Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 199 'Injury to the enemy 1, self-injury 8' tactics

Chapter 199 Tactic of 'Injury One Thousand Enemies, Self-Injury Eight Hundred'

"Organize the fleet, send out all the fighters, and kill them!"

Su Mali's order was instantly communicated to the entire army, and all the gluttons set foot on combat aircraft and small warships.

Swarming from the fleet like raindrops, they have advanced technological weapons, and their number is several times that of the Earth Xinghai.

"Let's go, for the highest honor!"

The leading Taotie raised the muzzle of the gun in his hand and pointed at the Xinghai in the distance, shouting, that was their target.

They are the lone wolves in the universe now, what they have to do is to destroy the hunters chasing them, otherwise they will be intercepted and killed by the hunters and angels together.

Naturally, he also became the first Taotie to meet the artillery fire. A high-temperature energy hit directly, and the entire battleship instantly disappeared.

But this still couldn't stop the madness of the other gluttons, all the gluttons rushed forward like a soulless body, and Xinghai crazily provided physical help to these fanatical extremists like a target.

Their battleships are shining red, like dark eyes in the dark universe, staring at you naked, ready to give the deadliest sneak attack, so you dare not not guard against him.

"Chief Lianfeng, Taotie's attacks are really too many, we are not at the same level in terms of numbers!"

Xin Zhao was in the universe in time, and he was accompanied by hundreds of warriors, each with a weapon in his hand, shooting at the approaching Taotie.

However, the numbers of the two sides are fundamentally different, the strongest firepower on the earth side is still cooling down, and the energy of the 'plasma nuclear flash' has not been restored.

Otherwise, all living things within a hundred miles would be barren, and the mere gluttons would naturally be able to do it with their own hands.

"How is the preparation for the plasma nuclear flash?"

Standing in the command center, Lianfeng has a panoramic view of everything on the battlefield, and the ever-changing situation and opportunities are also confusing.

But the number of places is really too much, all of them add up to less than [-] people, but Taotie has a large fleet.

"Report, it will take another 5 minutes, the power of the galaxy is now fully operational!"

However, the "plasma nuclear flash" needs the energy provided by the power of the galaxy to perform calculations. Otherwise, if another shot is fired, the Xinghai will lose all energy.
"What if all the energy is combined into a plasma nuclear flash for strike?"

"The Xinghai will lose its energy, the energy supply system will be shut down, the ecological circulation system will be shut down, the oxygen system will be shut down, and it will be permanently lost."

"Everyone put on spacesuits and prepare to launch a plasma nuclear flash!"

Lianfeng immediately issued an order, everyone stopped their tasks at the same time, pressed the button on the chest clothes with one hand, and a strong interaction material appeared, wrapping the whole body to form an advanced space suit.

The strong light reappeared, and it approached Taotie and the others with enormous power. This kind of light seemed to give people hope, but at the same time, there was great despair.

But it will take at least 5 minutes before the strong light reaches the gluttonous fleet, and the soldiers led by Xin Zhao may pass by on the way.

"Xin Zhao quickly dodged, the power of the plasma nuclear flash will melt you all!"

Lianfeng immediately yelled into the communication.

But time waits for no one. When Xin Zhao and the others heard it, they had no extra time to evade, and the speed of the propellers equipped under their feet was not fast enough for them to escape the trajectory of the 'plasma nuclear flash'.

"Quick! Let's go!"

Zhao Xin and others immediately used the wreckage of gluttonous ships and cosmic meteorites in the universe as footholds, and continued to jump and move.

The strong light in the distance had already hit, they didn't have much time to delay, but Taotie's attack didn't stop, Ren kept shooting with the weapon in his hand.

Many of them were shot down by the gluttons and died in this endless universe.

"Fuck you!"

Xin Zhao was out of breath, watching the soldiers he brought die, as their captain, he was naturally hard to calm down.

Completely ignoring the danger coming from behind, he resolutely charged into Taotie's camp and began to kill the enemy.

The current Xin Zhao is no longer the bragging and farting brat he used to be. He is proficient in shooting and hitting, and his speed has improved a lot.

