Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 196 Interception

Chapter 196 Interception

After the angel Keira hung up the communication, she walked to the platform of Tianren No. [-], and the angel said loudly and with driving skills.

"Mobilize energy, open the space link for the warships on the earth side, open the wormhole door, and help them go to the Pluto Worm Bridge node!"


A group of angels below began to control the light blue sphere in their hands, which must rely on their own super genes to achieve genetic connection with the Sky Blade to run some of the more advanced operations of the Sky Blade series.

It's not just relying on super genes, the most important thing is that the new generation of angels all have a common computing cloud of Tianren Qi.

So as long as they have the authority, they can control the sky blade, but it is only a basic driving. For some sky blade level attacks, they have no right to interfere, and they can only help themselves.

In the outer space of the earth, Xinghai has come near the huge Tianren [-], because this attack is also a further pursuit of the gluttons by the earth, which also proves that the earth is now capable of stepping into the ranks of space wars.

Because of the existence of Qiangwei in the demon group, Ge Xiaolun, Lianfeng and others are unwilling to help the angels attack Morgana and other accomplices.

"Chief Lianfeng, the angels have already given the wormhole!"

"Well, hurry up and drive Xinghai in, don't let Taotie, Su Marie and others escape!"

There are countless soldiers dispatched from the earth side this time. The super soldiers dispatched Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin.

The cosmic space in front of the Xinghai was twisted sharply, ripples like water flowed in the cosmic tension, and the nozzle at the tail of the Xinghai emitted a slow flame.

The blue flame forms a driving force, pushing the Xinghai into the wormhole in front of it. Because of the existence of the vacuum environment, the thruster can only play a role in pushing.

With the care of the worm gate, the earth has completely stepped out of the first step of the space war, and now the earth is transforming from a baby to a teenager.

They must win the first battle in their universe in the universe, so that they can have a good vanguard example for future wars.

"Soldiers, our expedition this time will be the farthest battle, far away from our own country, far away from our own planet, and go to Pluto to stop the gluttony, not only for our country and relatives, but also for those who sacrificed for us on earth Angels, those invaders will leave the solar system in the near future, what we have to do is to intercept them and keep them in our solar system permanently, let them know that those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away!"

"Many of us will never come back from this departure, and will disappear forever in the vast sea of ​​stars, but we must do this today! This is our mission!"

Xin Zhao is no longer the same scumbag as he used to be. After years and wars, he is already an outstanding fighter.

Now he is more like a captain with an excellent record leading the soldiers who are about to travel to encourage them, and all the soldiers know what will happen next.

Taotie launched a war on the earth, causing many people to lose their homes and lose their lives and relatives. Now that they have done evil things, they will leave. There is no good thing that is so easy.

Now they are as unmoved as guards who are ready to die with honor. This is also the first step of their earth's war against the universe.

Just like when people landed on the moon for the first time, they are pioneers and guides for the better development of the earth in the future.

Xin Zhao looked at the rows of soldiers standing neatly below and resolutely rushed to the outside of the solar system, and saluted them deeply and solemnly.

The space link is to distort the space. To open up the way for the two sides to communicate, the best analogy is to take a piece of paper and align the four corners, but do not fold it in half. Use a pen to pass through the twisted sides, and a hole will be formed in the middle.

And this space link is the hole on the piece of paper, which connects the space of this other universe, allowing the fleet to quickly reach its destination.

"Okay, we're about to go through the wormhole to jump and shuttle, because the ordinary human body will not be able to analyze and recombine through the wormhole and turn into molecular atomic state, but the black armor on your body will protect your body from being decomposed by the wormhole, So warriors, be ready for battle at any time!"

Xin Zhao continued, the words made people have a strong fighting spirit and blood boiling, which is a good thing for morale and can greatly increase the adrenaline of the soldiers.

"Goodbye, Earth!"

Looking at the earth that is getting farther and farther away from the glass, some soldiers feel a little dejected. They are preparing to die in a foreign land, but they are also for the sacred and inviolable dignity of their own planet and angels.


"Prepare to launch a plasma nuclear flash to strike all flying fleets in this star field!"

The Xinghai immediately entered Pluto and the star field, but did not take the lead in attacking the Taotie fleet. Firstly, there is still a huge gap in technology between the two sides. Although the Earth's technology has improved, there is still no guarantee that the Taotie who entered the space age first will not What secret weapon will there be.Secondly, the numbers of the two sides are not of the same magnitude. Although Taotie was defeated on Earth, its scale is still frightening.

