Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 45 Rose Classroom Starts

Chapter 45 Rose Classroom Starts (2)
"Basic particles!"

Reina reminded Qiangwei.

"En basic particles! Then we need to do a calculation, and calculate every atom of matter with the wormhole, so that it can interact with the wormhole, so as to send items from one side to the other through the wormhole."

As she said that, Qiangwei sent a tennis ball from her left hand to her right in front of everyone.

"But! Some things must be remembered, the part that cannot pass the solution cannot pass through the wormhole."

As she spoke, Qiangwei slapped her hands vigorously on the lecture, and reminded her with a more emphatic tone.

"Because the atomic structure of the human body is quite complicated, it is very difficult to solve it. Now I can only send myself from one side to the other. I can't send it to other people for the time being. Divine bodies like Reina and Moyu, unless you use big A celestial computer like a clock, otherwise, I personally cannot solve it, Lena, Mo Yu, can you do it yourself?"

After finishing speaking, Qiangwei looked at Leina and Mo Yu and asked.

"I can't, I learn stellar energy to drive. But don't worry, maybe you and Mo Yu can solve it together, maybe you can solve it for me. If you are alone, just upgrade to the fourth generation Divine body technology. The big clock. If you can upgrade to that, maybe you can solve me alone."

Reina said it indifferently, as if it had nothing to do with her.

"Of course everyone here except Reina, I can solve the transportation together with everyone else."

When Mo Yu saw that Leina had finished speaking, she continued talking without any concern.

Qiangwei was quite surprised, because Mo Yu had already surpassed herself by too much. At the beginning, he was like a studious student who asked him about micro-wormhole technology, but now he has been far surpassed.

Thinking of this, Qiangwei just shook her head helplessly.

Ge Xiaolun sat upright and raised one hand, like a primary school student raising his hand to ask a question.

"Teacher Qiangwei, can I ask a question?"

"Just ask."

Qiangwei didn't give him too much good looks, because she thought Ge Xiaolun could ask some in-depth questions?

"That is to say, the black armor was transported to the body through the wormhole, right?"

"Yes, you have to learn how to use it yourself. You can drive dark energy yourself. Then, the most basic task of using dark alloy armor to calculate is how to carry your own weapons to your own hands."

Qiangwei was very pleased with Ge Xiaolun's question, and patiently explained it to him.

"What if it's only half done? Will it get stuck in it?"

Ge Xiaolun continued to ask questions.

"This program has a protection mechanism, and it won't be transported if it is only half calculated. Also, the most complicated structure, the harder it is to be transported, especially your advanced dark alloy armor and weapons. It’s beyond imagination, so it needs to be calculated and stored in advance, okay. Your first job is to store your dark alloy weapon data.”

Qiangwei first explained to Ge Xiaolun, and then assigned homework.

Ge Xiaolun was a little confused, turned his head to look at Xin Zhao, Liu Chuang, Qilin, Mengmeng and others, and asked, "Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Liu Chuang raised his head and said confidently.

Everyone was quite surprised. They didn't expect that even Liu Chuang, a person with poor education, could know it, so they couldn't help being curious.

"Huh?" Xin Zhao.

"What do you mean?" Rui Mengmeng asked.

"This fucking thing is not metaphysics, it's science!"

Liu Chuang showed seriousness and said solemnly.

"Oh hello"

Xin Zhao covered his forehead with one hand, and it was hard to complain in his heart.

Leina glanced at Mo Yu first, then turned to Qiangwei on the podium.

"Qiangwei, you stay and have a meeting with me!"

The water word is a technical job!My water calligraphy skills are not good enough~\(≧▽≦)/~
 Because there are exams on the 22nd and 23rd
  Envoy, I will stop for a few days

  If you want to send blades, please send them by ton, thank you

  Iron prices are high now

  Thank you all

(End of this chapter)

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