Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 34 Sun Wukong?

Chapter 34 Sun Wukong?
Southwest Mountains
near Liangshan
The soldiers on the other side
High in the sky, a dark alloy transport plane was flying at high speed, surrounded by six armed helicopters as escort.

Then the dark alloy transport plane landed in a field military checkpoint.

Everyone from the Xiongbing Company got off the transport plane one by one. Under the leadership of an officer, they boarded two military pickup trucks and headed to the location where Monkey King attacked.

The two cars were driving side by side, and Liu Chuang blindly BB'd with the driver in the car behind them how cheating they were from the Northeast.

The driver on the Qiangwei car began to tell them the current situation: "They said it was Sun Wukong, who was too mobile. The military had nothing to do. They jumped several provinces in a row and attacked us, but we didn't fight back. First the mysterious robot, and then It’s the angel in silver armor, this time it’s Monkey King again, and then you guys, is this still the world I know?”

The driver soldier thought of something again, and continued to say, "Okay, you are that kind of thing. Special forces, right?"

Qiangwei corrected, "Xiongbing Company!"

The driver didn't say anything. He looked towards a mountain not far away and said, "He's on the top of the tower on the mountain over there. He just arrived, so we dare not rush to startle the snake."

The pickup truck then sent them to the road at the foot of the mountain.

"Here we are, we can only send it here, and the rest is up to you." After speaking, he turned and directed the driver of another car, "Stand by!"

In a blink of an eye it was night.
Cheng Yaowen reminded, "Everyone maintain formation."

Qilinhui reported, "The target is still on the top of the tower and has not moved."

Xin Zhao was a little puzzled and asked, "Brother Monkey won't find us, will he?"

Qiangwei explained, "We are all wearing dark alloy armor, and Monkey King can't even notice our approach."

Qilin asked again, "Then Monkey King doesn't have piercing eyes?"

Qiangwei continued, "Kind eyes, that is, dark energy analyzers, are useless."

Ge Xiaolun said cutely, "Then what is the 72 change?"

Qiangwei continued to explain to everyone, "Sun Wukong, who has defeated the Buddha, is a super soldier of Kamigawa Gene. Reina's information shows that he does not have this ability."

"Leina's information. Leina's information, Lena knows all about it, so why doesn't she come by herself?" Liu Chuang was dissatisfied, and his tone was full of displeasure.

On the top of the tower not far away, Sun Wukong was sitting on the top of the tower, wearing a golden armor and holy clothes, holding a golden cudgel, watching the Xiongbinglian people.

Qiangwei led the team to a distance of less than 1000 meters from Monkey King.

Qiangwei was lying in the grass watching the situation, and the others were looking for cover very vigilantly. Xin Zhao stayed in the tree, Mengmeng and Qilin leaned behind the tree, vigilant about their surroundings.

Only Ge Xiaolun was like a dazed young man, holding a big sword and staring at Sun Wukong from a place without cover.

There are also some cute mouths, "It's really the Monkey King! It's incredible."

There was a flash of golden light on the tower, and Monkey King disappeared without a trace.

Everyone panicked and looked around vigilantly.

Qiangwei reminded everyone around, "Everyone be careful!"

 You hope that everyone will collect more and recommend more!

(End of this chapter)

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