Chapter 69
The reason why Morgana made these two requests is actually a so-called test.

To test Mo Yu's heart, if he chooses the first request, Morgana may only bring him in her team, and will not use it for reuse.

If Mo Yu chooses the second one, then Morgana is very optimistic. Morgana also prefers to speak with strength, conquer him and let him work for her.

Mo Yu looked up at the sky and thought for a while, then said, "The second one."

"Okay, I'll start then"

Morgana nodded in satisfaction when she heard Mo Yu's answer.

With a wave of his left hand, a huge devil's claw appeared out of thin air and slammed down in Mo Yu's direction.

Relying on his super fast speed, Mo Yu avoided Morgana's attack.

As if Morgana had already guessed it, she slowly lifted into the air, looked down at Mo Yu on the ground, and waved her other hand, and another devil's claw suddenly appeared, attacking Mo Yu from the right, and the original summoned The devil's claw attacked from the left, blocking Mo Yu's left and right movements.uncomfortable ╯﹏╰
At this time, Mo Yu also made a quick decision, and opened his hands to meet a devil's claw with one hand.

And the Devil's Claw seemed to have hit the wall of air, unable to move any further.

Mo Yu looked struggling, struggling to mobilize the energy in his body to maintain it.

"Not bad but not enough!"

Morgana smiled and praised, and then clasped her hands more tightly.

The Devil's Claw, which was motionless at first, moved forward a lot, and it was less than half a meter away from Mo Yu's body.


Mo Yu yelled, his body emitted blue light, and the medium Xingyao exploded, blowing away the devil's claws on both sides.

And Mo Yu held his chest with one hand, panted heavily, and looked at Morgana who was extremely surprised in the distance.

"You really know how to play with the light of the sun. I thought that what I saw in the information was fake."

Morgana thought that she had intercepted information on the Juxia before, and saw Mo Yu's special genes, including genes similar to the sun's light, special god-killing power, and an angel gene so pure that she had never seen it before. (Earth can't detect the specific situation of Mo Yu's angel gene, only know that it is very pure), which makes her very interested in this 'Light of the Stars' Mo Yu.

Now, what the data said is true, Mo Yu's potential is much greater than the three major god-making projects.

"Then what else did you see?"

While secretly recovering energy, Mo Yu delayed Morgana's time. Once the energy was absorbed, he immediately opened the jump gate and passed back to Earth.

"I also saw that you have an angel's gene, and it's the kind I haven't seen before. You... show me the power of an angel."

Morgana said, pointed at Mo Yu, and said in commanding spoken language.

Mo Yu also spread his wings and slowly flew to the same height as Morgana.

It's not because Mo Yu is afraid, he just won't just finish playing in vain, he has to find a way to get out, and the best way is to shuttle through the jump gate, the way to open the shuttle jump gate requires a lot of energy, Mo Yu himself Some energy is insufficient, and it is even more difficult to think about it. Now I can only drag Morgana first to prepare for my own energy recovery.

"Sure enough, I haven't seen it before, so let me try the power first."

After Morgana finished speaking, facing Mo Yu's direction, she waved her hands forward at the same time, and a huge wormhole appeared on both sides behind her.

The two devil's claws that were blown away flew out of the wormhole and attacked Mo Yu.

Mo Yu made enough preparations this time. With a shake of his left hand, he took out the holy blade of judgment from the dark space, slashed with his backhand, chopped Morgana's right devil's claw, and then avoided the left devil to the right. Claw attack.

"Bichi, my devil's claw"

When Morgana saw that her devil's claw was cut off so easily, she was so angry that she yelled loudly at Mo Yu, and looked very distressed at the fragments of the devil's claw that completely lost control and fell.

Although the Devil's Claw was not made by An Suyin, nor is it the so-called Shenwu, but after all, it has been with Morgana for thousands of years, and it also has feelings. Seeing that it is being destroyed, Morgana can't be angry, and And to praise you for a job well done?If it doesn't exist, it's pretty good if she doesn't kill you!

