Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 38 Super high matching degree?

Chapter 38 Super high matching degree?
Super Seminary here
Angel Yan looked at Reina, and said firmly, "Mercy has come to this world, and justice will stay!"

The compassion that Angel Yan refers to is Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong is a super genetic warrior of the Kamigawa civilization. His master was a tutor at the Super Seminary.

After that, several people walked to the balcony, facing the rising sun, and the two sides reached a consensus.

"I will report to Holy Kaisa!" Angel Yan said while looking at Reina.

"Thank you!" Reina thanked very rarely.

Angel Yan looked at Lena and asked, "There are angels in the power of the galaxy, don't you plan to develop them?"

Lena spread her hands: "Then I can't develop it either!"

"Angel's hormone." Then the upper body moved closer to Lena, and his lips came to her ear, and said in a slightly teasing tone, "You can love him! Hehehe"

"How could I love his dick? But I can be a matchmaker!"

Angel Yan didn't answer Lena, but spread his wings and took Angel Chase and Angel Moy to the sky, leaving the Super Seminary.

. . . .Dividing line. . . . .

The angels soon arrived at an altitude of [-] meters. Angel Yan reported to the holy Kaishahui through dark communication: "The gluttony of the Styx galaxy is about to enter the earth on a large scale, and the super seminary on the earth has rejected the help of our angels."

The holy Kaisha on the opposite side of the dark communication replied: "Respect the opinions of the Earth Super Seminary first!"

"In addition to the light of the sun, I also saw the power of the Milky Way and Nuoxing God of War, and a strange person, who can also be said to be a god. He is very powerful, has pure angel genes, and has been activated. He also has Very weird god-killing power, and the same star-driven technology as the sun's light." Angel Yan reported truthfully, "By the way, people on earth call him the star's light."

"En? Do you have his specific data?" Keisha asked Angel Yan

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, he passed the data from the Super Seminary to Kesha.

Why is Kesha interested in this strange god?Because she wants to know what kind of god it is, which will make the dignified holy left wing feel strange.

"En! Holy Angel!!"

It doesn't matter if Kesha doesn't look at it, she can directly see the abnormality of Mo Yu's angel gene. Isn't this the holy angel gene they detected some time ago!
Keisha was very happy, and even her tone was full of excitement.

And just the gene of Holy Angel alone, Kaisha has already become a treasure, not to mention that he has many other different genetic compositions, which have far surpassed the three major god-making projects, which makes Kaisha even more excited.

But Angel Yan was very confused and asked, "What's wrong? Queen!"

Keisha calmed down and said slowly, "It's nothing. But what. Yan, you and him match very well, 90.00% seven! They have surpassed the power of the galaxy. What do you think of him?"


Angel Yan turned his head and bowed his head in embarrassment, at a loss, just now he was teasing Lena, but in a blink of an eye, it was Queen Kesha's turn to tease him?so awkward!

"Seven thousand years old, be more mature, and find a male god who won't rot into soil." Kesha taught.

Chasing and Moi behind Angel Yan are trying to snicker, they just think that Sister Yan is very interesting now, in these thousands of years of fighting career, they have basically never seen Yan with the expression she has now, it is simply a person who does not know Overwhelmed little girl.

"But he is too young!"

"Then what do you think, after 10 or a million years, he will be a little younger than you?" Kaisha said.

"How can a warrior seek to live a million years!"

Because she is a warrior, she doesn't want to enjoy the so-called peace, and she thinks that the best destination of a warrior is to die in battle.

"True love will last forever!"

Keisha doesn't want Angelyan to go her own way, after all, Angel's love philosophy and values ​​are different from those on Earth.

She was originally Ge Xiaolun's daughter-in-law Angel Yan, but now she has become Kaisha's pre-appointed goddess for Mo Yu, but Mo Yu doesn't know anything!
 The heroine Wei Yan

  No double heroine

  no harem

  Ask for favorites, recommend! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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