Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 68 Morgana Comes for Thornton

Chapter 68 Morgana Comes for Thornton
Mo Yu stretched out his hand, grabbed Thornton's tail, and dragged him towards the back.

Thornton had no strength to resist at all, the whole fish lay on the ground and let it drag itself.

"When you see me in the future, you have to go around."

After finishing speaking, Mo Yu stopped, turned around and started pulling Thornton's tail, shaking its body, throwing it to the east and smashing it to the west.

(Please refer to Hulk smashing Loki in Marvel Avengers [-] and Hulk smashing Thor in Thor III!)
Thornton's body is constantly in intimate contact with the earth.

"Ah?! Ah yes.. yes. ah. yes. I took it.. I took it, took it, stopped it, I'm going to vomit."

Thornton, who was dizzy from the fall, shook his hands, kept shaking his head, and stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and instantly gave up.

"Really? I remember that the divine body doesn't seem to vomit?"

Mo Yu looked at the guilty Thornton.

"Uh take this.that"

When Thornton found out that he had been exposed, he immediately shook his head nervously and frightened.

Mo Yu stopped listening to its nonsense, and started a new round of tumbling.

When Thornton saw this bun, he would throw someone if he didn't agree with him, and the beating would still be a fucking pain. He felt terrified at once. Looking at Mo Yu who was approaching him step by step, Thornton slowly closed his eyes, as if he had already begun to wait for death. Advent.

What if I was beaten to death by this bun?
There are so many delicacies that I didn't eat?

Haven't ruled the world yet?
I'm so unhappy!
But think about it, I don't seem to have any regrets in my life. I have eaten a lot of delicious food, swam in many spacious and clean rivers, and met beautiful fairy sisters.

Thornton's thoughts were instantly brought back to his memory: In the dusk of that afternoon, a crocodile ran quickly under the beautiful sunset, and even jumped while running. There was no sense of disobedience in the picture. The big pedestrian dog, holding a huge axe, was also quickly chasing the running crocodile.

And the crocodile in front shouted, "Brother, I was wrong, I will never dare to steal from you again."

"It's fine if you're fucking ugly, and you steal my old meat. I'm not willing to eat a few bites, but I'm so ugly that I finish it in one bite. See if I don't hack you, I won't be called Yue Nei Se."

The dog's head is holding a huge axe, while dancing to chase the crocodile running desperately ahead.

"You are ugly! If I don't have a weapon in my hand, I will kill you first."

Although the crocodile is running for its life quickly, its mouth still refuses to admit defeat.

What a beautiful youth, it is a pity that it has passed away.

Mo Yu looked at Thornton on the ground, feeling speechless.

Aren't I just in a bad mood, so I beat you up to vent my anger, it looks like I'm going to kill you when you say it like that.

But Mo Yu has dignity, he cannot say such words, as a god, how can he say such words, gods must have depth and majesty.

Mo Yu grabbed Thornton with one hand and lifted it up. He was going to say harsh words and warn it first, and then put it on, Perfect.

As soon as I mentioned it, I realized that this dude seemed to be dizzy.

"I didn't beat him in the head, why did he get dizzy? That's it? Still God of War? Hehe!"

Mo Yu thought about looking at Thornton in his hand, and thought that this guy seemed to be a god of war or something, so he gave a disdainful laugh and threw it on the ground.

Clapping the dust in his hands, he asked Xiaochao in a relaxed tone:

"Xiao Chao, show me my energy consumption just now."

〖yes!I just consumed 30.00% of the energy, and I randomly absorbed the energy of the Chiwu star during the battle. The current overall energy is [-]%[-]〗

After hearing this, Mo Yu nodded in satisfaction, and was about to open a wormhole to travel to the moon when another voice sounded.

"Hello? That crocodile, uh... fish? It's the fighter I want, who told you to touch it!"

The voice was very crisp, and one could hear a trace of dissatisfaction, as well as some willfulness, and there was some interest in Mo Yu in the tone.

Mo Yu looked back at the source of the sound.

I saw a long-haired shawl, heavy but not heavy makeup on her face, and a tight black leather jacket that highlighted her tall and perfect figure. A woman with a pair of bat-like mechanical wings behind her was looking at the crocodile in front of her. white-haired man.

And this woman is Morgana!

Go back to 20 minutes ago.
Mars in outer space.
A small gluttonous spaceship is slowly approaching Mars, and there are less than ten aliens of all kinds sitting in the spaceship.

Morgana is the most noble among them!
As soon as the spaceship landed on Mars, several people got off the spaceship and walked on the land of Mars.

A glutton got off the spaceship, ran over, and reported nervously to the captain of a small ship, Morgana, and one of her accompanying demon subordinates.

"It has just been detected that Mars has a large amount of energy reaction, and the energy body is not Crocodile Thornton"

"Oh, I see!"

After Morgana finished speaking, she walked towards the location of Mo Yu and Thornton without looking back.

Captain Taotie immediately came over to stop him, and dissuaded him worriedly: "Be careful! We can't control it!"

"Can't control it, still arrest?"

Morgana didn't turn her head back, and a disdainful expression appeared on her face, which was fleeting.

Continue walking towards the location.

And the devil's subordinates followed without any conditions, and Captain Taotie followed after thinking for a while.

After all, they were covered by the demon king Morgana, and their waists were straightened.

The three of them walked towards Mo Yu at the same time.

And what came into their eyes was Mo Yu slamming Thornton.

"Holy Star God of War?"

That Taotie said timidly with his eyelids growing and his eyelids twitching.

The Holy Star God of War was obtained by Karl himself for Mo Yu. Since the gluttons received the report on the specific situation of the Tianhe City battle, they also found Mo Yu, who was one of the heroes.

Seeing that Mo Yu directly slashed Luxiong and Jingfeng with his hands, and when he was cutting down those firepower fleets, it was even more easy.This made them very surprised and flustered.They never thought that the earth still has such combat power.

With the opinions of all the Taotie elders and the Taotie king, the Taotie told their supreme god of death Karl about this matter!

This also successfully attracted the attention of Karl, the god of death. He also personally took down the title for Mo Yu, and then began to analyze Mo Yu's various data indicators, so far there has been no breakthrough.

Even Karl, the god of death, spoke highly of Mo Yu, which made the gluttonous captain next to Morgana even more frightened, and sat down on the ground without paying attention.

The devil's subordinates immediately took out their weapons and aimed at Mo Yu who was talking to Xiaochao, full of hostility.

And Morgana walked over without stopping, as if she didn't hear what the glutton said.

Now Morgana is very excited in her heart. She never thought that she could harvest two war gods in one trip.

In her eyes, she seemed to see the picture of these two war gods fighting for her on the battlefield, expanding the territory, as if in a new battle between angels and demons, they won the victory and chased after the holy Kaisha.

Just thinking about it is exciting!

(End of this chapter)

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