

Thinking that Yan is known as the god of thunder, he can't always rely on the energy of stars to fight, and he has to give full play to his genetic advantages.

A wave of colorful energy flows crazily in Mo Yu's body. Space energy alone cannot pull all the space lightning and magnetic energy of the galaxy he is in to the side. He has to use all the power of gemstones.

Suddenly raise your hand and open it!

Red, blue, purple, gold, orange, pink, green, and white, nine completely different energies emerged in Mo Yu's palm. With the burst of blue light, almost everyone who flashed closed their eyes.

This universe is composed of dimensions of different degrees, and the friction between small and small cosmic latitudes will cause large and small lightning and magnetic reactions, which can also be called space storms.

This level of energy is very powerful, and if it is all gathered into one point, it will not be a problem to destroy a galaxy.

Mo Yu just wanted this kind of thunder to bless him.

Soon, a small blue bead appeared in Mo Yu's hand, and there were strands of black lightning emitting from it, carrying a strong aura of destruction.

After crossing the protective cover, he walked to the shiny new weapon, and returned the bead in his hand into a feminine long sword.

The light finally dissipated slowly, and two brand-new magic weapons appeared in everyone's eyes.

One has a black blade with a white hilt, the other has black wings at the hilt and a white blade body.

It looks a bit like a combination of couple swords.

"Can you show me?"

Ai Cui led a new kind of dwarves and asked.

"Of course, this sword was made with your help!"

Mo Yu readily handed the blade to Ai Cui, but before he could catch it, a black electric arc emanated from the blade, knocking Ai Cui's hand back.

"It seems that the sword doesn't like me very much."

Ai Cui rubbed his very painful hands and said in embarrassment.

"Everyone, the sword is now in shape, and I don't need to stay for a long time."

After another day at Niveda, Mo Yu left Niveda.

Standing on the beautiful starry sky, Mo Yu stared at the blade in his hand in a daze.

Now that the weapons are already available, they must have a name.

"Empty Star!"

Soon Mo Yu came up with the name of his own blade, Destroy the Stars!

"This sword prepared for Yan...then give it to Yan to name it himself!"

After putting away the sword blade prepared by Weiyan, Mo Yu played with the star in his hand, and found that it not only looked cool, but also very active, like a child who had just been born with a new life.

"It seems that you are also happy for yourself."

Looking at Ming Xingdao.

Looking up at the beautiful starry sky, he said, "It just so happens that I'm going back to Earth too. On the way, I'll find an uninhabited planet and do your strength assessment test."

With a flick of the spread wings, the figure turned into a streamer and rushed out, the target was naturally the direction of the Milky Way.

"Cosmic dimension?"

A criss-crossing golden template just appeared in front of my eyes. It is the dimensions of the universe that are intersecting each other. Ordinary spaceships will have dimension jumps, and the function is to help them enter the universe of another dimension from one dimension of the universe.

"Looks like I can try it now!"


 The dimension here refers to the latitude similar to the "Three Body", not to the dimensional wall like the plane!
(End of this chapter)

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