Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 58 The Battle of Tianhe City

Chapter 58 The Battle of Tianhe City ([-])
"Yo! Not bad, Xiao Yuzi, those who directed just now are almost catching up with me, keep going."

Leina looked at Mo Yu in the sky and teased.

"Hehe, hurry up, now you are in command. Everyone is about to act."

Mo Yu didn't quarrel with Leina about this.

"hurry up."

Lena walked to the edge of the building, stepped on a searchlight, looked in the direction of the gluttonous mothership, and continued solemnly:
"They are about to organize a large-scale god-killing battle, and we must go all out."

"Everyone is in position, find your own position to hide, and be careful of the enemy's snipers."

Mo Yu reminded him.

"Sister Na, are you still alive?"

Ge Xiaolun has enough confidence now, with Mo Yu, Leina and Brother Hou, this battle will definitely be won.

"I have enough energy now, I can't die." Reina didn't get angry, and waved her hand slightly.

"Hehe, don't you look at who gave you the energy to repair your body and genes."

Mo Yu said ruthlessly.Hmph, it's obviously the energy I gave you, otherwise you would have woken up so early?

"Oh, so it was you! No wonder I felt that when I was unconscious, someone caught me and gave me some energy. Now I feel that I have (reached the climax) and I am very good. Now you use the energy It's pretty good."

Lei Na praised Mo Yu and said.

"That's right, don't even look at who I am."

When Mo Yu was praised so much by Leina, he felt a little elated, but what Lena said next left him speechless.

"However, it's still much worse than me, keep working hard!"


"It turns out that both of you are Chong Neng dolls."

Sitting in an alley in a certain alley, Xin Zhao said.

"Yeah, want to hug?"

Reina blinked and said frivolously.

"Okay, stop messing around, and continue to arrange tactics."

Mo Yu resisted the urge to beat Xin Zhao up, and interrupted Lei Na's teasing.

"Is everyone here? Raise your hand if you're not here." Reina continued to playfully say.

Liu Chuang, Ge Xiaolun, Qilin, Sun Wukong, and Leina are on the top of the building.Qiangwei, Xin Zhao is in the building.Rui Mengmeng was on the ground.Both Mo Yu and Cheng Yaowen were in the air.

"Hey, if no one raises their hands, they are all here!" Lena smiled:
"You can rely on Slaughter God to carry out the beheading operation. There is a large capital ship as the target. Think about how to fight it?"

"I'm here to adjust the firepower of the South China Sea Fleet and blow it up." Qiangwei thought for a while before answering Lena.

"Yes, but the enemy will also organize large-scale shikigami battles, we must resist."

Reina warned everyone.

"Then they may attack Qiangwei first." Mo Yu said.

"Then how about our firepower?"

"We are all very strong and have enough firepower."

"I can do one alone!" Sun Wukong said, looking in the direction of the gluttons.

"I can also do a few ships alone."

Mo Yu also said that he is true.

"Then the other side is the same. A round of intense impact is about to begin."

Cheng Yaowen analyzed.

"The enemy seems to be deploying!"

Rui Mengmeng, who has been in charge of vigilance, said.

"What am I going to do?"

Ge Xiaolun asked curiously.

"Slay people! What are you doing?"

Liu Chuang replied Ge Xiaolun's curiosity simply and rudely.

"I suggest, Brother Hou cooperates with Leina, Xiao Lun covers Qiangwei, and Brother Yu works alone, Mengmeng"

When the words were over, a gunshot rang out.

Cheng Yaowen was shot in the head and fell on the helicopter.

"Cheng Yaowen seems to be shot! Cheng Yaowen seems to be shot!"

Helicopter pilot, reporting.

Lena was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind the pillar, and then saw Mo Yu in the sky in a daze, and shouted worriedly: "Maybe there are snipers, you should hide quickly."


Mo Yu also nodded again and again. Although he was not afraid of the Shenshen No. [-] projectile, he still cooperated with Lena and landed on the roof next to him.

"It's not maybe, it's a sniper, I saw a light."

Qilin squatted on the roof, holding a sniper rifle and looking at the roof in the distance.

"Hidden! Hidden!"

Qilin immediately notified everyone.

Everyone immediately hid behind the bunker.

"We are not afraid of shells. But we were attacked by a sniper."

Liu Chuang couldn't believe it.

"I'll go see how Yaowen is doing!"

Qiangwei immediately came to Cheng Yaowen's helicopter through the wormhole.

"Yaowen, Yaowen, this... seems to be the No. [-] projectile of Killing God! Killing Shenwu!"

Qiangwei shook Cheng Yaowen, who was lying on the seat, and seeing that there was no movement, she looked at the wound on Cheng Yaowen's head and reported.

"I've heard of nuclear weapons and military weapons, but what is a god-killing weapon?"

Ge Xiaolun asked again.

"Oh, he threw me an axe, saying that it's best to use it to chop gods, so I became brother axe, this is Shenshenwu."

Liu Chuang forced a wave of explanations.

"Oh, Brother Yu is also a God-killer?" Ge Xiaolun understood Liu Chuang's forceful explanation, and asked Mo Yu again.

"Yes, but I am a bit more advanced than Killing God!" Mo Yu said proudly.

"I'm sub-Ao, is it true or not? It's cheating!" Liu Chuang exclaimed.

"That is!"

"In the era of hot weapons, soldiers become gods, and nuclear weapons are no longer effective. We can only rely on professional decomposition of super genetic weapons. For example, the bullets in Qilin's gun, my Dawn Blade, and Mo Yu's The blade, and Liu Chuang's axe. Take Yaowen out of the battlefield first, everyone pay attention to concealment!" Lena and the other super fighters explained.

"The enemy seems to be about to attack."

The vigilant Rui Mengmeng reminded her.

"Ge Xiaolun sticks to Qiangwei!"

Leina ordered Ge Xiaolun.

(End of this chapter)

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