Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 170 The Twilight of the Gods Begins

Chapter 170 The Twilight of the Gods Begins

He found that his body was actually a little bright, as if the energy absorbed into his body was flowing slowly, which made Dormammu feel great fear.

"Do you think I'm really going to die? Even if I turn into powder, I will return to normal in an instant!"

What he said seemed to scare Mo Yu, but it was actually stabilizing his mind. He had never tried this kind of shock before, so he didn't know if it would have any other effects.

"Then what if you don't even have Momo to die?"

There was no expression on Mo Yu's face that made Domamu feel relieved. Instead, it was the expression of indifference that made Domamu feel stressed.

After hearing this sentence, Dormammu was a little scared. If even a piece of his body was reduced to nothing, he would really be finished.

"Do you think I would believe it?"

But he still didn't believe what Mo Yu said, thinking that he was lying to himself, just bluffing, and the purpose was to find his own flaws.

"Then try!"

After Mo Yu finished speaking, he opened his hands and slowly clenched them in front of Domamu.

The light in Dormammu's body slowly gathered on his chest to form a huge sphere.

"...Ahahahaha... It's really useless, you still underestimate me, prepare to accept the price of intimidating me!"

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Dormammu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was true as he said, but it was of no use, as expected, it was only used to scare people.

"No, no, a good show is on!"

After Mo Yu finished speaking, a gray energy substance appeared in the luminous sphere on Domamu's body.

"Antimatter, once it comes into contact with matter, it will immediately produce an annihilation effect. The energy release rate is [-]%, and it can wipe out all the surrounding objects!"

Seeing Domamu reacting violently there, Mo Yu spoke lightly.

We must know that the release rate of star energy is less than 50.00%, while antimatter can directly reach [-]%, which shows how powerful it is.

Of course, if you want the power of antimatter to be greater, the main thing to look at is the mass density of the matter. The greater the mass density, the greater the power of the antimatter explosion.

A mass of bluish flame burst from Domamu's body, and the huge air wave instantly knocked Mo Yu back a few meters in the distance.

"Ah, what is this?"

Finding that he couldn't absorb the energy brought by the antimatter explosion, Dormammu yelled in pain.

The whole body tilted like a crumbling building.

buzz buzz --
Dormammu, who thought the explosion was over, suddenly felt another unknown reaction in his body.

A group of inexplicably powerful suction force is absorbing the remnants of its body at the center.

"what is this!"

Dormammu's entire body let out a final roar before being absorbed into a ball.

"In the second form of antimatter, the power of the first explosion is not the greatest. The first explosion just shatters all the surrounding matter masses. The second form absorbs all matter masses into one center, and finally A terrifying power explosion, reaching an astonishing [-]% energy release!"

Seeing Domamu's last question, Mo Yu answered lightly.

Turning around and flying towards the hole where he came in, when the energy ball behind him swelled to a limit, the power of its explosion was enough to turn Dormammu's entire body into air.

A huge and shining energy bloomed with its unique splendor behind Mo Yu, and the whole explosion picture could be more spectacular than thousands of supernovae.

Rumble ---
The shock wave brought by the explosion even shook the entire dark dimension universe, and the surrounding air and colorful spheres began to collapse, all sinking towards the central point.

Dormammu is the majority of the dark dimension universe, and his energy has always maintained the existence of the dark dimension universe.

Now that Dormammu has fallen, the dark universe will inevitably collapse and shatter.

And Mo Yu received a mysterious reward from the hands-off system.

"You still know it appeared, where have you been for so many days? Is it because the author is too lazy to write about you?"

Hearing the long-lost voice, Mo Yu asked teasingly.

"... After the rewards are issued, the system enters the standby state again, and the start time: when the first part of the Marvel Universe ends!"

After finishing speaking, this damn system played disappearing again, leaving a person in another world and ignoring him, and he didn't know where to go, chatting with other system girls.


Mo Yu was speechless, what is this? Could it be that the author is really too lazy to write it?
"Forget it, let's take a look at this mysterious reward first!"

After leaving the dark dimension, Mo Yu found that the battles outside were almost over.

Holding the reward in his hand, he found that it was a card with a '?' printed on the surface. 'symbol.

He stretched out his finger and tapped the surface of the card.

Mo Yu was caught off guard when the golden light flashed instantly.

"Wow, Golden Legend!"

I don't know why, Mo Yu blurted out subconsciously, and when he realized it, he saw the six characters of 'world mission minus 2' printed on the card in his hand.

What does it mean?
Could it be that after completing the tasks in this world, there is no need to go to other worlds?

After looking at the brief introduction of the card, it seems to be like this, which means that the tasks in other worlds will be completed by you directly.

It is equivalent to directly giving you full marks in the Chinese and math exams, so that you don't have to go to the math and Chinese exams.

"Damn, then I can go back to find Yan early!"

Mo Yu looked at the card in his hand ecstatically. Sure enough, it is better to buy wild treasures outside, and the ones given by others are all defective products.

"Well... It seems that someone was looking for me just now... Forget it, it's important to complete the task and go back."


For the time to come, Mo Yu just stayed in the room waiting for the day when the mission would start.

During the period, Tony and an Asian woman kept running towards him for some unknown reason, and even asked Mo Yu to compete with them.

Of course, there is only one end, and Tony is completely abused.

But as they expected, they generally collected enough data, and the prototype of the anti-angel battle armor was basically formed. Just let Friday add a little vibranium and some vibranium and other metal mixtures into it during manufacturing, in order to Prevent Mo Yu's terrifying power from tearing the anti-angel armor into pieces.

Of course, during the period, there was also dark silver metal from Mo Yuna, which was also the most suitable weapon for him.

Everything is proceeding as usual according to the original plan.

Until one day, Doctor Strange brought Sol and his younger brother Loki to the door of Moyu's house.

Mo Yu knew that the mission had begun, as long as he solved the mission, he could go back to Chaoshen Universe directly.


 Immediately return to Chaoshen, don't worry, everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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