Chapter 200 End

He is very angry now, full of anger and has nowhere to put it out, so he can only burn his body in his heart, making his blood veins swell.

The silver-blade short dagger is his only weapon now, and Su Mali wants to use it to deal with Ge Xiaolun and others. The silver-blade level weapon is only made of Ansu silver ore, which has strong sharpness and hardness.

Once a genetic weapon or a void-level weapon is installed on the dark silver weapon, then it will become a powerful god-killing weapon, powerful enough to kill four generations of gods and below.

But Su Marie doesn't know how to install technology, Hua Ye and their male angels don't have scientific researchers, and Ruoning is just a left-wing guard.

Therefore, Su Mali's silver-bladed short dagger can only cause fatal damage to super fighters with a second-generation divine body or below, but Ge Xiaolun is already a third-generation divine body. Ge Xiaolun has the function of consumption and delay.

The silver-bladed dagger was used by Su Marie in the form of a space wormhole, so it can freely fly in the universe or space like flowing water.

bell bell ---
The frightening silver lights kept flickering in the cosmic space, and the silver blade cut through the thick black smoke like a living silver dragon and approached Ge Xiaolun in the direction of Xinghai.

But as soon as the silver-bladed dagger was submerged in the smoke, Su Mali swayed controllable and two gestures at will, and her body also swayed in a fit of anger, which made people unbearable to look directly at, but he himself didn't care about it.

"A group of natives, let you see the majesty of the God of War today!"

Looking at the silver light in the black smoke continuously circling and criss-crossing, one can also faintly hear the sound of some flesh being pierced.

So Su Mali instinctively felt that they had fallen under her short dagger, and she laughed sinisterly in an instant, but she didn't know that the silver blade had already stopped dancing, and was fixed in the air without moving.

"Come back, it's time to wait for King Huaye to pick me up..."

Su Mali turned around and was about to leave, but she waved her hand forward lightly, because he felt that Ge Xiaolun and others had fallen, and the earthlings naturally did not dare to pursue them.

King Hua Ye has already used the black hole engine to obtain the Pluto Worm Bridge node authority, and I believe he will be able to fight for my king again soon.

Rumble ---
"These weak bugs, dare to catch up? It seems that they must be cleaned!"

Hearing the loud noise from behind, Su Mali looked over impatiently, but he was surprised to find that his silver-bladed dagger could not be retracted.

Like something that doesn't belong to me, it stops in mid-air and doesn't move. No matter how Su Marie moves the space around the silver-bladed dagger, it still doesn't work.
"Damn it, is it really a ghost!"

After cursing, Su Mali decided to step forward to check what happened. This silver-bladed dagger has followed him for 2 years, so naturally it cannot be allowed to go forever.

Passing through the thick black smoke and the wreckage of the gluttonous fleet, Su Mali looked into the distance in shock, because at this time he saw countless female angels and the Heavenly Blade Seven standing in the distance.

The strength of each angel is impressive, and there are thousands of female angel warriors, all of them holding flame swords, wearing gold-patterned battle armor, and all of them are extraordinarily dignified under the mesh visor.

The leader is an angel and a knight, a man and a woman, Su Marie doesn't know the woman and the man, but they all know that it must not be simple.

As a powerhouse, Su Marie instinctively felt that this knight was obviously more powerful, and it might be difficult for her to defeat her.

The black-armored warrior who was fighting wildly in the gluttonous fleet was also in the hands of that knight, and the knight waved one hand.

The silver-bladed short dagger that stayed in the space disappeared in an instant under Su Mali's unbelievable gaze, and even ashes did not appear, but disappeared completely.

"Thank you male god for saving Xin Zhao..."

Zhi Xin slowly took the unconscious Xin Zhao from Mo Yu's hand, caressed Xin Zhao's blood-stained face very distressed, and gently led him away from the battlefield and back to Tianren Seventh.

Fortunately, Mo Yu appeared in time and rescued Xin Zhao when he was dying. Otherwise, Xin Zhao's small physique would not be able to defend against the blow of 'Plasma Nuclear Flash'.

"Not good! 36 moves is the best policy!"

Su Marie, who has been on the earth for nearly ten thousand years, is naturally familiar with some cultures. Seeing Mo Yu's heart-pounding, terrifying eyes slowly turning, Su Marie knew that she was preparing to do it herself.

And I am not very sure that I can defeat this knight, so I can only sneak first.

