Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 36 The Test of Monkey King

Chapter 36 The Test of Monkey King (2)
"Xiao Lun. How is Xiao Lun? Please answer if you hear it!"

Sun Wukong had sensed Qiangwei's exact location a long time ago, so he flew into the sky, held up the enlarged and elongated golden cudgel, and smashed it down towards Qiangwei.

Fortunately, Qiangwei reacted quickly, and dodged from the side the moment it hit.

Qiangwei landed on the ground one by one, and Monkey King followed closely behind, raised his hand and raised the passing stick over his head, and was about to smash it.

Seeing this, Qiangwei immediately jumped forward to avoid the attack, and organized a wormhole in front of her to move.

Sun Wukong continued to chase Qiangwei.

After temporarily getting out of danger, he saw Liu Chuang not far away, and commanded, "The target is in my direction at nine o'clock, and Liu Chuang is going to intercept it."

Liu Chuang, who was behind the bunker not far away, rushed out when he heard Qiangwei's command, raised the ax in his hands above his head with both hands, and was about to slash at the high-speed flying Monkey King.

The sudden appearance of Liu Chuang distracted Sun Wukong, who wanted to block the ax with the golden cudgel.

But because Liu Chuang used all his strength, Monkey King was knocked down to the ground.

Monkey King got up quickly and began to wrestle with Liu Chuang.

Qiangwei on a tree branch not far away, watching the wrestling one person and one monkey, knew in her heart that Liu Chuang would definitely not be able to defeat Monkey King, so she called Ge Xiaolun, "Is Ge Xiaolun here, come quickly for reinforcements if you are not dead!"

Ge Xiaolun crawled out of the pit with a bruised nose and swollen face. Hearing Qiangwei's command, he rushed towards the wrestling Monkey King and reported, "He's not dead, Qiangwei, can you hear me?"

On the other side of the battlefield, Rui Mengmeng supported Cheng Yaowen, and asked worriedly, "Yaowen, how are you? It would be great if Brother Yu was here."

Cheng Yaowen looked at the three wrestling together, and replied, "It's okay, but we have to restrict Monkey King's actions."

This side of the scuffle.
Sun Wukong hammered Liu Chuang into the air again, and when he was about to give him the final blow, Ge Xiaolun suddenly flew out with a sword, interrupting Monkey King's movements.

Qiangwei commanded, "We are not opponents alone, you listen to my command! Xiao Lun, Liu Chuang, and Xin Zhao will go together." After speaking, Qiangwei jumped forward and began to move and command.

"it is good!"

"Block four directions."

After speaking, he looked at the direction of the battle.

Sun Wukong kicked Liu Chuang away with one stick and kicked Xin Zhao away with one kick, leaving only Ge Xiaolun to confront him.

Ge Xiaolun raised the sword above his head and slashed vigorously, but Monkey King quickly held the golden cudgel in both hands to resist.

But when Ge Xiaolun and Monkey King confronted each other, Zhou's field changed, large and small stones flew in the air and stayed.

Finally the confrontation was over, Ge Xiaolun was defeated, Sun Wukong flew in the air and prepared to take advantage of the victory to pursue, unfortunately, Xin Zhao rushed down from the rubble beside him and smashed Monkey King to the ground again.

Sun Wukong raised his hand and knocked Xin Zhao away.

Cheng Yaowen controlled more and more stones, Sun Wukong turned his target to Cheng Yaowen and ejected.

Ge Xiaolun didn't give a chance, he jumped and hugged Monkey King, at this time a dead tree flew up and knocked them back.

Qiangwei hurriedly made a wormhole, transported Ge Xiaolun out, and hugged Ge Xiaolun in her arms like a princess.

The stone began to wrap Sun Wukong in the center, and suddenly, a huge stone ball appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone gathered together and looked at the stone ball warily.

Qiangwei threw Ge Xiaolun down in disgust.

Ge Xiaolun stood up from the ground with an embarrassing expression on his face. Now his face is covered with dust and scars, which can be described as both pitiful and funny.


At this time, Sun Wukong's bohemian laughter suddenly sounded.

"It's not what it used to be."

Suddenly a voice came from behind, and everyone in the Xiongbing Company immediately turned to look at Monkey King sitting on the branch.

Sun Wukong looked at the bewildered Xiongbinglian and praised everyone, "You guys did a good job."

Sun Wukong continued to explain to Xiongbinglian, "I have been in this world for a long time, you are all children, and I am the fighting Buddha of this world."

Liu Chuang was a little surprised, obviously understood something, and said, "Brother Houhou, this is a shadow clone technique, and Kaqi can touch Soujiesi! Isn't it!"

Qilin heard Liu Chuang speak so fast, and asked, "What?"

Sun Wukong looked at the bewildered crowd and explained, "Are you bewildered?"

After speaking, he jumped down from the tree and walked to the side of Xiongbing Company, "But it's okay, it's amazing, you guys, I'm tired enough."

Then his eyes were fixed, and he watched Liu Chuang continue, "However, some people can't pass my test."

After speaking, he raised his hand and grabbed Liu Chuang. Everyone looked at Monkey King very vigilantly.

"Wait a minute, everyone. I'll go back as soon as I go!"

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(End of this chapter)

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