Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 197 Light Particle Interception

Chapter 197 Light Particle Interception
After finishing the communication, Mo Yu glanced slightly at his mother next to him. It seemed that she didn't realize that she was talking to the angel Kayla.

Just now Kaila sent a message, asking if I want to use the engine on the Tianren [-] to open the worm gate for the "Xinghai", so as to help them rush to Pluto quickly.

Mo Yu must have agreed, after all, this is to help Ge Xiaolun and the others adapt as quickly as possible to prepare for the expansion of the solar system.

"It's coming, it's coming, get ready, don't let me off the hook later!"

Mother Mo bumped Mo Yu's arm to remind him, because a graceful beauty was coming in front of him.

They were meeting on a blind date in the coffee shop. Mo Yu didn't plan to come, but he couldn't suppress his mother's threats.

But it didn't matter if they came here, several girls came up to talk to them because they saw the two get off and get off the Rolls Royce.

And the girl in front of her with a playful smile is the foreign student that her mother said?Why did her eyes keep staring at him.

What made Mo Yu feel shocked, surprised and amazed towards this girl was because he knew this girl very well.



"Report, the system has detected ten unknown objects heading towards Earth at an extremely fast speed!"

The investigator suddenly turned his head to look at Lianfeng, Ge Xiaolun and the others.

Although the speed of the object is extremely fast, their system cannot capture a specific image, but the gravitational waves bouncing back from the radio radar can be accurately observed.

"Can you call up the specific image and location?"

This also attracted the eyes and attention of Lianfeng and Ge Xiaolun, because it might be a means for Taotie to fight back against them.

"No! The object is flying extremely fast. Based on the gravitational waves sent back, it may have reached sub-light speed!"

"What? Such a fast speed... What is Taotie trying to do?"

Ge Xiaolun exclaimed.

"What about the location?" Lianfeng asked.

"It has just passed Neptune! According to the current speed, it will hit the Earth in less than five hours!" said the investigator.

"Although I don't know what it is, it is definitely not a gift from Taotie. Immediately order to intercept it, no matter what the cost!"

Lianfeng instinctively felt the unusualness of these ten objects, and always felt that the power of these objects seemed to make people frightened, and made people instinctively feel desperate.

But the only weapon that the 'Xinghai' can intercept is the 'Plasma Nuclear Flash' shock wave, but this consumes a lot of energy, and they just fired one shot, and the energy left on the 'Xinghai' is not enough for their next attack. emission.

"Report, the plasma nuclear flash cannot be restarted, and the energy is far from enough!" The investigators will arrive immediately.

"No, if this continues, something will happen!"

Ge Xiaolun was extremely panicked. If something happened to Huaxia, they would not be able to provide assistance.

"I'm going to intercept them!"

Apart from Ge Xiaolun who can fly, I believe there is no one who is more suitable to go here, and he is also the power of the galaxy, and his divine body is also very hard. I don't know if he can bind them.

"No! You can't go!"

"We don't have a better way!"

Ge Xiaolun shook off Lianfeng's hand blocking the way, and said anxiously.

"We definitely have a way!"

"We have no choice. The 'Xiongxin' can't calculate such a fast object at all, and the distance is still very far. There is no better way than me to intercept it."

"Then can you make sure you can catch up to sublight speed?"

Lianfeng's questioning caused Ge Xiaolun to lose motivation in an instant, that's right... no matter how powerful he is, he will increase himself to the speed of light, and he can't keep up with sub-light speed at all.

"Quickly connect to Sky Blade Seven and ask the angels for help!"

Lianfeng suddenly discovered that Tianren [-], as the most powerful combat celestial body in the known universe, must intercept the next sub-light speed object with ease.

The investigators below immediately started to connect with Tianren No. [-], and the rectangular projector projected a picture of Keira.

"Earth Commander, you must be here for these ten antimatter sublight shock waves when you connected to us Sky Blade Seven!"

Keira went straight to the point and called out the antimatter bombs traveling at sub-light speed in the universe, and their goal may be to wipe out the star war and destroy the planet Earth.

"What...sublight antimatter bomb?"

"Yes! The star-killing weapon, which propels the antimatter bomb forward through the sub-light speed, the power of the explosion will multiply geometrically. It is powerful enough to turn any planet into cosmic dust. A common star-killing strike!" Keira calmly explained .

"Are they trying to destroy the Earth?"

Lianfeng exclaimed, throwing such a powerful bomb ten at a time, isn't it just to make the earth disappear!
"Please help us, none of the weapons on Xinghai can reach sub-light speed!" Ge Xiaolun said.

