Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 53 The Battle of Tianhe City

Chapter 53 The Battle of Tianhe City ([-])
Accompanied by the roar of the helicopter, the entire helicopter team soon entered a thick smoke. If they hadn't seen the dawn before, those who didn't know might think it was still night.

Mo Yu smelled the black smoke from the gunfire, he couldn't help but frowned, and stretched out his hand to slap his face.

"The visibility ahead is less than 100 meters, please ask if you can make a detour." The helicopter pilot asked the headquarters.

"Stay in formation and keep going."


"The Xiongbing Company is about to enter the battle zone. Please prepare the ground troops for cover. We are going to pass through the thick smoke! Please get ready!" the cab broadcast.

"Where have you been? Have the Xiongbing company arrived? Have the Xiongbing company arrived?" A certain ground force shouted with a strong Sichuan flavor.

"The Xiongbing company is approaching the target location."

Mo Yu, who was concentrating on looking at his surroundings, suddenly turned cold and looked towards the No. [-] machine where Lena was.

"Leina! There is an unknown energy body approaching in front of you, be careful! Hide! Hide! Hide! Hide!"

"Not good! There is energy approaching."

Ge Xiaolun felt it too.

But still a step too late.

Accompanied by a violent explosion.

The No. [-] machine where Reina was located disappeared, and the entire burning ruins of the helicopter began to fall.

"Rena of the No. [-] machine was shot, and Reina of the No. [-] machine was shot. I don't know what attacked it. A laser was fired in front of it, and then a violent explosion occurred."

"Damn it, it's still too late." Mo Yu blamed himself while standing.

Mo Yu's perception is still too weak, he doesn't worry about a divine body like Leina at all, he just blames himself for not saving the next helicopter pilot in the first step.

And Sun Wukong anxiously looked left and right inside the helicopter.

"Careful, careful, careful, careful, go around"

The helicopter cab where Rui Mengmeng was located frantically turned the steering wheel in order to avoid the ruins of No. [-] aircraft.

"We were ambushed."

"Ambush, ambushed, we're in a trap, hold on, hold on, hold on."

Another helicopter was bombed.

"No. [-] Mo Yu is attacked! No. [-] Mo Yu is attacked!"

"Everyone, turn around quickly. Is Brother Yu okay? Huh?"

Chen Yaowen exposed half of his body outside the helicopter, looked at the direction of the explosion, and shouted.

"It's okay! But there's something wrong with me here." Mo Yu in the air flapped the wings behind him, looking at the unconscious soldier on his back, it was Mo Yu who rescued the helicopter pilot through the wormhole one second before the explosion.


"Helicopter pilot! I'll take him to the nearest evacuation point first, you continue."

"it is good."

Mo Yu in the sky was flying fast, looking to the left and right from time to time, looking for the nearest evacuation point.


At an evacuation point on the outermost periphery of Tianhe city center, something suddenly fell from the sky and hit the ground.

All the soldiers vigilantly pointed their rifles at the things that fell down.Even the tank that was moving aside stopped its tracks, turned the turret and pointed.

But after all the soldiers saw the appearance, skin color and equipment of the person who came, they confirmed that this was a Chinese person, and it should be a company of heroes who came to reinforce it. After all, he fell from the sky.

"Medicine! Medic! Come here quickly."

Mo Yu ignored the hostility just now, but shouted.

"Is that the Xiongbing Company?"

"It should be from the Xiongbing Company!"

"Xiongbing Company? Soldiers, are you from the Xiongbing Company?"

The soldiers looked at the fallen soldier with a wounded and unconscious soldier on his back.


Two men with white scarves walked by, carrying a stretcher in their hands, picked up the injured and unconscious driver, and sent him to receive treatment.

"Where is this?"

Mo Yu walked up to the officer who spoke to him earlier and asked.

"Anli Street Evacuation Point, Tianhe City."

"Oh, my comrades still need me, so I'll go first." After speaking, Mo Yu jumped towards the sky with all his strength, then spread his wings and rushed towards the Xiongbing Company.

(End of this chapter)

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