Spreading the wings behind him to fly here, the palms of his hands were sweating even more, because he just saw Mo Yu's eyes, and Mo Yu's entire pupils were suddenly full of blue light.

It captured his mind in an instant, and he, Su Mali, saw something that frightened him very much. His whole back was chilled, and cold sweat and cold sweat appeared all over.

In his eyes, it was a big mountain... the sea... more like the universe. An angel full of holy light was looking at him, like a tiger staring at him. In the dark and the universe, the wings behind him turned into light and shadow. , Countless lights and shadows unfolded behind him, and under the visor was the unknown fear.

And this is only part of it. On both sides of the Angel of Light, there is a round of energy. The stellar sphere emits huge energy, more like the sun, giving people a feeling of "that's the eye".

But the other party didn't seem to restrain his mind, and he swayed back to his senses in a short while, his legs couldn't help trying to escape.

"Damn, where did the monster come from again!"

He has seen this feeling before, and he was able to defeat it at that time, but now that it reappears, he still dare not fight again.

"No, this person has a special identity and his strength is unknown, so he must report to King Huaye for his plans!"

After fleeing for a few meters, Su Mali felt that this matter should not be left alone. Hua Ye is her own king, so everyone needs to solve it together.

Little did he know that a space had already appeared above his head, trapping Su Mali in an instant, the space was just the size of a coffin.

"Did I let you go?"

Mo Yu said lightly, but it left a terrifying echo in Su Mali's heart.

It was like Karl's cry, guiding him to give up resistance, accept the baptism of death, and go to that unknown country.

"Do you think there is such an easy good thing for you to take advantage of!"

Pulling out her own star blade, the cold light shining through the smooth body of the sword really made Su Mali's heart tighten.

He felt a strong threat from this sword. Although he liked the blade quite a bit, keeping his life was the most important thing!
Looking back at the surrounding dark universe, there is still no space energy fluctuation, it seems that Hua Ye has not appeared yet.


Mo Yu suddenly felt the fluctuation of someone moving in a certain corner of the universe, but this fluctuation was so subtle that even Angel Yan didn't notice it.

The corner of the mouth could not help showing a playful arc, it seemed that Su Marie's rescuer had come, but it seemed that the rescuer did not dare to come out to save others.

At present, it is stretching by using the space tension of the universe to complete a certain space distortion phenomenon. Most people can’t see anything abnormal. If there is a high frame rate engine blessing, then naturally there is no need to worry about being discovered.

"It seems that you are not alone..."

Mo Yu stuck his sword blade into the ruins, walked up to Su Mali and said with a smile, no need to think about it, Hua Ye must be here.

No matter how you say it, Su Marie is also his most capable and caring fighter, and also Hua Ye's most powerful fighter, so Hua Ye will definitely not let Su Marie get the box lunch easily.

"Look, that's your rescuer!"

Pointing to the abnormally distorted space and Su Mali Road, the latter looked along the prestige, and there were indeed some ripples there.

And Hua Ye, who was hiding behind Zhang Li, saw Mo Yu, and suddenly felt an unforgettable fear in his heart. It made people tremble, sweat, and feel chills in the back, and he didn't want to look at him more.

Just as Hua Ye fell into deep thought, a sense of fear emerged in his heart, and he immediately came back to his senses, instinctively wanting to use wormhole technology to dodge.

But the speed was still not as fast as that of the attack, and he hit his chest in an instant, and blood spit out from his mouth.

Flying upside down for a few meters, Hua Ye realized that he might have been exposed. All he has now is fear and terror for Mo Yu.


Su Mali yelled instantly, and her figure kept hitting the space barrier, which suddenly burst. Su Mali stopped Mo Yu, holding a vessel in her hand, which contained the gene of the power of the galaxy.

It can help King Huaye regain his wings, which is also the basic dignity of a king.


Sorry, due to some things, this book can only be resigned first, and I just insist on not going.

I remember that when I first wrote this book, I thought that others could do it, and I could do it as well. As a result, I copied a lot of animations in the first part, and I was embarrassed to read it myself. This book has also become a bad book, a highly poisonous thing.

Although I want to make different changes in the future, and try my best to improve by watching other authors' writing methods and styles, I found that this book is really useless.

Writing books is just a hobby, so I don't intend to become a professional writer. I rely on writing books to make ends meet every day. I still need to go to school. The college entrance examination for the third year of high school is imminent, and I can only finish it now.

If you want to criticize me and spray me, I have no complaints.

Well, this is all my thoughts on the end, goodbye everyone.

Kneel thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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