Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 198 The Wrath of the Lord God

Chapter 198 The Wrath of the Lord God

In Huaxia's Central Emotions Cafe, the biggest god in the universe is sitting, and he is still being caught by his mother for a blind date.

Of course, the person on the blind date is still a university student in the mother's mouth, who has received higher education outside, and behaves like a lady.

"Auntie, hello..."

A tall, slim, fair-skinned, blond and blue-eyed beautiful woman came, but Mo Yu was stunned.

Isn't this Hiko!

Why did she come to Earth, and became the object of his blind date? This was simply a surprise, and Mo Yu was only shocked.

And Yan naturally saw Mo Yu's surprise, but he still had an extraordinary smile, and it seemed quite interesting to see him like this now.

"Hello, hello, this is my son, who was busy outside some time ago..."

Mo's mother didn't dare to tell about Mo Yu's fighting outside easily. Although Yan knew it, fighting meant that there would be casualties and sacrifices.

"It's you, how could you..."

Before his mother could finish speaking, Mo Yu looked at Yan in surprise, and his heart was naturally extremely strange.

As soon as I came back, I went on a blind date, and was caught on the spot. It was really embarrassing to death.

"You can come back, why can't I come?"

Yan looked at Mo Yu with a charming smile, and the beautiful smile would make people fall in love.

Mother Mo looked at the two of them suspiciously. They could have such a familiar conversation. Could it be that they have known each other for a long time.

"You are..."

"Auntie, we met abroad. At that time, Mo Yu...he even chased me, but he just wanted to save face and dare not say anything..."

Yan immediately replied, not giving Mo Yu a chance to speak.

"Is that so? That's fine, that's fine. I still have something to do... You guys are chatting..."

Mo's mother happily got up and went to the bathroom. Since both of them knew each other and had that kind of relationship, she naturally didn't have to worry about this important matter.

"I remember that my mother should have met you, so..."

When Yan first came to the earth, the first place he came to was the Angel Group, and the person who met her was his mother.

But now my mother doesn't seem to know Yan, could it be that Yan has made preparations.

"That's right, I just found out our mother's memory of Angel Yan, now I only have Yan's memory!" Supporting his head with one hand, he looked at Mo Yu with a curved mouth and replied.

In terms of concept implantation and clarity, it can be said that before the emergence of void-level weapons, Angel's kung fu in this area was the most powerful in the known universe.

Yan now simply understands that a mortal's memory is naturally at his fingertips.

Suddenly the two felt a burst of energy fluctuations, and they looked up at the sky at the same time, even though they were separated by thick clouds and thousands of miles of altitude.

But both of them knew that Tianren Seven was running the engine, as if it was carrying out a large strike.

"Yan, Tianren Seven is your exclusive battleship, you must know what they are doing!"

Mo Yu slightly turned back to look at Yan asked.

"I know, I know, but I have already given you the Tianren No. [-], don't you know?"

Hiko asked with a smile.

To be honest, Mo Yu really doesn't know what the angels on Tianren No. [-] are doing

Of course, if Mo Yu forcibly broke through the engine and computing defenses on Tianren No. [-], he would be as invisible as air, but Mo Yu would not do such a low-level thing.

"I have no idea!"

"Hey... Tianren No. [-] is now running judgment light particles to strike, which is the most common star-killing strike method used by our angels, but we have our own justice order, so we don't use it very much to carry out star-killing strikes , but it is a defensive measure, used to defend against the star-strike strikes released by hostile civilizations!"

"Star-killing strike?"

"Well! Because the star-killing strike will destroy a planet or even a star, which will lead to the destruction of a civilization and the destruction of the galaxy, so even though we angels have star-killing weapons, we will not use them easily, and this judgment light particle is One of them, through continuous energy acceleration, once it feels high-frequency energy fluctuations during operation, it will lock on to the target and explode, generating a special magnetic field gravity, which will annihilate all the energy and matter passing through the surroundings, thus achieving It is a defensive method to defend against the strikes of the Star-fighting star, but if someone manually locks it, the most accurate interception of the star-fighting strike can be directly carried out!"

Yan also put away his light smile at this time, it is impossible for the angel to use the star-killing weapon to attack civilization, but now it uses the judgment light particle, which is definitely not for attack, but for defense, to defend against star-killing strikes!

"Then this is not defense!"

Yan didn't answer, just nodded slowly.

Sure enough, the sky turned gray in the next second, and the whole world became extremely dark without seeing the sun.

"It must be to defend the earth from being hit by star-killing weapons!"

A beam of light instantly appeared outside the atmosphere, and powerful light instantly passed through the clouds and shone on the earth.

Although it was only a few seconds, these were clearly captured by Yan and Mo Yu.

bang bang bang——
Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of explosions, and deafening sounds came from outside the clouds.

It's like fireworks, but it's the threat of death, which is the reaction brought back by the light particles successfully intercepting the strike of the star-killing star.

Mo Yu stood up in an instant, looking at the gluttonous fleet in the universe, beyond the clouds, which was extremely quiet.

It was like a ferocious beast was silent, but the power and fear he erupted at any time made people terrified.

" seems that there is something to do!"

Yan said lightly, it seems that this is the last blow made by the gluttons outside the solar system, and they dared to attack the earth at the star-level level without listening to the wishes of the Lord God.

The current main god is very angry, so they are naturally finished.


"My lord, it's a big's not going well!"

The black glutton ran to Su Mali's side again, feeling very flustered.

"What happened? Could it be that our attack was intercepted?"

At this time, Su Marie didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, she still put her legs on the table carelessly, and said lazily while leaning on her chair.

"Not only that, our strongest anti-star weapon, the anti-matter sublight shock wave, has been intercepted by Angel's Sky Blade Seven, and..."

"If you intercept it, you can intercept it. We have successfully delayed their time. Now we can go to King Huaye..."

Su Mali got up impatiently and walked to the side of the black Taotie, a silver blade appeared in her hand, waving in front of the Taotie.

It seems casual, but it is actually murderous.

"That's right, we were intercepted because of the star-killing weapon strike, so we were about to drive the fleet to leave the solar system, but found that we had lost contact with the Pluto Worm Bridge, which means we will not be able to get in touch with the Worm Bridge, so no way Perform a space jump!"


Su Mali jumped up in an instant, and the silver blade in her hand passed through the gluttonous body in front of her in an instant, and slowly fell down like a machine out of control.

Now Su Mali's face is gloomy and terrifying, and the murderous look makes other gluttons dare not go forward.

"Organize the fleet to intercept the earthlings who are chasing up, and kill them!"

Immediately, he issued an order to the remaining Taotie, and he needed to discuss a plan with King Hua Ye.

I don't have a computing engine system, and Taotie's computing engine is useless, so I must need a powerful master to open the Big Worm Bridge.

Of course, Su Marie didn't know about these things, he didn't know anything about calculations at all, so he wanted to inform his king right now.

This was also the last time he talked to Hua Ye, because two streamers were appearing on the earth, one stopped on Tianren No. [-], and the other flew directly to here.


(End of this chapter)

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