Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 54 The Battle of Tianhe City

Chapter 54 The Battle of Tianhe City ([-])
The soldiers are here.
The mecha gluttonous warrior Heron Snake is still intercepting the Xiongbing Company in the air.


Another gunship was hit by a purple ray and exploded.

"Liu Chuang was shot."

"Xiaolun No. [-], turn around, turn around! Hurry up, there is something in front of you!"

In the dark communication, Qiangwei found the UFO approaching the No. [-] aircraft, and immediately shouted.

Heron Snake flew over the head of No. [-] aircraft, raised his left hand, aimed at an armed helicopter, and fired another ray, destroying a helicopter.

"Did you see it? Over there, over there, big mecha!"


Ge Xiaolun happened to see the scene where it flew by, and he thought that the mecha's target was Qiangwei.

However, Heron Snake's next target is Rui Mengmeng.

"It's coming... It's coming, my god." Rui Mengmeng looked at the mech that looked like her rushing in horror.

Heron Snake directly overturned the helicopter that Rui Mengmeng was sitting on.

"Dead? No... Impossible, I won't die, I won't." Qilin comforted herself as she looked at the falling plane.

Sun Wukong watched the current battle situation in the helicopter very anxiously, looking for Heron Snake.

When the egret passed by, Monkey King jumped on it and wrestled with it.

"Brother Monkey was caught by them."

Heron Snake seized the opportunity, hugged Monkey King and crashed into a helicopter, then grabbed the tail of the helicopter and threw it out.He grabbed Sun Wukong's leg again, threw it at the flying helicopter, hit the side of the helicopter, and added another launch line to Monkey King.


The helicopter exploded violently with Monkey King.

"God-killing battle, strangle the light of the sun! God-killing No. [-] is ready."

The mission issued by Luxiong was transmitted to Heron Snake's communication.

"No, their target is Leina!" Cheng Yaowen secretly thought that something was wrong.

The fallen Reina still had an expression of disbelief on her face.


A long god-killing spear suddenly flew out of the thick smoke, piercing Leina's abdomen, and the powerful impact knocked her flying backwards.

Mo Yu just caught up and caught Reina from behind.

"Leina, Lena! Hello? Are you okay? Are you making a noise?"

[It was detected that Lena's divine body was damaged, her vitality declined, and she fell into a coma temporarily. 】

"Then is there any way to save her?" Mo Yu asked.

[Entering stellar energy to repair the damaged body, inputting star energy to repair damaged genes, estimated time to wake up: 10 minutes. 】

Mo Yu looked at Lena whose face was getting better, so he raised his hand and pulled out the god-killing spear from Leina's abdomen, placed Leina on the top of a building, and contacted Cheng Yaowen via communication:
"Yaowen, Lena will wake up in 10 minutes. You are acting as an agent to command Qiangwei for 10 minutes. Find a way to get close to the energy shield and open a wormhole to mobilize firepower to bomb. Xiao Lun, you have to protect Qiangwei even if you die! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" x3
"I'm going to deal with the guy who just attacked us."

Mo Yu looked at the Heron Snake with a cold face, his wings fluttered, and he punched the Heron Snake.

Heron Snake was going to attack Unit [-] where Ge Xiaolun was, but he was not prepared for Mo Yu's punch.

The egret was smashed from the sky to the ground abruptly.


There are five or six soldiers on the ground protecting a dozen citizens who are preparing to evacuate.

But something that fell suddenly made them vigilant again.


The captain led by the soldiers directly ordered to fight.

"Da da da."

A few soldiers did not neglect in the slightest, and raised their five-six-type rifles to shoot, but ordinary shooting did not do any harm to the egret.

"Fragile ants!"

Heron Snake looked at the soldiers who were shooting at him with disdain, and immediately jumped up, rushing like these human soldiers.

"Ah?!" Several citizens' women were frightened and screamed.

Just when the egret was within two meters of the first human soldier.

A blue light and shadow fell from the sky, smashing the Heron Snake into the ground, cracks appeared on the entire floor, and the entire mecha body made the sound of electric leakage. It slammed on the head, completely ending its life.

"Are you all right? Don't be afraid, I'm a soldier of the Xiongbing Company! It's all right."

After doing all this, the white-haired black-armored soldier looked at several people and asked.

Only then did the soldier captain come to his senses, and saluted Mo Yu, and the other soldiers also saluted, thanking him: "It's okay. Thank you! Soldier. If you hadn't arrived in time, we might have died."

"It's your duty, it's still too dangerous here, you go to the evacuation point first." Mo Yu replied and said.

"I found a black-armored warrior and a few human soldiers! Do you want to stop them?"

"Allowed to kill."

In the sky not far away, three gluttonous fighters flying in flying machines, they didn't seem to find the dead heron snake on the ground.

"Not good! Go away, I'll cover you." Mo Yu also found out, and looked up at Taotie who was rushing towards him.

"Be careful, soldier. All soldiers cover the people and retreat!"

The soldier captain first reminded Mo Yu, and then led his team to protect the people and evacuated.

"What if those humans are gone?" Taotie No. 3 asked.

"It's okay, it's the same if we crush this black-armored warrior." Taotie No. 1.

Killing an ordinary human is very easy for them and there is nothing to show off, but killing a black-armored warrior is more exciting than killing an ordinary human soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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