Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 184 Restoring memory

Chapter 184 Restoring memory
When Mo Yu brought the wild boar back, Yan had already put on his own clothes. Looking at the wild boar in Mo Yu's hand, Yan's stomach could not help but growl.

Yan rubbed her belly in embarrassment, it wasn't because she was being rude, it was because she hadn't tasted the food made by Mo Yu for a while.

Recalling the delicious food, Yan still looked forward to the delicious food in Mo Yu's hand entering his stomach.

"How much do you want to eat later? Are you afraid of spicy food?"

Mo Yu took the wild boar into the kitchen, took out a sharp sword, and began to dissect the wild boar on the table.

It suddenly occurred to Yan that he seemed to be eating here, so he poked his head out and asked Yan who was sitting on his bed.

"I eat a lot, it doesn't matter if it's spicy, as long as it's made by you, I love it!"

Yan winked mischievously at Mo Yu, who was wearing an apron, and said flirtatiously.


Mo Yu couldn't bear it, but shivered, and hurried back to the kitchen to continue his cooking.

"Child, you actually use a weapon to cut meat? I don't know whose treasure it is!"

Seeing that Mo Yu didn't talk to him, Yan was bored immediately, stood up and walked behind Mo Yu, whispering in Mo Yu's ear.

"I just took it from the hands of an Alan soldier, he wouldn't dare to refuse it anyway!"

Mo Yu didn't turn his head back, but continued to poke holes in Guangxi's white boar meat with his sharp sword.

There are a lot of seasonings from the earth in my dark plane, and then I just need to marinate all the seasonings through these holes.

Bake on high heat on the upper grill until the surface is crispy, then turn to low heat to lock the flavor to lock the taste and juice.

So as to achieve the effect of delicious taste.

"Take it lightly, and see that the bottom has been poked by you!"

Seeing Mo Yu stabbing holes in the flesh with a sword blade, Yan said.


Mo Yu felt strange for a while, why did this sound like driving a car.

"Don't worry, my technique is very good!"

Turning around, he was startled to find that Yan was less than five centimeters away from him, and turned around to push Yan away.


As a result, an accident must have happened, I don't know if Yan did it on purpose.

He fell down directly, and his delicate body was in his arms, making Mo Yu blush a little.

"Ah, you kicked my foot!"

Yan turned his head away from Mo Yu's arms, and looked up at Mo Yu pitifully, feeling very wronged.

"Can you come down first?"

Mo Yu is under a lot of pressure now, Yan's whole body is clinging to his body, and he has to protect the dinner behind.

"Are you OK?"

Yan stuck out his tongue slightly, blinked mischievously, and then got up.

During dinner, Mo Yu basically didn't eat much, because Yan snatched most of it.

The mouth is full of oil when eating the delicious and plump pork, but the mouth still doesn't stop.

"Eat slowly, I won't fight with you..."

Seeing that Yan ate too fast, Mo Yu pushed the water over.

Yan finished the meat in his hand, drank the water in one gulp, and pushed the bowl towards Mo Yu again.

"I still want it!"

"Are you an idiot?"

Mo Yu took less than three mouthfuls, and she already wiped out Yan's bowl.

Repacked the food and handed it to Yan, who smiled all over his face and said, "I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time, I want to eat more today!"

"Huh? Did we know each other before?"

Mo Yu looked at Yan who was eating a lot in front of him with a strange expression and asked
"Do you like me?"

Yan didn't answer Mo Yu, but continued to ask on his own.

"I don't even know your name, how can I like you?"

Mo Yu blushed and turned his head to stare at the side, but Yan could already see that Mo Yu had fallen in love with him.

But he is the same as his former Mo Yu, he is thin-skinned and dare not admit it.

"Okay, my name is Augustin!"


This name actually has a single word like Yan.

"What about you?"

Yan said this on purpose, just to let Mo Yu understand.

"My name is Aurelion Yu!"

Compared to Yan's surname, Mo Yu's is purely made up.

Yan was originally named August Yan, and Mo Yu's surname is Mo, so it's okay for him to forge his surname.

"Then I'll call you Yu?"

Yan didn't mind, but continued to speak.


Mo Yu fell into a daze again, and Yan was the only person who called him by this name.

Looking back at this smiling beauty, Mo Yu felt tentatively: "Yan?"

That's right, he has recovered some of his memory, plus Yan gave him layers of hints.

"Yu, do you remember me?"

Yan put down the meat in his hand, listening to Mo Yu's words in disbelief, his eyes filled with tears.

"make you worry!"

Mo Yu also had a tear fall from the corner of his eye, looking at the person in front of him who relied on the little things of the ordinary two to help him recover the data.

Yan hugged Mo Yu who had just recovered his memory in surprise, and buried his head in Mo Yu's arms.

"It's all right."

Mo Yu is also full of guilt now, he has been away for so long, the beauty in front of him must have suffered from lovesickness.


The original Mo Yu wanted to comfort the current Yan, and Yan was also very happy when he came back.

But after learning that Mo Yu has no memory of her, he is extremely worried that Mo Yu will forget himself from now on.

Now relying on the power of true love to restore Mo Yu's memory, Yan is very happy that the man she loved and loved her deeply has returned.

Immediately without waiting for Mo Yu to speak.

In order to relieve the awkward atmosphere, Mo Yu

"Didn't I already rub it on your clothes?"

Yan pointed to the clothes in Mo Yu's arms. As Yan said, there were a lot of oil stains on them.

"It's okay, as long as it's yours, I like it!"

Mo Yu didn't care, he patted the oil stain on his clothes casually, and the oil stain disappeared.

Sure enough, men are duplicity guys.Yan complained in his heart.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you..."

A weak female voice slowly rose and fell in the room.

The two looked around, only to see a silver-haired female angel facing away from them.


Yan didn't expect Qingqing to be here. If she saw all of her outrageous behavior just now, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

"Is there something wrong? Don't disturb our Kiss if there's nothing wrong."

Mo Yu answered, then turned around and continued with Yan: "I still want to continue the angelic kiss we just had."

Yan kicked Mo Yu angrily, and said to Qingqing, "What's the matter?"

"Queen Anisid said she wanted us to go to a meeting!" Qing Qing turned her head slowly.

"What kind of meeting are you having so late? Let's do it tomorrow!"

Mo Yuke was so lustful that he had to ask Yan for another sweet kiss.

"No, Queen Anisid has emphasized that you must go with the male god!" Qing Qing said.

"What? I'm going too..."

Mo Yu asked, pointing at himself, while Qing Qing nodded helplessly.

"No more kisses, I won't negotiate with them!"

After finishing speaking, he lay back on the bed, regardless of what the two of them thought.

Yan stretched out his hand to indicate that Qingqing was fine, and asked her to go back and wait first, and Mo Yu could help her.


 I lost my ID card, and I have been reporting the loss and reissuing it these days, so it has been delayed for a few days

(End of this chapter)

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