Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 44 Rose Classroom Starts

Chapter 44 Rose Classroom Starts (1)
In the classroom on the Great Strait
The people who went out to play were recalled urgently. Sitting in the classroom, a few boys were obviously dissatisfied, and they were all lazy.

Qiangwei stood on the podium, looked at the sulking crowd below, and said, "I know you are all dissatisfied with the cancellation of the holiday, the rest time is too short, but it is a special period and must be treated specially."

"Now! We want to learn a course, which is micro-wormhole transportation technology. Since some of you are... such as liberal arts students, police school students... vocational high school students, foreign university students who are also second-generation rich, and... farmers and society bastard."

"I don't mess with me"

Liu Chuang sat down, and when Qiangwei said that he would be a fool, he thought he was talking about himself, so he quibbled.

"Tsk, talk about me"

Xin Zhao was on the left of Liu Chuang, leaning on the chair with his head in his hands and his legs on the table in front of him, speaking with some pride.

"Won't you pay attention to class in class?"

Qiangwei was a little annoyed, she was lawless in my class, she became quiet after listening to her, and continued to explain.

"So, knowing that you don't understand computing technology, you have designed a powerful dark computer computing cloud in your black armor, which can help you calculate many things, but you have to design the algorithm yourself. Alright!"

After speaking, Qiangwei stepped off the podium, but because Qiangwei's buttocks were too round, she immediately attracted the attention of all the dicks present.

"Micro-wormhole technology is like this. In the space we are in, there are many micro-space wormholes scattered, which are invisible to the naked eye, so we have to open the dark eye."

When Qiangwei passed by Ge Xiaolun, Ge Xiaolun stared at Qiangwei's sexy buttocks with wretched eyes.

"The dark eye can recognize light and colors outside the normal spectrum, so that we can clearly capture the wormhole cloud in space, and then drive dark energy through it."

Everyone looked at Qiangwei, and Qiangwei also looked at them and asked, "Is it possible to be driven by dark energy?"

"In the dark matter space, you can see wormholes and feel dark energy."

After finishing speaking, Qiangwei looked at Ge Xiaolun, and when Ge Xiaolun saw Qiangwei looking at him, he thought she had noticed his little trick, so he hurriedly turned his head and pretended to be listening carefully.

"There are super genes that drive dark energy in your body, drive these dark energies, distort space, and bring wormholes together."

"I rely on!"

When walking back to the podium, Xin Zhao poked his head out behind Ge Xiaolun, looked at Qiangwei's buttocks like a pig, and praised in a low voice.

"It's enough for the human body to pass through. But it's not that you can pass through it, otherwise, we will be broken down by the micro-wormholes scattered in the space at any time when we stand here. Therefore, we still need a process, which is to solve the transport object, Atoms are the most basic particles that make up visible matter”

Qiangwei spoke impatiently when she saw the lazy people in the audience.

"Tsk, why do I feel that telling you this is playing the piano against the cow. Ge Xiaolun, are you looking at me or the blackboard?"

Ge Xiaolun immediately withdrew his gaze in a hurry, lowered his head at a loss.

"Report to Sister Qiangwei, your butt is too round, Xiao Lun can't handle it"

Xin Zhao didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and said it a little foolishly.

"I believe in you"

But before he finished speaking, Ge Xiaolun stopped him, feeling that he couldn't speak.

"Xin Zhao, why are you so clueless?"

Seeing that Xin Zhao was so uncountable, Liu Chuang teased and said.

Mo Yu, who was behind Leina, couldn't understand their light training, so he sternly shouted at Xin Zhao: "Hey, you have no rules in class, right? You are yelling. Yes Do you want to continue training with the head? You can! Go later, I will train you personally!"

"No, no, let's be quiet, be quiet"

The noisy people quieted down almost instantly.

"You guys are mad at me!"

Although Mo Yu had suppressed the classroom discipline, Qiangwei was still a little angry, and then looked at Leina, asking for help, hoping that Lena could help her a little.

"Rena, you don't care."

"Go on, round butt is a good thing." Reina didn't care.

"Atoms are made of matter. What the hell?"

Qiangwei was so angry with them that she forgot what she wanted to say.

 At 19 o'clock on the 12th, there is the last update for today

  Then the envoy will stop for a few days and bring the code words
(End of this chapter)

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