Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 35 The Test of Monkey King

Chapter 35 The Test of Monkey King (1)
"Everyone be careful!"

However, Sun Wukong appeared on Ge Xiaolun's left in the next second, and hit him with a stick.

"Huh? Huh?"

Ge Xiaolun hurriedly raised his black sword to resist, but Sun Wukong's strength was obviously not so easily blocked.

"Yeah, ah, ah."

Ge Xiaolun was thrown tens of meters away and hit a tree, his body was still thrown far away, leaving a clear gully on the ground.

Xin Zhao saw Ge Xiaolun being beaten out from the tree with his own eyes, and shouted loudly to everyone in the communicator, "Brother Monkey is beating us!"

Everyone was panicked, even Qiangwei had a look of astonishment.

Cheng Yaowen stood up in time to stabilize the morale of the army: "Everyone, pay attention to your position!"

When Cheng Yaowen yelled, Sun Wukong immediately noticed him, and immediately came to his side to attack.

Liu Chuang, who was beside Cheng Yaowen, was very vigilant. When he saw Monkey King approaching, he pushed Cheng Yaowen away and raised his ax alone to block it.

But Sun Wukong was too strong, Liu Chuang was blown away and stopped on a tree. Seeing this, Cheng Yaowen saw that Qiangwei didn't order, so he immediately started to arrange, "Master Xin protects Qilin, prepare to fight!"

Qiangwei found a slope from behind Sun Wukong, and also ordered, "Everyone, set up a formation and don't act rashly!"

Ge Xiaolun also stood up, and ran over immediately after hearing Qiangwei's order.The Xiongbing Company immediately surrounded Monkey King in the center.

At this time, Qiangwei tried to convince Monkey King: "Monkey King, we are not enemies."

Sun Wukong looked around vigilantly, Qiangwei said with a little fear, "Calm down, calm down, we are not enemies."

Before Qiangwei finished speaking, Sun Wukong was about to fly into the sky again. Cheng Yaowen exerted his strength suddenly, and mud and stones wrapped Sun Wukong's legs, delaying his flight and restricting his movements.

Then Cheng Yaowen controlled a giant stone fist, which fell from the sky and smashed Monkey King into the ground.

Just when he let down his vigilance, Sun Wukong suddenly emerged from the soil under his feet and knocked Cheng Yaowen into the air.

Seeing this scene, Qiangwei supported the trunk on the tree, commanding and arranging again, "Xin Zhao and Liu Chuang, flank flank!"

Xin Zhao replied in the communicator: "Here we come!"

Liu Chuang was right under Monkey King's flying Cheng Yaowen, trying to stop Monkey King.

But he was a little stunned by Monkey King's stick that fell from the sky, and he lost his body's center of gravity. Monkey King then sent him flying with another stick.

And Xin Zhao jumped out from the other side, jumped on Monkey King and rushed towards the forest on the other side.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Sun Wukong's golden cudgel stretched directly, and one end flew directly against Xin Zhao.

Ge Xiaolun came over from the side and watched Xin Zhao being pushed out.

Qiangwei suddenly said to Ge Xiaolun, "Don't fight back!"


Ge Xiaolun was very confused, we were all beaten like this and didn't fight back.

Just when Ge Xiaolun was in a daze, this Wukong suddenly appeared from behind and kicked Ge Xiaolun in the face: "Go!"

Ge Xiaolun's body came into close contact with the ground again, and his body was thrown a hundred meters away.

Monkey King jumped up directly, raised the golden cudgel and threw it at the ground.

The huge air wave knocked several unsteady team members to the ground.

Qi Lin moved behind a tree, then raised her gun and aimed at the direction where Monkey King was flying out, and immediately grabbed it.


With a gunshot, Monkey King who was about to rise was knocked to the ground by a single shot.

Coincidentally, Qiangwei saw this scene, so she looked at Qilin and asked, "Why did you shoot?"

Qilin has long been displeased with Qiangwei's commanding style, letting her teammates serve as sandbags to the enemy for nothing, and replied mercilessly: "He's beating Xiaolun!"

"Xiao Lun don't care about you!"

Qiangwei almost roared out, because she felt that this shot was not enough to kill Monkey King, but would irritate him instead.

"What captain are you!"

As soon as Qilin finished speaking, she was stretched by Monkey King's golden cudgel and flew up the tree.

Qiangwei was still trying to persuade Sun Wukong at this time, and shouted at Sun Wukong in a very angry tone: "Are you sick, the world has provoked you? Why are you crazy!"

Sun Wukong obviously heard Qiangwei's dissatisfaction, turned around and flew towards Qiangwei.

Seeing this, Qiangwei immediately drew a wormhole behind her. As soon as her body retreated into the wormhole, Monkey King lost track of the target, stopped in place to search, and then flew in one direction.

At this time, Qiangwei has come to a branch, observing the surroundings vigilantly, and contacting the members of the Xiongbing Company: "Xiao Lun, how is Xiao Lun? Please answer if you hear it."

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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