Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 60 The Battle of Tianhe City

Chapter 60 The Battle of Tianhe City ([-])
Taotie fired another relatively large energy bomb at Qiangwei.

And Qiangwei itself could not dodge, just when he was about to hit Qiangwei, Ge Xiaolun flew over, blocked the shell with his body, and fell into the river.

"Yo, you really have a butt in the way? Then why are you out of your mind!"

Seeing that Ge Xiaolun really blocked the shell with his butt, Leina laughed out loud.

Qiangwei looked deeply at Ge Xiaolun who fell into the water, she didn't understand what was wrong with her, she couldn't help thinking of him all the time.

"Alright, strike back!"

After Lena finished speaking, she fired a few energy bombs at the snipers and gunners in the distant buildings.

"I'm going!"

And Rui Mengmeng has already arrived under the building where the enemy sniper and others are located.

"Mengmeng, be careful, the opponent is very fierce in melee combat, you want to"

Before Leina finished her instructions, she was shot down by the gluttonous sniper in the building.

"I saw you!"

Qilin also saw the specific location of the enemy sniper through this shot.He raised his gun and fired two shots.

But in turn, the Taotie sniper shot Qi Lin in the head.

"Mo Yu, hurry up and help Qilin move, Xiao Lun continues to defend Qiangwei! Damn, I got shot in the head, Mo Yu, hurry up, I saw Qilin was shot in the head, hurry up!"

"Oh! I'll be there soon."

Mo Yu didn't continue to entangle with those gluttons. Seeing that Qilin was shot in the head, he immediately stopped attacking and flew towards Qilin.

"Qi Lin, right, right, jump!"

Qilin heard Mo Yu's words and jumped to the right of the roof.

Just in time, Mo Yu flew over from below and caught Qilin.

"Mo Yu took Qilin to leave the battlefield and go to the medical station at the withdrawal point, it's safe there!"

Lena said.

"Qirin, Qilin, are you alright?"

Mo Yu asked Qi Lin in his arms.

Qilin slightly lowered her head with a blushing face, and fainted again.

And a few Taotie who stepped on the aircraft came over, ready to intercept and kill them.

Mo Yu held the holy blade in one hand and embraced Qilin with the other, to meet the attacks of those gluttonous.

Raising one hand and one sword, they were sent to meet their god of death, Karl.

Soon, Mo Yu brought Qilin to the evacuation point where Cheng Yaowen was.

"This way! This way!"

When several human warriors heard this, they immediately rolled out a hospital bed and looked at Mo Yu who was coming.


After the two landed, Mo Yu stood the injured Qilin on the hospital bed trolley, and watched the doctors take Qilin to treat her.

"Jiang Wei has finished adjusting and is about to cross the river! Qiangwei is about to cross the river!" Leina said.

"Come on, soldier, have you drunk the water?"

A soldier handed over a bottle of mineral water and asked.

"No, they are still fighting, I have to help right away!"

Mo Yu waved his hand, rejecting the soldiers' kindness, and pointed to his teammates fighting in the distance.Turn around and fly back to the battlefield.

"Qiangwei is about to cross the river! Qiangwei is about to cross the river! In order to prevent the enemy from intercepting in the air, high mobility support is needed, please Monkey King to control the situation."

Seeing that Qiangwei has arrived not far from the gluttonous mothership, Lena commanded.

Unfortunately, Leina's guess was just right, and three gluttonous warriors in white mechs came out from the gluttonous mothership.

"I'll deal with this Earth commander, you go deal with the red-haired assaulter!"

Lu Xiong commanded Fenglei, said.

"Okay, then I'll kill that silver-haired black-armored soldier!"

Jingfeng said to the two, looking at Mo Yu in the distance, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Jingfeng itself is a warlike warrior among gluttons, and after receiving the death blessing of Karl, the god of death, he became even more inflated.

When he learned that his younger brother Jing Yu died at the hands of this white-haired black-armored warrior when he was exploring the Earth's Huaxia Juxia City, it made him more determined to avenge his younger brother.

Among the gluttonous vanguard outposts that invaded Tianhe City this time, the only fighters who received the blessing of Karl, the god of death, were only five fighters, namely Luxiong, Fenglei, Jingyu, Heron Snake, and Jingfeng.

"Okay! Act now!"

Lu Xiong raised the flame-level sharp blade in his hand and pointed at the few people they were going to deal with.

After receiving the order, the other two gluttonous warriors rushed towards their goals.

"There is a huge super soldier approaching Qiangwei, Xiao Lun. Hurry up, kill him, kill him."

After Leina saw this situation, she immediately notified Ge Xiaolun to intercept the gluttonous warrior.

 Due to my heavy studies, I have to delay the time. I will send a few pictures when I have time. Please understand

(End of this chapter)

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