"The male god warned the gods who participated in the theocracy meeting not to attack the earth with more than nuclear power, and this also violated the justice and order of Queen Keisha, so we will use the Tianren No. [-] to help you intercept it!"

Angel Moy opened his mouth and looked at Keira.

Kaila nodded in agreement, and it would not be too easy to intercept with the power of Tianren No. [-] alone.

Just relying on aerospace technology battleships, it is not enough to watch the Skyblade series.

"Report, there are less than 15 minutes left before the arrival time!" said the scouting angel.

"Prepare to judge light particles and intercept antimatter sublight shock waves!"

The angels are in the outer space of the earth, so they naturally have a complete monitoring system and defense system for the star-killing weapons.

Judgment of light particles, pushing a truck-sized energy for acceleration, due to its small size, it can be accelerated without limit, and finally reach the speed of light, but it requires huge energy as the basis for acceleration.

If it is to intercept sub-light-speed star-killing weapons, it also needs the existence of the same speed level, so Tianren No. [-] will definitely use the energy of the Chiwu star to accelerate processing again.

"The light particles have been accelerated and can be launched at any time!"

"Less than 8 minutes from the impact time!"

Everything was ready, and the sunlight outside also became dim at a slow speed due to the extraction of the engine of Tianren No. [-].

And this is just a conventional weapon on Tianren No. [-]. It can not only be used as a star-killing weapon to strike, but also as a star-killing strike.

As long as it has energy, it can be accelerated infinitely, and it is not a problem to break through a star or planet, and it can eventually cause nuclear fusion to blow up.

"Launch!" Keira immediately ordered decisively.

"Lock the target, judge the light particle launch!"

Accompanied by a violent tremor of Tianren No. [-], a beam of light flashed out from Tianren at a very fast speed, not in an instant at all.

It's the kind of thing that happens so quickly that you don't even feel what's happening.

People on the earth can only see a ray of light flashing through the dark sky of the solar eclipse, but they can't see the trace when they want to investigate further.

Because it is being accelerated, its emission speed is already at the speed of light, and it only takes less than 3 minutes for it to accelerate to sub-light speed, so it has enough time for acceleration processing.

Ten dark and lightless "bad tides" are heading to the earth. They are undoubtedly cold on the outside, but extremely fanatical inside, but no one is willing to accept their enthusiasm.

Judgment light particles are completely different from them, because she has some ideals and goals of her own, and some people expect her to win a big victory, and she will also be expected.

bang bang bang——
A series of violent sounds continued in the outer space, and the huge sound even alarmed the people living on the earth, because it was the cry of the abyss, and the god of death beckoned.

But they were all broken by a beam of light, which was a light that made people feel at ease, a holy light that made people feel holy and unreachable.

In the sky of the earth, there are non-stop performances in the sky like firecrackers and fireworks. The violent explosion scene can even make people see clearly in the clouds and fog.

"Successful interception, all ten antimatter sublight shock waves have been intercepted!"

The data sent back by the detective angel through the detection system on Tianren [-] shows that there are no objects in the universe that are accelerating.

They all disappeared into the universe along with the judgment light particles. The angels have seen many such strikes, and their predecessors have launched many star-killing strikes.

These can only be learned in books, which also makes them have a stronger sense of prevention against real star-killing strikes.


When the news was sent back to the 'Xinghai', almost all the fleet members were sweating for their own planet, but luckily the threat was lifted.

"That's great, Lun!"


Ge Xiaolun looked at Xin Zhao who was following him, with a gratified smile on his face, and finally saved the earth.

"How dare you plan on our earth, Xiao Lun, let's go and destroy it together!"

"it is good!"

"When Taotie launched the star-killing weapon, he intended to escalate the war. It seems that we can't just sit idly by and must deal a severe blow!"

Lianfeng was serious but with a trace of anger, knocked his hand on the table and said.

All the soldiers on Xinghai couldn't bear the anger in their hearts long ago, they were all as angry as Lianfeng, Xin Zhao and Ge Xiaolun, and they longed to tear the gluttonous corpses to pieces.

"Xinghai's power engine is fully activated, targeting the Dachong Bridge node!"


"Karas, Taotie wants to escape through the Great Insect Bridge, shall we use the Tianren No. [-] computing engine to forcibly block the Pluto Dacheng Bridge node?"

Angel Moy stepped forward and asked.

"The calculation engine of the Taotie fleet is far behind our Tianren No. [-], so... block it, so that the Taotie has nowhere to hide!"


 My hands are so cold that I'm not in the mood to play games, you know?
(End of this chapter)

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