Chapter 43 Eat?

In the main captain's room of the Gluttonous Vanguard Fleet.
Captain Fenglei: "Our pioneering action to reach the Chiwu star system may have been discovered by some divine civilization."

Buck: "With my god Karl here, besides angels, is there any god we need to pay attention to?"

The Buck continued: "It was previously detected that Juxia City on Earth has a large number of intelligent life forms beyond the pre-nuclear era, but Tianhe City, which also has a monument of civilization, has no defense against our gluttonous pioneers at all. We can start from there first. To kill, to cause death."

"Earth civilization has now entered the pre-nuclear era, with nuclear explosives of different magnitudes. Their conventional weapons cannot break through our defenses, and it is even more impossible for air combat units to compete with us. However, if nuclear power is used, it will cause huge damage to us. My idea is to fight at low altitude. They belong to the old Kamigawa radiation civilization, respect the morality of life very much, and will not drop nuclear explosives on their own cities."

Fenglei nodded.

The gluttonous vanguard was observed by Mao Shen Yuanli, who was sent by the guardian of Lieyang Star to protect Leina, and Mao Shen realized that the situation was urgent and immediately reported to the main god Leina.

Great Gorge in the morning
In Leina's room, who knows that Lena is still there, a golden light flashes, and Mao Shenfei comes in to call Lena.

"Goddess Reina, Goddess Reina"

"Damn it, Goddess, I'm sleeping! It's hard to take a vacation, and no one can sleep in late. Why are you here?" Lena sat up and looked at Maoshen displeased.

"Goddess, Taotie, first, I have already arrived in the solar system. The opponent is completely hostile. War is inevitable. Do you want us to participate in it?"

"Do you often peek at me when the goddess is sleeping!" Reina rubbed her eyelids and sat on the bed and asked.

"My subordinates dare not!"

"Then how dare you do it now?" Lena's expression was unkind.

"The subordinates think that this is a special situation. If the goddess is not fully prepared, we will be at a loss."

"I know that Pan Zhen has been secretly protecting me, but you go back and tell Pan Zhen that I have a good time on Earth and don't need his care and protection. Don't forget about what you said, pass the details to me, and go back !"

"Your subordinate will leave!" Maoshen saluted, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Hey, Maoshen, don't be too courageous in the future." Leina stopped Maoshen, as the main god of Lieyang, she has an inviolable majesty.

"The last general dare not!" Mao Shen flew away directly.

Reina fell back to sleep, she had to earn energy for her day's struggle for a while.

The beautiful sunset is scattered on the deck of the Great Strait, and a new day has come.

Mo Yu stood on the deck, facing the sea breeze blowing, watching the beautiful sunset, just watching quietly, he didn't know what he was looking at, and he didn't know how long it had been
"Brother Yu, do you want to go to Juxia City for dinner together?"

Mo Yu recovered and saw Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, Liu Chuang and Cheng Yaowen.

"Ah" was about to say something, but someone interrupted him.

An ethereal and pleasant voice said behind Mo Yu, "Mo Yu, I would like to treat you to dinner, can I?"

The five turned their heads and looked at the person who made the voice.

Mo Yu looked at Ge Xiaolun and the others in embarrassment, and kept making eye contact with them, hoping that they could excuse him.

But they couldn't understand, Xin Zhao understood, and immediately said, "Brother Yu, it's all right! Don't bother me, let's go!"


Xin Zhao suddenly grabbed Ge Xiaolun, who was speaking, and whispered something in his ear, and Ge Xiaolun also became serious, looked at Mo Yu and that person, and said, "It's okay, we won't bother you, Qilin, goodbye, have a good time !"

Said and Xin Zhao dragged the other duo to leave.

Mo Yu looked at Qilin in front of him embarrassedly and nodded: "Okay!"

Seeing that Mo Yu agreed, Qi Lin dragged him to the tarmac of the Juxia.

Mo Yu looked at these, and asked Qi Lin curiously: "Aren't we going to eat in the cafeteria? What are you doing here?"

Qilin blushed, lowered her head and said, "I've booked a restaurant in Juxia City!"

"That's it, let's go!"

Saying that, the two got on the plane and flew in the direction of Juxia City.

It was supposed to be a pleasant dinner, but an emergency notice was issued on the Juxia, the vacation was canceled urgently, and the teammates who went out to play were urgently recalled.

It's cool to drag for a while, and it's cool to keep dragging.
 for? . ?There is no way to explode a chapter because of the recommendation of the brother, poor.Thank you for your recommendations.And there are a lot of flaws in this one, please take them all in one stroke, don't be picky, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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