Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 66 War Victory Rewards Open

Chapter 66 War Victory Rewards Open

the next morning.

Mo Yu got up early, tidied his clothes vigorously, and went out for a stroll.

But when he saw several members of the company who were training in full swing, they were speechless for a while.

How many days have you been playing?training so early.

Lena saw Mo Yu who was taking a walk, walked over, and teased, "Yo? Who is this? Mr. Mo, a rare guest, what brought you here?"

When Mo Yu was told by Lena, his face turned red immediately, because he had hardly participated in training, nor had he trained any team members. He was extremely embarrassed when he heard such words.

"Eh, passing by, I just came to see it!" Mo Yu touched his nose in embarrassment, and turned around to run away.

"Hmph! It's all here, even if you don't go to the training, then you have to help me train them, and then I have to rest as a goddess."

Leina snorted coldly, and dragged Mo Yu, who was about to run away, to the Xiongbing Company who was training.

Mo Yu felt a little awkward being dragged like this, he pushed away Lena's hand, and said in a gentlemanly way:

"Hey, hey, don't touch your hands! I can walk by myself!"

"It's as if the goddess is willing to touch you, hurry up!"

Lena let go of her hand, and felt a little disdainful when she heard Mo Yu's words.

"Today, your deputy team will command and train everyone. This goddess is going to rest."

Lena walked back in front of the few people who were training, speaking in a very relaxed tone.

"What about Brother Yu?"

"You obviously saw it just now?"

"You didn't hide behind Sister Na, did you?"

"Why did it suddenly disappear?"

"It must have slipped away!"

Qiangwei heard the doubts of several people and gave the most trustworthy words.

That's right, Mo Yu slipped away!

"Damn! Mo Yu, just wait for me, if this goddess won't let you kneel down and sing Conquer, I won't be named Emperor!"

When Leina heard everyone's questions and Qiangwei's answer, she suddenly turned around to see that Mo Yu had disappeared, her pretty face flushed with anger, and she roared angrily in the direction of Mo Yu's bedroom.

"Working? It doesn't exist. I, Mo, can't work in this life, and I can't train people. Why don't I go out and steal the battery? Sleep!"

Mo Yu returned to the dormitory, admiring his IQ just now, took off his coat and casual clothes, and rolled back into bed.

〖Di!The reward will be automatically recovered by the system after 5 minutes!Please take the time to get it〗

Mo Yu in the bed was waiting for sleep with his eyes closed, but before sleep came, he waited for Xiaochao's prompt.

He immediately sat up straight and hurriedly asked:

"Do I have another reward?"

〖Yes, you helped Huaxia win the battle of Tianhe City, and the rewards have been distributed to the dark matter space!
beep!The reward will be automatically recovered by the system after 2 minutes!Please take the time to get it! 〗

"Fuck, hurry up and get it!"

Mo Yu immediately entered the system home page, entering the dark matter space.

I saw a golden box with a water blue symbol '? '. (Author: This is definitely not a mysterious block in my world!)

Mo Yu picked up the box with both hands, and found that it was not heavy, and his interest immediately dropped.

Certainly not a good one.

Take the box back to the dormitory, put it on the ground, look down at the big and square box in front of you, and ask Xiaochao in confusion:

"Xiao Chao, why is it so light, the good things inside won't be lost by you, right?"

〖This system cannot do such things that harm others and benefit oneself, please believe the host! 〗

When Xiaochao spoke, he deliberately bit his voice, as if he was appealing for being wronged, and felt worthless for being wronged.

"Okay, the kind that is directly disassembled, right?"

Mo Yu believed it, looked at the box, and continued to ask.

〖Yes, just like opening a gift box, just tear it open! 〗

Mo Yu nodded, walked to the side of the box with a solemn expression, stretched out his hands and grasped the corners on both sides tightly.

"Since it's a matter of luck, I, Ouhuangmo, have never won a bad one yet!"

After speaking, tear each side of your hands.

Mo Yu held the outer package of the box in his hand, looking at the contents of the box, Mo Yu had a "chuan" on his forehead, with black lines all over his head.

Mo Yu threw the wrapping paper in his hand on the ground, and complained angrily.

"What the hell is there a box hidden in your box? The key is why there is Gong Xi Fa Cai printed on it"

That's right, there is a hidden box in the box, and it's auspicious to open the box!
〖You can't blame the system, it depends on your character〗

Xiao Chao didn't explain, and directly blamed Mo Yu for his bad character.

Mo Yu took a deep breath and slowly opened the second box.

"I'm still... eating chicken tonight!" Mo Yu shouted loudly again, and then took another deep breath to calm down, "Hey calm down"

take another one apart

happy Birthday
"." My day! mmp. I still don't believe it.

Open again
Hundred Years of Harmony

Open again
Happy Chinese New Year

Open again
happy wedding
keep going
Everything goes well
Keep going!

It's the last time. There's nothing below.
Mo Yu looked at the box the size of a mobile phone in his hand, with black lines floating all over his head!
"Do I really think I'm blind? Can't I see that there's nothing behind this?"

Mo Yu was quite angry at this moment, and he had nowhere to vent his pent-up anger.

"I want to see what you can give me!"

Mo Yu gritted his teeth and said, if he didn't offer some good things to comfort him, it would be difficult to appease the anger in his heart.

At that time. System, you are doomed. As I said, even if your creator comes, he will not be able to save you.

Accompanied by Mo Yu to open the last box.

In the box, a blue transparent chip went directly into Mo Yu's brain and inserted into the system.

〖Di!Congratulations to the master for obtaining the second system "Shuttle System"

beep!The shuttle system has been implanted and is starting
please wait.〗

 Xiao Shi, I've been really busy with my studies recently.

  The morning self-study at 06:30 in the morning until the end of the evening self-study at 09:30, there is no time to code words in the middle.

  It took me three days to complete this one.

  I hope everyone will forgive me!

  Thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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