Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 65 Dedication!

Chapter 65 Dedication!

Mo Yu got up, walked to an open place, turned to look at the crowd:

"Let's be honest first, don't blame me for not singing well."

"No! No!"

Several boys spoke at the same time.

"Hurry up, can you do it?"

Lena watched Mo Yu dawdling there, propping her chin with one hand, and said a little impatiently.

"Okay, I'll find out later."

Qi Lin turned her head to look at Leina, and defended Mo Yu.


Leina heard Qilin defending Mo Yu, looked at her with strange eyes, and deliberately elongated the pronunciation.

"Stop making trouble, stop making trouble, let's sing!"

Qilin blushed immediately, but she quickly covered it up and waved at Leina impatiently to change the subject.


Lena turned her attention back, looking at Mo Yu who was looking for something in the dark space.

"All right!"

Mo Yu breathed out, took out a piano from the dark space, placed it on the ground, and took a stool to sit in front of the piano.


Seeing that Mo Yu was about to perform the piano, everyone immediately cheered. They had never been so close to a piano performance before, and they were all extremely excited.

The entire piano is limited edition, hey, if you have money, you will be willful, but if you have no money, you will accept your fate!

There is also a microphone and amplifier built into the piano.

Mo Yu adjusted the sound of the piano connected to the loudspeaker to the normal level, and then lightly pressed a few keys to try it out.

After finding that there was no problem, Mo Yu blew on the microphone again, "Everyone, get ready for the sounds of nature."

As soon as the words fell, Mo Yu's fingers lightly began to play on the piano, looking extraordinarily elegant and gentlemanly.

Open your mouth and sing:
"Nothing within reach is not afraid of the sky falling

There is no bottom to be conquered the sea
for ideals for justice
you and i meet here

Create an era that belongs to us
god like you are my comrade in arms
God like the flames of war are coming, clench your fists
Brave Roaring Tenacious Fighting
I want to pursue for my faith
is eternal freedom
I wanna be your hero raise your head proudly together

I wanna be your hero the world is waiting for us to save
I wanna be your hero hot-blooded youth love is immortal
You are me, you are the hero hero in my heart
Tell me you protect me when I'm in trouble

Tell me if I have unique tenderness in your eyes

Tell me the end of the world is gone as long as you stay with me

who is the superhero no one will back down

for this beautiful planet
How many failures have there been, only the light can come back
After many trials and tribulations, the darkness will be dispelled
We feel that our existence is God's arrangement

Hold each other's hands tightly from now on and don't let go
god like you are my comrade in arms
God like the flames of war are coming, clench your fists
Brave Roaring Tenacious Fighting
I want to pursue for my faith
is eternal freedom
I wanna be your hero raise your head proudly together

I wanna be your hero the world is waiting for us to save
I wanna be your hero hot-blooded youth love is immortal
You are me, you are the hero hero in my heart
Tell me you protect me when I'm in trouble

Tell me if I have unique tenderness in your eyes

Tell me the end of the world is gone as long as you stay with me

who is the superhero no one will back down

for this beautiful planet
I wanna be your hero raise your head proudly together

I wanna be your hero the world is waiting for us to save
I wanna be your hero hot-blooded youth love is immortal
You are me, you are the hero hero in my heart (Original song: God like, you can listen to it if you like it, thank you for your support!)”

As Mo Yu's singing ended, the fingers dancing on the piano also ended with the final music.

"it is good"

"It sings so well!"

"I didn't expect that the people of Xiongbing Company could sing so well."


With thunderous shouts and applause, Mo Yu was taken aback by the shout.

what's the situation?This is
It was only then that Mo Yu realized that many soldiers, soldiers, girls in military uniforms, and even officers were all looking at him, all of whom were attracted by the song he just sang on his loudspeaker.

Mo Yu's surroundings were completely surrounded, almost full of people, some were standing and sitting on the ground, countless.

Mo Yu looked at the dense crowd around him, stood up and bowed in the direction of the people

"Thank you, thank you all!"

The Xiongbing Company of your kind and the audience looked at the bowing Mo Yu, thinking that he was about to end, so they stopped singing, and they all said:
"One more song!"

"That's it! I haven't heard enough."

"Come one. Come one."

Slowly started booing!

Mo Yu hurriedly pretended that his throat was uncomfortable, stroked his throat with one hand, his voice began to pretend to be hoarse, and waved the other hand to everyone:
"No, no, my voice is hoarse. Come back next time. I'm going back to rest."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone to react, Mo Yu quickly and skillfully used the wormhole to retrieve the piano on the ground, and went directly back to the dormitory through the wormhole.

Sliding is called a fast, it is simply swift and resolute, as if a powerful and invincible enemy is chasing him.

When everyone saw that the Lord had left, they also left one after another and returned to their posts to continue working.

A few people in the Xiongbing company also found that there was nothing to talk about, and they returned to the dormitory one after another without asking for trouble.

 I, the author, have not finished my long study period. I coded this one secretly. There are many people in the dormitory. Because I don’t want to disturb others, there may be some mistakes in the article. Please understand and be considerate of new writers difficulties!


  Thank you for your support

  Thank you for your recommendation


(End of this chapter)

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