Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 63 Untitled Party 1 Member

Chapter 63 A Member of the Untitled Party

Mo Yu returned to the medical station, and also saw several other soldiers who came back from the battlefield.

Liu Chuang supported Cheng Yaowen, Rui Mengmeng supported Qi Lin, Zhao Xin and Ge Xiaolun stood beside them and looked at Mo Yu in "The Return of the King".

Liu Chuang asked anxiously, "Brother Yu, is everything resolved?"

"Well, except for some ordinary gluttonous remnants, everything else has been resolved!"

"Is this just thinking... We won!" Cheng Yaowen asked, although his head was wrapped in gauze, but he looked happy and couldn't believe it.

"Yes! We have won, we have won this battle!"

Mo Yu gave the most affirmative answer to all the super soldiers and Chinese soldiers present.


"Oh huh."

Some human soldiers cried after cheering. Too many of their comrades, brothers and even their relatives were sacrificed in this battle. Perhaps it would not be so uncomfortable to cry for a while.

"The Xiongbing Company achieved a shocking victory, let them go to rest first, and leave the rest to us."

Helicopters flew in from the thick smoke outside the ruins of the city, but the speakers on the helicopters were broadcasting.

"Let's rest for a while, and leave the rest to our soldiers!"

And Qiangwei stood on the top of the building not far away. She turned her head and took a deep look at Ge Xiaolun, then turned and jumped into the wormhole, and came to a certain helicopter in the helicopter team.

Ge Xiaolun's facial injuries were almost healed at this time, the bruises and scars had long since disappeared, and his entire body strength had returned to normal.

He looked at the direction Qiangwei left, and now he wanted to try his best to prove to Qiangwei that he was not a coward.


"Me too, I can fight!"

Ge Xiaolun spread his black wings and rushed back to the battlefield.

Giant Gorge.
A post-war commendation ceremony is underway.

"Mo Yu, for your excellent performance in this battle, I hereby honor you with the rank of major!"

Ducao said solemnly.

After speaking, another officer walked up to Mo Yu with a beautifully packaged small box, took out the military emblem in the box, and put it on Mo Yu's black special military uniform.

When they took it again, some other soldiers applauded one after another. After taking it, Mo Yu learned the military salute and thanked him like a soldier.

Except for Monkey King and Reina who did not come, everyone else came.

Qiangwei authorized the sergeant, and the rest except Rui Mengmeng and Zhao Xin authorized the captain, and Rui Mengmeng and Zhao Xin were the lieutenants!
Tianhe City has entered the stage of post-war restoration.

at night
On a certain balcony of the Great Strait.

Except for Sun Wukong, the other member coefficients of the Xiongbing Company are present.

"It's not me bragging. If Brother Yu wasn't here, I, Liu Chuang, would still give you a blow."

Liu Chuang drank beer, looked at Ge Xiaolun, and said.

Originally, neither Ge Xiaolun nor Qiangwei wanted to come.Ge Xiaolun was afraid of being embarrassed by seeing Qiangwei, so he went to see Qiangwei almost every day and apologized to her, hoping that Qiangwei could forgive Ge Xiaolun for his cowardice on the battlefield, but Qiangwei's apology to Ge Xiaolun was still her usual cold face, not too much. complexion.

As for Qiangwei, she didn't know how to face Ge Xiaolun.On the battlefield before, she hated Ge Xiaolun's cowardice, but Ge Xiaolun's behavior at the end of the war made her forgive him in her heart, and now she really doesn't understand her own heart.

When they were invited, both of them answered 'no' at the same time, but how could they survive Xin Zhao and Reina's hard work, and in the end they all gritted their teeth and came to participate, their expressions seemed to be Great decisions are made in general.

When Ge Xiaolun heard Liu Chuang's words, he just smiled slightly and looked at Qiangwei from time to time.

Qiangwei held a bottle of canned beer and drank it on her own, ignoring Ge Xiaolun's gaze.

"Hey, give it back to Ya Neng. You are too slow. If you pass by, Xiao Lun will probably be beaten to death by Ya."

Xin Zhao directly hurt Liu Chuang's shortcomings, the speed is too slow, and the means.

"That's right, if Brother Yu hadn't arrived in time, we probably wouldn't have seen Xiao Lun today!"

Liu Chuang was not angry with Xin Zhao's words, but rather agreed with them.

Everyone continued to drink beer and eat side dishes.

Xin Zhao suddenly said, "Why don't I sing a song for everyone? I'm not Xinye, my singing voice is one of the best in Juxia City."

"It's just you, I'm sorry, I can't bear it."

Mo Yu looked at Xin Zhao with the eyes of a fool, and taunted him ruthlessly.

"I heard that Qiangwei has talked about the piano, and should have practiced it. Qiangwei has a song!"

At this time, Qilin reminded her aloud.

"That's right, Qiangwei has a song!"

It was only then that Reina came to her senses, and hurriedly followed suit.

"Come on."

"Come on."

"Come on."

Everyone below booed.

Looking at the current situation, Qiangwei thought that although she didn't want to sing, she couldn't hold back the booing from the crowd, so she agreed.

"Okay, wait for me to get my violin!"

After Qiangwei finished speaking, she got up and walked towards her room.

Soon, Qiangwei sat on a high bench with a guitar in her hand, gently plucked the strings of the guitar with her fingers, and began to sing:
"That year the wind blew through the treetops and the fallen leaves fell asleep
Back then you smiled beautifully and slightly raised the corners of your mouth
Kiss and hum that song, dreams are in my eyes
Recalling the familiar tune but finding it slowly disappearing
Reminiscing about the old days, thinking about you until dawn, thinking about what it looks like now

Fan Huang blinked in the old days and hasn't told you how the sky is long."

"Sister Qiangwei sang, I didn't expect it to be so good. Come on, Xiao Lun, I will support you."

Liu Chuang touched Xin Zhao with the wine bottle, and said to Ge Xiaolun.

Qiangwei's long wine-red hair was blown by the breeze, Ge Xiaolun took a sip of wine, stared blankly at Qiangwei, and stared at her bewilderedly, as if intoxicated.

Soon, Qiangwei finished singing a song.

"One more song."

Everyone applauded and shouted.

"I won't come, I won't come. Didn't Mo Yu study music when he was studying abroad? Tell him to come!"

Qiangwei waved her hands back to her seat and pointed her finger at Mo Yu.

"Wow, Brother Yu, have you ever studied music?"

Xin Zhao looked at Mo Yu in disbelief.

"I've seen his profile, he's very good at singing and playing the piano!"

Reina also spoke from the side.

Qiangwei successfully pointed the finger at Mo Yu and changed the subject.

"Come one! Come one! Come one!"

Everyone continued to boo, even Qiangwei who had just ended, anyway, as long as it wasn't Qiangwei who sang by herself, she actually didn't care who sang.

"Okay, then I'll make a fool of myself."

Mo Yu stood up and looked at the crowd, with an expression that it was time for me to perform.

 Guess what song the protagonist will sing?

  Guess there is a prize!

(End of this chapter)

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