Grabbing a Taotie head-on, clasped his hands together and pulled, the Taotie was dismembered by Xin Zhao before he could react, and the broken body was thrown out by Xin Zhao directly, blocking the artillery fire that was about to attack him.

He casually grabbed the aircraft he was driving and threw it towards a place full of gluttons, throwing out the other half of the corpse in his hand.

In an instant, several gluttons were knocked out of the universe, but other gluttons poured into Xin Zhao like a flood of beasts.

But Xin Zhao was still unstoppable, his hands turned into his most powerful weapons, tearing up all the Taotie that stood in his way, and the debris of the spaceship was like a drizzle.

A sharp blade pierced Xin Zhao's chest in an instant, and bright red blood slowly fell down the blade, dyeing the black armor on his body dark red.

But fortunately, this is not a god-killing weapon, but Xin Zhao is not a god, he is just a super soldier whose gene lock has been unlocked, and his lifespan is at most ten thousand years.

"Lord Faith!"

Ge Xiaolun did not know when he appeared on the battlefield. He was inside a square barrier of golden light, and he was not the only one inside.

And all the warriors who followed Xin Zhao, but behind them was a strong light, it had come, with dazzling light and terrifying power.

"Lord Xin, come here quickly!"

Ge Xiaolun's calculations are limited, and being able to calculate the emergence of a barrier that protects a thousand people is already the maximum, but Xin Zhao is one person beyond the limit.

Xin Zhao reached out to grab Ge Xiaolun's hand, but because of lack of physical strength, he suddenly fell down halfway, and the distance between his hand and Ge Xiaolun was less than five meters.

Then a strong light flashed, and the huge light flowed through the figures of everyone like flowing water, and he, Ge Xiaolun, gradually saw Xin Zhao disappear in the light surrounded by the strong light.

Xin Zhao was not the only one who was unlucky, the gluttons chasing behind him were also not much better, the strong light was like a hunter without emotion, devouring all the objects and living bodies it passed by.

Those gluttonous fleets screamed in panic after seeing their small fleet and vanguard fighters all submerged in the strong light.

Because the strong light was coming towards them, the alarm in the command center was buzzing loudly, all the gluttons were in a hurry, but there was still nothing to do.

"what happened?"

"My lord, the strong light ahead contains powerful nuclear energy fluctuations, which are currently hitting our fleet at the speed of light, and are expected to hit us in half a minute..."

The glutton who answered Su Mali's words also trembled a little, because it was real fear, a chilling fear, the strong light seemed to wash away the most holy light in people's hearts, and they would all be enveloped by the holy light.

"Fuck, quickly activate the starlight barrier to defend against that attack."

Su Mali stared at the strong light on the screen, her eyes widened, and she was naturally flustered, because he didn't want to try the damage caused by that light.

"My lord, because the energy is used to push the antimatter bomb to sub-light speed, we don't have the energy to activate the starlight barrier..."


Su Mali was extremely anxious at this time, she didn't expect that he would ruin her own way out, if she didn't push the ten antimatter bombs into sub-light speed, then this strong light could be completely blocked now.


Before the words were finished, a strong light flashed across the Taotie fleet, and the high-temperature energy instantly vaporized all the Taotie into blood.

All the gluttonous fleets sailing in the universe also disappeared, and all of them were detonated by huge energy when they came into contact with strong light.

All the Taotie turned into dust in the universe under the violent glare, only a few wreckages of warships were still floating in this vacuum environment.

On the wreckage of a certain Taotie, a blond man with severe burns all over his body was not destroyed by the strong light because he had space means technology.

The moment the strong light was about to hit him, he moved everything he could manipulate to himself.

And his own space transfer technology couldn't move his divine body, and naturally he couldn't fuck himself away, but he still survived the strong light.

Su Mali grinned and got up, looking at the damaged leather clothes on her body, the bright red flesh mixed with the aroma of cooked meat was disgusting.

His eyes were trembling constantly, and he climbed up with a strong momentum. He endured the pain from his body, and used the wormhole to carry his ancient Roman chain mail armor.

A handle of silver light criss-crossed around him like a 3D streamer, and finally fell into Su Mali's hands.


(End of this chapter)

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