Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 195 Let's go on a blind date

Chapter 195 Let's go on a blind date
The entire China has fully entered the state of post-war construction after getting out of the bitter sea of ​​war, and the technology of all parties has begun to develop in an all-round way.

But the most important thing is to restore people's livelihood and the ecological environment, otherwise technology will not receive strong personnel support.

As the saying goes, war is the best catalyst for the technology of both sides. War can make people feel hurt and let them develop technology to end the war as soon as possible.

Both sides are fighting with the same purpose, and technology is flourishing quietly, unless one side is already strong in technology, so he doesn't care about the development of his own technology at all, and that is often the side that is the aggressor.

On the other side, due to the sudden explosion of technology, its own technology has developed rapidly at a trans-epochal speed.

The current China is like a society that has entered the era of technological explosion. Although all social order has been restored, there are still many problems waiting for them to solve.

Huaxia River City

This is the location of the first battle where Taotie launched its first attack on the earth. Huaxia's Xiongbing Company won a major victory here and successfully defeated Taotie.

Now China has become one of the safest countries on earth in one fell swoop, because China is protected by super soldiers like Xiongbing Company.

Moreover, the weapons equipped by the People's Army are all the most advanced technological weapons on the planet, so many foreigners have traveled thousands of miles to China.

Just because the biggest force in North America is still Morgana's little brother who is doing all kinds of evil, even though Morgana has completely withdrawn from the solar system.

But the scum she left behind has to be gradually digested by the earth's own power.

Walking on the streets of Tianhe City, Mo Yu lamented the astonishing changes in modern times. The people in the past fought for everything they wanted and pursued.

Now the people are still living the same life as before after they are out of danger, but caring about the development of the country seems to be one of their daily must-sees.

They are very grateful that they can be born in China, and they are free from those demons and continuous harm abroad.

There are countless tireless translational vehicles passing through the road, and these vehicles all have a common feature, that is, there are a pair of angel wings on the door.

Entering the Angel International Building, where a press conference was being held, Mo Yu saw a figure that made people smile knowingly.

Yang Yanling, his mother!

On the eve of the battle in Tianhe City, he urgently notified his mother to leave Tianhe City and go to the safest North Star.

Now that the war is over, my mother has returned to her hometown to develop again. She already has strong financial resources and rich experience in the workplace, and the Angel International Company is once again famous in China.

Of course, Angel International is not the only one that dominates, and there are many companies that have developed on the basis of national disasters during the war.

Wearing his own casual blue and white suit and looser black stretch pants, Mo Yu walked to the press conference with light steps.

All the memories are 'Kaka Ka' raising the tablet camera in his hand to record Mo Mu's actions and words.

"Our company's latest 8848 titanium alloy mobile phone has dual passwords and dual spaces, separate storage for work and life without interfering with each other, invisible dialing, encrypted calls without trace communication, smooth conversation, easy retreat, man-machine separation of ten meters, automatic... "

Mo's mother made the usual gestures of salesmen, and calmly sold to the people below.

Suddenly she saw Mo Yu who was in the crowd, and she was completely stunned, not continuing to speak lines. .

"I'm sorry everyone, I may have some housework to deal with, please ask my assistant Xiaohong to continue explaining to everyone!"

Mother Mo immediately bowed down to apologize to everyone, and then Xiaohong went on stage to continue.


"The brat still knows how to come back, tell me, how is life going recently? Do you know how much I worry about your mother?"

In an unmanned Rolls-Royce on the road, Mo's mother looked at Mo Yu in a playful way and said with concern.

"No matter how I say it, your son is a super soldier who has fought aliens! Why is it so embarrassing in your mouth?"

"Hehe...Even if you are a god! That's my son. Is it wrong for a mother to educate her own child?"

Mo's mother attacked directly, but she had to say that Mo's guessing skills were really good, and she guessed right, even if she didn't believe it.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

No matter how majestic and majestic Mo Yu is in front of others, he is still perfunctory like a child in front of his mother.

Sure enough, the coercion of blood is the most powerful suppression, and the others are nothing in front of the power of family affection, unless that person is devoid of conscience and has a wolfish heart.

"I'm going to listen to my mother when I come back this time!"


"Did you get a girlfriend during the years in the army?"


Is it too exciting to ask such a sharp question at the beginning? What if I tell my mother that I am a girlfriend?That's literally a queen.

Of course, it's not easy for Mo Yu to tell one or two of these things for the time being, after all, his mother seems to have seen Yan, just when Yan first came to Earth.

There is no way, Mo Yu can only smile awkwardly, this kind of smile usually means that he already has a girlfriend, and it is a kind of shy feeling.

"Then you don't have a girlfriend?"


Mo Yu was completely stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. What kind of language logic is this?Can't you see the change in your facial expression?

"Yu'er... You have to know that there are three types of unfilial piety, and having no descendants is the greatest. It's fine if you didn't find a girlfriend during the days you stayed in the army. You can't let our Mo family have no descendants..."


Mo Yu was dumbfounded. What his mother said sounded reasonable, but why did he feel that the more he listened, the more outrageous it became?

There is a sense of sight that is brought into it.

"So Mom, I made a decision on my own and arranged a blind date for you..."

"Mom! I..."

"Don't tell you that you won't go, or we will completely sever the relationship!"

But Mo's mother didn't give a chance to react at all, and interrupted Mo Yu's speech directly, her expression was absolutely in place, and her tone also pretended to be angry.

"All right…"

Mo Yu had no choice but to agree. It seemed that this time he had to find a way to make the girl on the other side of the blind date leave a bad impression on him.

But he seems to have forgotten one important thing, which is related to the success of his blind date.

As we all know, girls must think about their future happiness, so it is reasonable to fall in love with a rich man.

It just so happened that Mo Yu's family was very rich, and Mo Yu was also very handsome, so I'm afraid this blind date is easy to catch.

"Don't be too worried about the woman. She is a talented student who has returned from studying abroad. She is about the same height as you, looks outstanding and beautiful, and behaves very decently. Anyway, she is very in line with my daughter-in-law's standards!"

Seeing that Mo Yu agreed, Mo's mother immediately smiled and took out an 8848 mobile phone to send a message to contact the woman for a blind date.

"Mom... If my son doesn't like it, can I..."



At the same time, in the mountains of Liangshan, a mountain began to shake violently, a mechanical skylight opened automatically on the soil surface, and a flying ship flew out of it, that is the launch of the 'Xinghai'.

In the command center, Lianfeng was talking with a group of drivers.

"Xiao Lun, contact Angel Leng, and ask Tianren No. [-] to activate the space jump to help us fight against Su Mali's gluttonous food!"

Lianfeng came to Ge Xiaolun who was wearing black armor and said, "Xinghai" has gathered the most powerful technology on the earth, but it still doesn't have the ability to jump through space.

We have to rely on Tianren No. 23 to open the wormhole space for them, or we can rely on them alone. Traveling at [-]% the speed of light.

It also takes about ten days to reach Pluto from the earth. During this time, Taotie may have already opened the Great Worm Bridge and slipped away.

"it is good!"


(End of this chapter)

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