Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 37 The Test of Monkey King

Chapter 37 The Test of Monkey King (End)
"Wait a minute, everyone. I'll go back as soon as I go!"

After speaking, he took Liu Chuang and flew into the sky.

Liu Chuang and Sun Wukong teleported to the depths of the secret forest.

Monkey King threw Liu Chuang in his hand.


After speaking, turn around and leave.

"Brother Monkey. Me."

Sun Wukong turned his head, emphasized his tone, pointed at Liu Chuang with his golden cudgel, and said, "I say, get out!"

Seeing that Liu Chuang was unmoved, he hit him flying on the tree with a stick.

He continued to point at Liu Chuang with the golden cudgel, and said, "Get out, I don't need you!"

Liu Chuang stood up hastily, his tone a little hasty, "Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, I... I really want to be your soldier!"

Monkey King strikes again.

Liu Chuang, who fell to the ground, got up again and muttered "Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey"

Sun Wukong beat Liu Chuang severely, which can also be said to be a lesson, and finally kicked Liu Chuang into the air.

"Get out! I don't need hooligans in my team."

Turn around and leave after speaking.

Liu Chuang ran over in a hurry again and hugged Monkey King's leg.

Said slightly crying, "Brother Monkey. Brother Monkey, I am not. Brother Monkey, let me join you, let me join you."

As he spoke, Liu Chuang shed tears.

Sun Wukong kicked Liu Chuang down with one kick, pointed the golden cudgel at Liu Chuang, and shouted angrily, "Are you worthy? Tell you to get out!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Liu Chuang knelt on the ground, tears welling up in his eyes, "Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, I'm a hooligan, I'm a big man and I'm a big man."

Liu Chuang wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and shouted with firm eyes, "I want to be a soldier!"

Monkey King stopped in his tracks, turned around and walked towards Liu Chuang, kicking him to the ground again.

Monkey King walked up to Liu Chuang, stepped on Liu Chuang, looked at the sky, then looked at Liu Chuang, and said seriously, "I, Monkey King, swear to the sky, if you leave the right way, I will break your legs."

"I, Liu Chuang, swear to the sky that I will never leave the righteous path and never betray my comrades in arms." Liu Chuang swore firmly.

Monkey King moved his foot away from Liu Chuang's body and pointed in the direction of the Xiongbing Company.

"Go back to the team."

Liu Chuang stood up and assumed a military posture.


Monkey King pointed again, realizing that he could go back to the team.

The sun gradually diffused over the mountains.

The beautiful sunset shines on everyone

Xin Zhao asked in confusion, "Brother Hou should be one of our own."

Cheng Yaowen replied, "I don't think Brother Hou looks bad!"

Xin Zhao asked again, "I think so too! Hey? Then why is he still attacking us?"

Cheng Yaowen explained, "Maybe Brother Monkey is just testing us."

'crash la la'

Liu Chuang came out from the grass, and everyone looked at him worriedly.

Sun Wukong came out from behind, looked at the people in Xiongbing Company and asked, "Are you going to subdue demons?"

Ge Xiaolun replied, "They say they are aliens!"

"It's all the same. If you have evil thoughts in your heart, you are a monster! But... how do you fight?"

Without even thinking about it, Qiangwei blurted out, "Fight hard with your heart."

"Hahaha, fight hard but don't know how to fight? My grandson doesn't know either. Only one world in 1000 worlds will grow up to be an adult. Only the human world can have kindness and compassion. My grandson wants to replace the master Guard it! It will be a catastrophe."

Then Sun Wukong looked at the beautiful sunset: "I don't have clothes, I'm a compatriot with you!"

 The heroine Wei Yan

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation


(End of this chapter)

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