Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 62 The Battle of Tianhe City

Chapter 62 The Battle of Tianhe City ([-])
Mo Yu found out that Ge Xiaolun's life was dying very fast, apparently encountered a little trouble, opened the wormhole and rushed over.

the other side
"Grandpa, I don't have the ability to fart. It's hard enough!"

Ge Xiaolun firmly grasped the sharp blade in Fenglei's hand, and stubbornly looked up at him, causing the sharp blade that pierced Ge Xiaolun's body to move a little closer.

Ge Xiaolun's pain and injury also intensified a bit.

"Xiao Lun, hold on, I'll be there soon."

Liu Chuang, who ran quickly to Ge Xiaolun's direction, shouted anxiously!

And Mo Yu came directly above Ge Xiaolun and Fenglei through the wormhole.

Mo Yu's eyes flashed coldly, and he beat his good brother in front of his face, who can bear this?

"You kick him away, I'm here for Yalun!"

Ge Xiaolun also found Mo Yu in the air. Hearing Mo Yu's words, he grabbed the sharp blade in Feng Lei's hand and kicked Feng Lei's body, but the power did not affect Feng Lei, and the overall position did not change much.

So a few more feet in succession.

Finally kicking Fenglei into the sky with the last few kicks, Ge Xiaolun supported the tree next to him weakly, and stopped to watch.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Mo Yu swooped down towards Fenglei with the holy blade in his hand.

Feng Lei in the air also felt a hint of crisis, but he had lost control of his body and was unable to mobilize his body to defend.


The sound of the blade and the machine colliding sounded, and for a moment one could vaguely see repeated air waves spreading from the place where the two collided.

Fenglei was split into two halves, and the holy blade cut off his body directly from his shoulders. The two pieces fell to the ground, and the damaged parts were still glowing with electric light and steaming.

"Oh my god! Hey"

Liu Chuang, who arrived late, found that the battle was over here, and was a little disappointed. He ran over to support Ge Xiaolun in a hurry, supported his legs and knees, and panted.

"Brother Yu, your support efficiency is really fast, I still want to show off, gain combat experience or something"

Liu Chuang looked at the gluttonous wreckage on the ground, looked at Mo Yu, and complained with disappointment.

"It's okay, there are plenty of opportunities! How about seeing Xiao Lun first?"

Mo Yu turned the topic back on track with a smile, looked like Ge Xiaolun who was injured, and walked over.

Only then did Liu Chuang find Ge Xiaolun who was holding a tree not far away, and he had a sword stuck in his abdomen, his hair was dirty and messy, his entire face was blue and purple, there were bruises everywhere, and his eyes were blood red.

"I said buddy. Ah no, brother, dear brother, how are you? Is it important? Can you still fight?" Liu Chuang followed Mo Yu and found that Ge Xiaolun was seriously injured, so he hurried to his side, at a loss asked.

"It's okay, it's okay, where is Qiangwei? I can still fight."

Ge Xiaolun replied weakly to Liu Chuang, then turned his head to look at the sky, looking for Qiangwei's direction.

"Oh my god, this Shenshenwu is really all right?"

Liu Chuang pointed to the sharp knife in Ge Xiaolun's abdomen and asked in surprise.

The god-killing weapon, which can kill the gods, is inserted straight into Ge Xiaolun's abdomen. If he is fine, he really has a ghost.

"It's okay, unplug it"

Ge Xiaolun looked at the sword blade in his stomach, and waved to Liu Chuang, motioning him to pull out the sword blade in his stomach.


Liu Chuang nodded in response.Then he obeyed Ge Xiaolun's words very honestly, and pulled out the sword without hesitation.


Just like that, Ge Xiaolun grinned in pain and gasped.

Even Mo Yu, who was watching the play beside him, was amused and laughed softly.

"Could you fucking be lighter, could you be lighter."

Ge Xiaolun raised his leg and kicked Liu Chuang a few times angrily, cursing.

"All right, all right."

Mo Yu smiled and looked at the two who were fighting.Then he snapped his fingers with his left hand, and Ge Xiaolun's abdomen glowed with a faint blue light, the blood stopped flowing, the entire abdomen began to repair, and the pain disappeared instantly.

Ge Xiaolun immediately relaxed a lot, and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you, Brother Yu, thank you so much, Brother Yu."

"Okay, okay, Chuangzi, send Ge Xiaolun to the medical station to rest, and leave the rest to us."

Mo Yu knew that although he repaired Ge Xiaolun's injury, he still couldn't make up for his fatigue and exhaustion, so he had to rest.

"No! Brother Yu, I can still fight!"

After Ge Xiaolun finished speaking, he wanted to stand up, but found that his legs were trembling, and he couldn't exert any strength, and his whole body was on the verge of falling.

Liu Chuang found that he immediately supported him, and said angrily: "Is that what you are now? Do you still want to kill the enemy and dance in front of Taotie? Save your energy, go and rest first, and then go when you recover. Isn't it the same, you think!"

"All right."

Ge Xiaolun finally obeyed Liu Chuang's words.Liu Chuang supported Ge Xiaolun, and the two walked slowly towards the medical station where Cheng Yaowen and Qilin were.

Seeing this, Mo Yu turned his head and flew back above the battlefield.

"Brother Monkey, the two of us must defend the air to prevent the enemy's air fire."

Mo Yu turned to look at Monkey King who was confronting Lu Xiong, and said.

"The air is mine!"

Sun Wukong replied confidently, and then with a few more sticks, Lu Xiong flew out, and raised his hand to catch the flying Lu Xiong.

The space in the air twists, forming a narrow space wall, enveloping the deer and bear.

"You don't have to have big hands to catch people, and you don't even think about escaping my old grandson's Wuzhi Mountain!"

Sun Wukong looked at Luxiong and said flatly.Then he clenched his hands tightly and squeezed the deer and bear in the air into a small iron ball.

And Lena next to him was already stunned, he never thought that Monkey King would have such a trick.


Sun Wukong turned his head slightly and teased Lena a little.

I was actually molested by a monkey.This was Reina's first reaction. Although Sun Wukong is very strong, Sun Wukong is not her favorite dish after all.

Afterwards, she felt a little uncomfortable, like goosebumps all over the ground, she had never felt this way even when she was teased by Mo Yu.

Slightly pretending not to care, gathered an energy ball in his hand, turned around and continued to direct Qiangwei.

 Mo Yu: I like head-grabbing the most.

  Author: You are very happy that you snatched the head, I'm about to be knocked out of my dick.

  Mo Yu: Author, you are so kind to me, and you have given me such amazing abilities, yet someone is against you. Tell me who it is, and I will beat him up for you.

  Author: Those big readers who read my book!
  Mo Yu: I can't afford to provoke you!excuse me!farewell!

  Author: What about shitting?Sure enough, the protagonists are all big pigs.

  Mo Yu: Who are you?Talk like I know you, I'm blind BB and I beat your dick crookedly.

(End of this chapter)

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