Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 61 The Battle of Tianhe City

Chapter 61 The Battle of Tianhe City ([-])
A huge white mecha gluttonous warrior Lu Xiong rushed towards Leina, and when it was approaching Lena, Monkey King hit it in the face with a stick, and the hammer flew out.

"Xiao Lun is going to protect Qiangwei, I'm here!"

Ge Xiaolun is trying his best to hold Fenglei and prevent it from approaching Qiangwei.

Jingfeng raised the flame-level sharp blade in his hand and rushed towards Mo Yu, slashing with the knife.

"I go."

Being attacked by such a sneak attack, Mo Yu was a little at a loss and resisted with the holy blade in his hand.

The huge impact threw Mo Yu tens of meters away and hit the wall.

"Who are you? So reckless!"

A little anger appeared on Mo Yu's face, and he asked in a bad tone.

"I have detected that you are the strongest existence among the super fighters on the entire earth and I am also the strongest in this gluttonous invasion (outpost invasion). I am eager to fight with you."

Jingfeng ignored the abnormality in Mo Yu's tone, and said to himself.

"And you are the murderer who killed my brother, I want to avenge it. I will dedicate your head to my god Karl!"

"Who is your brother? Do I know him?"

Mo Yu looked at Jingfeng holding a sharp knife in front of him and said.

"Some time ago, when my younger brother was ordered to come to the earth's Huaxia Juxia City to detect the status of the earth's super soldiers, he was killed by you. He sent me back your appearance before leading him to death, and I will avenge him, and He will be a warrior sacrificed for my god Karl!"

"Oh? It turned out to be that pile of scrap iron. I'm sorry. In my eyes, he is not a warrior, but Lesai!" Mo Yu said with a mocking expression, holding the holy blade tightly in his hand.

"court death!"

When Jingfeng heard Mo Yu insulting his younger brother, he was immediately angry. He raised the flame-level sharp blade and pointed it at Mo Yu, roaring.

Mo Yu didn't quarrel with him too much, and looked at the furious Jingfeng with the holy blade in his hand.

The two sides are at war.

Jingfeng spread out the mechanical wings behind him, raised the sharp blade in his hand, and slashed towards Mo Yu.

Mo Yu immediately raised his sword, wanting to confront it.

When the blades of the two met, there was no such scene as Mo Yu had imagined, where they were looking at each other with hatred.

When the sharp blade in Jingfeng's hand touched the holy blade in Mo Yu's hand, the blade was cut off directly, and Mo Yu kicked Jingfeng tens of meters away.


Jingfeng raised his head and looked at the holy blade in Mo Yu's hand in surprise.

〖Analyzing the target. Analyzing.
beep!Analysis failed!Target could not be parsed, could not be analyzed! 〗

"What monster?"

Jingfeng looked at Mo Yu and the holy blade in his hand in astonishment.

"Oh? I was treated as a monster by aliens!" Mo Yu smiled indifferently, and then turned to Jingfeng, "Are you praising me or scolding me?"

"Hmph! No matter what you are, you will die." Jingfeng snorted coldly, looking at Mo Yu with killing intent.

"Open the Void Engine!"

〖Starting the void engine, analyzing the target that cannot be analyzed!Analyzing target ambient air pressure. Analyzing. Analyzing completed! 〗

"Increase the air pressure gravity within a target radius of 50 meters by ten times."

〖The command is being executed, and the estimated execution time is 1 minute! 〗

With Jingfeng's order, Moyu began to change within a radius of 50 meters. The overturned trash cans, scrapped cars, and trees around the roadside began to squeeze and shrink slowly.


Due to the drastic change in air pressure and gravity, cars and trash cans turned into discus, and trees turned into something like planks.

But Mo Yu was fine.

"What the hell are you?"

Seeing that Mo Yu hadn't changed at all, Jingfeng couldn't help but tremble with fear.

"Ha ha!"

Mo Yu sneered and waved his left hand.

The surrounding environment began to slowly correct, and the air pressure and gravity began to slowly return to normal.

〖Di!The void engine is forced to shut down. 〗

Jingfeng's voice prompt sounded!
"You are too fast. It took less than 2 minutes. You are probably the fastest man among all the gluttons. Tsk tsk tsk. I suggest you buy a few boxes of Shenbao brand motor oil, maybe you can replenish it." Mo Yu mocked Jingfeng with a disdainful face.

"What? You are courting death!"

Jingfeng's mechanical face didn't change much, but his voice roared.

Jingfeng threw away the broken sharp blade in his hand, clenched his hands into fists, and threw it in Mo Yu's direction.

"Hehe, it's my turn!"

Mo Yu sneered, looking at Jingfeng approaching extremely fast.

"Decompose him for me!"

The words just fell.

Jing Feng, who was approaching so fast, stopped abruptly, lying on the ground, the entire mechanical body made a "kechikechi" sound, and the whole person looked at his body in horror.

The parts on the mechanical body began to fall one by one, and within ten seconds, Jingfeng's entire mechanical body disappeared, leaving only a pile of blue and white scrap iron (parts).

"Is Qiangwei beautiful? It's beautiful, hahaha. If you dare to touch her, I'll let you see it. A few of them? The power of the galaxy."

Ge Xiaolun's weak but firm voice sounded in Mo Yu's Shenhe channel.

"Wait, where is my Nuoxing God of War?"

Liu Chuang panted heavily and said eagerly.

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(End of this chapter)

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