Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 183 I Marry You

Chapter 183 I Marry You

The two stared at each other for a long time, and the quiet surroundings made the atmosphere much more awkward.

"Put your clothes on first!"

Mo Yu spoke first, pointing to Yan who was dressed irregularly and turned his head away from looking at her.

Now Yanben doesn't have the previous battle armor costumes, but the large-scale clothes that make people want to commit crimes on the earth, and the actions he makes when playing on Moyu's bed also make people blush.

Originally, Yan also felt quite panic, thinking that there were other outsiders coming in, but when he heard Mo Yu's words, the corners of his mouth rose again and said a beautiful loneliness.

Gently twitching her willow eyebrows with her arms, she said in the tone of a panicked girl, "Ah!!!"

Immediately with a loud cry, he picked up the velvet quilt on Mo Yu's bed to cover his naked body.

"I'm going! Don't shout so loudly!"

Mo Yu was taken aback, rushed over to hug Yan in a panic, and covered Yan's screaming mouth with his hand.


Yan, who was screaming, couldn't make any sound for a moment, Mo Yu was relieved now, he is the god in the hearts of mortals.

If they saw that they were a woman from a good family, and everyone was a lady, wouldn't their image collapse.

"Don't...don't cry..."

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Yanzheng looking at him with tears in his eyes. It seemed that a lot of tears had been accumulated in the big Shui Lingling eyes, ready to pour out all at once.

Mo Yu was startled when he put it down, immediately let go of his hand, looked at Yan who was sobbing on the bed, and coaxed with a wry smile.

"You bullied me and molested me!"

Yan said fiercely like a little girl who had been greatly wronged.

"I didn't, I just didn't know you were in there!"

Mo Yu immediately jumped up from the bed and waved his hands quickly.

"Then won't you yell outside first?" Yan still insisted, but there was an elusive arc from the corner of his mouth.


Mo Yu couldn't speak for a moment, as if it was really his fault.

"Then what should I do? Do you have any good solutions? I will promise you whatever you want!" Mo Yu had no choice, after all, he made the mistake first, and he could only make up for others.

"Can I do whatever I want?"

Yan stopped sobbing, looked up expectantly and asked.

"Yes! I will do what I say. I will give you whatever you want, as long as you don't pursue this matter!"

When Mo Yu saw that there was a play, he immediately patted his chest to assure him.

"I've been seen by you!"

Yan emphasized.

"Uh... so I want to settle the dispute and fulfill your wish!"

Mo Yu smiled helplessly for a while. After seeing a white body, he immediately shifted his eyes, so he didn't see anything.

But Yan looked at himself as if Mo Yu had watched him all over when he was naked.

"I've already been seen by you, so how can I find a male god in the future!"

"It's okay, I will marry you!"

After hearing this, Mo Yu readily agreed.

In fact, this request is not too big. There are so many people in Ailan, so you can definitely find a single man with good character and character.


Suddenly Mo Yu froze for a moment, why what he said was different from what he thought, what he said just now seemed more like what a hooligan would say.

"'s not what I said..."


Yan asked in surprise, she knew that Mo Yu would not reject her, after all, he was the male god who fascinated her the most.


"But I already have a fiancée..."

After hesitant to speak for a long time, Mo Yu really didn't know what to say, so he could only bring out the fact that he already had a lover to make the simple-minded (cunning) girl in front of him quit.

"It's okay, I can be your fiancee!"

Yan looked at Mo Yudao with a smile on his face.

Now Yan's goal has been achieved, she just wants Mo Yu to surround herself, and then take advantage of the trend to win his heart.

"No...why do you insist on letting me be your male god?"

But the reality is not as expected, Mo Yu's IQ finally came back once, and he immediately realized that things were not easy.

This girl herself had a relationship with Alan Kingdom once, so why did she keep pestering herself?
Could it be her perfect character and superb martial arts that made her fall?

"Because I have fallen in love with you, I will make you my male god!"

Yan didn't beat around the bush, and directly admitted.

Although I have already sworn an oath with Mo Yu, it does not hinder their current second love.

"So that's how it is. You really have fallen for me... There are quite a few strong enemies in the future."

Mo Yu murmured softly to himself.

Of course, these words were also stopped in Yan's ears.

It really made Yan a little ashamed, looking at Mo Yu who was thinking seriously there, he complained in his heart: Am I robbing myself of the male god?
"By the way, have you really lost your memory?"

At this time, it is impossible to talk about the issue of male gods or not, otherwise things may ferment in a bad situation.

So Yan decisively changed the subject.

"It's not that I lost my memory, it's just that some parts of my memory have become blurred and difficult to recall, maybe..."

Speaking of this, Mo Yu stopped speaking and did not continue. After all, he thought that the girl in front of him was not a super soldier, and he couldn't understand the various differences between the universe and the universe.

Therefore, I don't even understand a series of problems that the celestial computer has performed on the recorded data and storage space of its own dark plane.

Kaisha used the astrocomputer to perform a similar sealing operation on the recording device of Mo Yu's dark plane and part of herself. It is still difficult to completely erase it.

You can understand these questions, but Mo Yu doesn't know, which makes it difficult for you to make arrangements.

"Okay then... I'm hungry!"

After Yan agreed, he rubbed his belly in aggrieved manner, Mo Yu felt hairy when he looked at her delicately.

"Wait, I'll get some food!"

Mo Yu coaxed subconsciously.

Then he turned around and walked towards the wild boar on the ground. Although Mo Yu and Yan discussed a lot of male gods, about half an hour passed.

But the wild boar didn't run away, obviously Mo Yu didn't kill it, and just ignored it, and didn't tie it up.

Then why doesn't it run away?
"Oh, I wanted to eat you alone."

Mo Yu mentioned the wild boar with a sigh, turned his head to look at Yan who was waving at him on the bed, and shook his head helplessly.

"Well, why is there so much water on the wild boar?"

But the wild boar had already shed a lot of sweat, Mo Yu had no choice but to take the wild boar to the river to play.

Animals are very sensitive to dangerous things. You can imagine that this wild boar has two powerful life forms in this tent.

This wild boar was happily eating wild fruits in the forest.

Suddenly, he felt a powerful threat approaching him, and he wanted to run away, but his legs became weak from fright.

This also allowed Mo Yu to have today's dinner.


(End of this chapter)

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