Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 169 Official Tucao

Chapter 169 Official Tucao
In the endless darkness, a giant-like purple figure appeared before Mo Yu's eyes.

"You still dare to come, you really don't know how to live or die!"

Domamu looked at Mo Yu in front of him and muttered.

"I said I would come to beat you, then I will definitely come back and beat you!"

Mo Yu waved his hand, holding the Vanishing Star Sword in his hand, ready to deal with the next possible battle at any time.

"Last time you came with a soul body, and you were protected by an unknown force. I have nothing to do with you. Now it's different. You came with a body. I can absorb you as my strength!"

Domamu pointed at Mo Yu and said with a bright face.

When Mo Yu visited the multiverse a few months ago, he finally met Dormammu, the master of this dark dimension. Because Mo Yu's aura is too special, Dormammu immediately noticed it.

At that time, Mo Yu could be said to have made Domamu feel ashamed, but now that they meet again, they cannot avoid "greeting" each other.

"Child, his strength is at least above mine, can you handle it?"

Keisha, who hadn't seen her for a long time, reunited again, and her voice sounded to express her concern for Mo Yu.

Ever since seeing Dormammu in the projection given by Mo Yu last time, Keisha could feel a strong sense of crisis.


Mo Yu looked at the behemoth in front of him without any pressure.

But before he finished speaking, the object under his feet exploded, and the flame with strange energy left a prominent burning mark on Mo Yu's knight armor.

Seeing that Dormammu was already in trouble, Mo Yu raised his hand and fired more than a dozen stellar energy bombs without saying a word.

While waving his hands, two black sword glows were cut out, and they approached Domamu with a swirl of electric arcs.


But when Domamu opened his mouth, he swallowed all the attacks from Mo Yu, including Jianmang.

"Nice energy, I love it..."

"Damn, I forgot that you still have the characteristic of devouring energy."

Seeing that his attack was more useless than bubbles, Mo Yu immediately looked at Domamu with displeasure.

"Then I can only end you in other ways!"

His frosty eyes were full of fighting spirit, he waved his hand and took out his magic pen, and drew a golden magic whip in his hand.

Violently swiping towards Dormammu, the long whip made a crackling sound, but was still caught by Dormammu.

"Supreme magic?"

Looking at Mo Yu's moves, how come they are so familiar with those of the supreme mages.

"It's useless even if you learn supreme magic, you are doomed to fall today!"

Dormammu roared, and instantly exerted strength in his hands, trying to pull Mo Yu over with his own powerful strength.

But Mo Yu remained motionless in the air, and the purple flame was very actively entrenched in Mo Yu's hands.

Seeing that his own strength could not shake the opponent, Domamu punched Mo Yu angrily.

When he was about to hit Mo Yu, a huge transparent glass barrier blocked them, causing Domamu to miss the attack again.

"It's me!"

Mo Yu grinned, stretched out his hand and waved, dozens of huge light energy spheres flew around immediately.


Rumble ---
Dozens of huge spheres gathered around trembled violently, and the blazing high temperature emanating from the spheres heated up the temperature of the surrounding cosmic dimension step by step.

"What are you going to do?"

Looking at the intensifying sphere, Dormammu asked nervously as if feeling threatened.

"Blow you up!"

Following Mo Yu's words, all the gathered spheres stopped trembling, as if they had reached a certain critical point, and all turned into the brightest fireworks in the universe at the same time.

bang rumble --
The huge energy and impact brought by the explosion pushed Dormammu back in a row, and many purple holes appeared on his body.

But these wounds healed in the blink of an eye.

"I have to say, your attack methods are very special, but it doesn't seem to hurt me too much, but it makes me stronger!"

Dormammu looked at Mo Yu with disdain, and absorbed all the radiation from the explosion around him into his body.

"is it?"

Mo Yu waved slightly in front of Domamu.

A huge silver knight appeared behind Mo Yu, and a beam of light emerged from the armor on his head to envelop Mo Yu. As Mo Yu entered the interior of the knight, the whole knight seemed to have life.

Pulling out the great sword of Xinghui, pointing at Dormammu, the three pairs of silver wings behind him slowly flapped.

"What the hell are you playing?"

Dormammu looked at this gaudy giant knight, staring at it suspiciously.

"Before I end you, can I ask you a question?"

Mo Yu's voice came from the knight giant, and he slowly retracted the Xinghui giant sword behind him.

"Anyway, you are dying. Even if the last question is to delay time, I can answer you reluctantly. Tell me!"

Domamu was so generous that he didn't have the question of rejecting Mo Yu.

"Why do you insist on invading Earth?"

This question is very tricky, and it makes people want to get the answer. Why do all the villains have one goal, that is, to come to Earth or to make life difficult for Earth.


Hearing Mo Yu's question, Dormammu couldn't help but also fell into deep thought. This is indeed a puzzling question.

"It's because our creators are earthlings, and we may only be defeated by earthlings, or those creators don't know about other galaxies!" Domamu thought for a while, and told Mo Yu the answer he thought.

"That's right, otherwise my creator wouldn't be a dick who doesn't even have a girlfriend, and recently forced me to make a game system for another character he created!"

Mo Yu also thought about it for a while, and calmly told what the author had forced him to do some time ago.

"Okay, now that the question has been answered, you can die too!"

As soon as Dormammu finished speaking, a blue-purple energy shock wave slammed out of his left hand, hitting the giant knight straightly.

"Damn, attack me!"

Because Mo Yu was thinking about something, he couldn't dodge the attack in time, and was sent flying a hundred meters abruptly.

Whoosh whoosh——
Even if he was beaten by someone, he couldn't be coaxed either. He raised his hand and condensed a gray spherical energy substance in his hand, shooting dozens of rounds continuously.

But it was absorbed into the body by Dormammu once again, and ripples like water splashed on the surface of the purple skin.

"I said it all, your attack is useless to me!"

Domamu yelled frantically, and a blue energy bar appeared in his hand again, and it slammed towards Mo Yu.

"is it?"

The corner of Mo Yu's mouth turned up in a disdainful arc, it seemed that his plan had succeeded.

He knew that with Dormammu's strength, he couldn't be killed at all. Even if he used a supernova to explode from the inside, it would at most blow Dormammu into pieces, and he would recover in less than an instant.

But there was a way to kill him to the brim, and he had reached a point of no return.


Dormammu watched the changes in his body in amazement, and a sense of fear sprouted from the bottom of his heart made him look at Mo Yu with a bit of reluctance.


 Probably will return to Super God before Chapter 200! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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