Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 59 The Battle of Tianhe City

Chapter 59 The Battle of Tianhe City ([-])
At this time, the Taotie main ship began to gather energy, and a violent shell energy was about to strike.

"Come on... come on come on come on"

Rui Mengmeng looked at the muzzle of the cannon that was gathering energy, and spoke in a panic.


There was a loud bang, followed by a blinding light.

It caught everyone's eyes and hurriedly covered it with their hands. Some people were even rushed to the ground by the powerful sound.

Seeing the huge energy column coming towards her, Lena immediately stepped forward and took out the Daybreak Shield to resist.

When the energy column collided with the Daybreak Shield, a huge wave of fire could envelop the entire Angel Building in an instant, and the impact of the huge heat wave washed a lot of sundries down the stairs.

Everyone looked at Reina worriedly.


At this time, Liu Chuang already admired Leina so much that he didn't want to.

"This is called Junwei!!!"

A drop of hot sweat dripped down Reina's pretty face, and the armor on her feet had sunk into the concrete floor on the roof of the building.

Soon, the muzzle entered a cooling state, followed by several energy bombs, which hit the top of the building.

"Target, the red-robed female captain, kill with all your strength, march forward in formation."

Following the order of Chief Taotie, all aircraft, large and small, except the mothership, descended on the border at the same time.

Sun Wukong looked at the Gluttonous War Fleet with an uneasy expression, and rushed out suddenly, coming to Leina's side.

Mo Yu, who was not far away, couldn't be cowardly at this time. He spread his wings and came to Na's side.

"Brother Yu! Brother Monkey!"

Ge Xiaolun looked at the two and exclaimed.

"Take down those generals! Charge!"

The leader of the Taotie Vanguard commands all the Taotie.

"Cover me, I'll blow up the big one!"

Seeing that the time was ripe, Qiangwei spread out her mechanical wings and rushed to the main ship.

Sun Wukong didn't panic at all when he saw the gluttonous army coming towards him, he transformed into tens of thousands of clones with one jump, resisting this wave of offensive.

On the contrary, facing the tens of thousands of clones of Monkey King, the gluttonous army fell down like dumplings, and none of the gluttons reached Leina.

And Mo Yu rushed to those large fireships, and he raised his sword and dropped them like chopping vegetables, shooting down those fireships one after another.

"Oh my god, this doesn't work either." Liu Chuang, who had short hands, could only look at the situation and worry.

"Lord Xin, who have I ever been afraid of!"

Not far away, Xin Zhao was awesome, he jumped up towards the Taotie army in the distance, just kicked a Taotie, and then both of them fell into the river.

"I have the light ball too!"

Lena condensed the sending energy ball in her hands, and threw it towards the gluttonous main ship.

But the energy ball didn't have several gluttonous main ships, but was blocked by an energy barrier.

"That huge cross is a barrier of light energy, even nuclear bombs can't penetrate it."

Lena looked at the gluttonous mothership and said.

"Isn't that the end?"

Qiangwei said disappointedly.

Around Leina, many Taotie who stepped on the aircraft began to appear, and they all fired countless shells at Leina.

Reina was blown over and lay on the ground.

"That thing, it can be passed if there is a distance."

Before Leina finished speaking, a Taotie jumped from the aircraft to behind Leina, and knocked Lena to the ground with a heavy hammer.

"Quick, whoever pulls me first."

Reina came to the rescue.

"Prepare to cover me to cross the river!"

Qiangwei stood on the roof, looked at Ge Xiaolun and said.

"Ah, uh."

Ge Xiaolun didn't know who to help, one side was his goddess, and the other side was the eldest sister he admired.

"Come on, uh, uh!"

Lena, who was lying on the ground, was stepped on by Taotie again, and Taotie pointed the blade on the muzzle of the cannon at Leina's pretty face.

"Don't! Come on!"

"You fucking slow down!"

Ge Xiaolun quickly made a decision, roared at Leina, and threw Taotie who was stepping on Leina off the building.

Lena stood up quickly, and shot an energy ball at the Taotie who stepped on her just now.

"Feifei can't get up."

The fallen Ge Xiaolun was punched again by a Taotie because he couldn't fly.

The Taotie who threw Ge Xiaolun's punch was going to continue attacking Leina.

But Liu Chuang rushed towards him from nowhere, and both of them fell to the ground. After getting up, they got into a fight. In the end, Taotie lost to Liu Chuang's coercion of "Brother Axe", and cut off his body directly.

"Okay, hurry up and find a way to organize a counterattack."

Lena regained her strength and looked at the gluttonous mothership in the distance.

"No, I have to find a way to cross the river quickly." Qiangwei on the side knew the seriousness of the situation, and the longer it dragged on, the greater the damage to the entire city would be.

Just after flying not far away, a ray of light hit Qiangwei's head and slowly fell from the air.

"No, the sniper is still there! I saw his position!" Qilin held the sniper rifle and looked in the direction of Qiangwei, "Qiangwei is dangerous, Qiangwei is dangerous. North, north, jump."

"I was targeted by the other party!"

The roses in the sky were repeatedly bombarded by artillery fire.

"There are two firepower points ahead, one is a sniper and the other is a gunner. Qilin, you take care of the sniper, Mengmeng goes to get rid of the gunner, Xiao Lun goes to block Qiangwei's shells."

Reina looked at them and said.

"Is Rose dangerous?"

Ge Xiaolun was currently wrestling with a Taotie in the air.

"How to stop it?"

"Block it with your butt, how do you block it?"

Reina teased angrily.


Ge Xiaolun shook off the Taotie on his body, and rushed in Qiangwei's direction.

(End of this chapter)

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