On the dark blue Xinghai, a strong light suddenly came out from the main gun muzzle, and at a speed close to the speed of light, there were very few objects in front of it.

A lot of space junk and meteorites touched and turned into cosmic dust one after another. The power was very powerful, but the strong light immediately turned into a bewitching crimson.

Blowing out in a storm, the speed is naturally not slow, and a gluttonous fleet can be seen in less than half an hour. It seems that they didn't notice this strong light passing by.

buzz buzz --
Immediately, the alarm in the fleet continued to rage, and all the gluttons were in a hurry, holding weapons in their hands to defend against the enemy.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong? Could it be an angel calling?"

The captain of the fleet, a black glutton and explorer in blue mechanical armor asked.

"Report, a powerful nuclear energy is detected approaching us, their fleet has been destroyed, and now they are..."

Before the words were finished, a strong light instantly shone across the entire fleet. Whether it was on the periphery or inside the ship, everyone was instantly vaporized by the high temperature, and turned into a pool of stagnant water before they even had time to scream.

"Report, the target fleet has been completely eliminated!"

"It seems that the first meeting of the plasma nuclear flash is very satisfying!"

Ge Xiaolun looked at the Pluto projection projected on the table, the gluttonous fleet blocking the way has been destroyed by the 'plasma nuclear flash'.

Now they can directly attack the Dacheng Bridge node and intercept the escape of Su Marie and others.

"Well, Lieyangxing's stellar drive technology really lives up to its reputation. We just studied the prototype of a medium-sized flare from Lena, and it has such power..."

Lianfeng also nodded. The main function of the "plasma nuclear flash" is to rely on the star energy release function provided by Lena to calculate the power and size. The power released just now has been accurately calculated by the system, which is about 107800TNT burst equivalent.

"Such a powerful power is actually just an enhanced version of miniature flares, so what kind of impressive state are the eruptions of large and giant flares..."

Ge Xiaolun also agrees with Lianfeng's view that the power of the Fierce Star explosion is naturally difficult to control, and the Juxia was blown up by the demon-controlled Lena with a medium-sized flare.

The power of the flare has been improved by more than one level, but fortunately Lena is very kind, otherwise the glutton would have disappeared long ago, neither humans nor the sun.

Using the sun's energy carefully will make the sun age ahead of time, triggering a helium flash, and the earth will follow.


"My lord, there was a bright light across the Thundercat fleet an hour ago, destroying 21 of our ships. If we continue to attack like this without restraint, we may be wiped out in the solar system!"

"Oh~~~ so powerful? Then tell me, is there any way to solve them?"

Su Mali has already assumed the position of the Taotie King, and is leading the Taotie from outside the solar system to help Huaye attack Tiancheng.

But now it seems that they have been blocked by others, which means that apart from the fleet on the earth side, no other civilization dares to easily offend Karl, the god of death.

After the black gluttonous captain bowed his head and pondered, "According to the analysis of the system data, the nuclear energy radiation wave is transmitted from the Chiwu star, and it will take about a day to completely hit our current fleet position, and the speed is faster than that of our flagship ship." Quick, so I suggest that we retreat to the entrance of the Pluto Worm Bridge node first, so that even if we are hit, we can leave the Chiwu star system directly!"

"I've been on Earth for a long time... It's been thousands of years, and I read a book called The Art of War by Sun Tzu. If we retreat to the entrance of the Big Insect Bridge, maybe we will fall right into their hands!"

Su Mali naturally has lingering fears about such a terrifying power, if it hits her alive, then she will definitely die.

"I've also read a little bit. Even with a strike at the speed of light, it will take several hours to hit us from within our detectable range!"

The black glutton continued.

Su Marie also thought it was good after hearing about it. This is a good way, but it can't just let these earthlings enjoy the benefits all the time.

He lowered his legs in the arrogant sitting position, walked to the side of the black Taotie, and asked.

"Do you know why King Huaye asked me to come and lead you to preside over the overall situation?"

"do not know…"

"Of course it is to prevent the earth people from expanding to the outer reaches of the Chiwu star system, and the reason why your gluttonous deterrents to the earth is because we have the power to destroy the earth first!"

Su Mali's smile is very cold, arrogant and unruly, and perverted. He is a pervert, so he naturally has a perverted idea.


 It's been so cold recently that I dare not take my hands out of my pockets!

(End of this chapter)

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