"Are you trying to kill me now?"

Mo Yu raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Morgana, and said in a frivolous tone.

"Yes! Can't you?"

"Have you forgotten the conditions you promised me earlier?"

Morgana was already gnashing her teeth at Mo Yu at this time, she had already forgotten the conditions she said before, and now Morgana would be seriously injured at the lightest, and the consequences at the worst were unimaginable.

"What a promise, that's my promise. I can change it at any time. Can you control it? Now I want you to die."

Morgana looked at Mo Yu angrily and said, and then manipulated the remaining one demon claw to grab Mo Yu, and this time the huge black devil claw had a lot more black air covering the whole demon Claw, here is the divine power injected by Morgana, and its characteristic is to prevent the destruction of God-killing weapons.

Mo Yu also used the holy blade to block the blow, but Morgana started to use her divine power for this blow, and its power was not so good to resist.

The moment the holy blade touched the devil's claw, a huge wave of air blasted away, and Mo Yu was knocked back by the huge impact and fell back to the ground.

Mo Yu's throat was sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, which stained the barren wasteland in front of him red.

Morgana slowly fell from the sky, and raised her hand to strike a hammer through the void.

The Devil's Claw in the sky was manipulated by Morgana, clenched her fists with both hands, and punched Mo Yu under it.


The huge force directly hit the internal organs. After Mo Yu screamed, he took a gentle breath and adjusted the energy in his body.

〖Energy reaches 60.00%[-],
It is detected that the owner's life is dying, whether to consume energy to repair the body. 〗

"No, open the leap gate for me, and send me back to Earth quickly."

Now Mo Yu is extremely weak, and he has no power to reject Xiao Chao's proposal. He just wants to go back alive, even if he dies, Morgana can't get the body. Now all of Mo Yu's abilities have been copied and passed on to other demon fighters.

〖Adopt a plan, the leap gate has been opened, the end point: the Juxia of the South China Sea〗

The voice of the demon Artest suddenly sounded in Morgana's ear: "Queen, the Devil [-] has detected changes in the space matter around you, and it is suspected that the wormhole of the Da Chong Bridge has opened, but there is no trace of the Da Chong Bridge around Mars. Unable to make a judgment."

"Oh, I see!"

Morgana simply responded to Artest's report, and all her attention was now on Mo Yu.

Mo Yu struggled to get up from the ground, and used up the remaining energy after opening the jump gate to open a wormhole behind Morgana. His whole body flashed and entered the wormhole.

Appearing behind Morgana, the Holy Blade stabbed through her entire abdomen.


Morgana yelled in pain, covered the wound with one hand, and squatted on the ground.

There was an obvious cut mark on her entire wound, and there was no bleeding at the cut mark, because the blood contained genetic components, and the annihilation molecules in Mo Yu's Judgment Holy Blade were constantly annihilating and devouring the super genes in Morgana's body, the blood All were annihilated.

At this time, Morgana was also extremely weak. As long as Mo Yu made up two more swords, Morgana's fourth-generation divine body could still send her back to the west.

And how could Mo Yu let go of such a good opportunity, raised the sword in his hand, and was about to slash Morgana's head.


A blood-red light hit the holy blade in Mo Yu's hand, and then several more rays hit Mo Yu's chest and head.

The entire Devil One received the news that Morgana's life was in danger. Ato was furious and led a demon-killing sniper team to rescue their queen, and killed the guy who seriously injured the queen.

When Mo Yu had enough energy, he was not afraid of God Killer No. [-]. Now his energy is lacking, and his whole body was seriously injured by Morgana. Now that he has been hit by God Killer No. [-] several times, he feels his eyelids are getting worse. He was getting heavier, as if he was about to fall asleep. In the last moment of waking up, he rushed into the leap door opened by Xiaochao and disappeared.

 As for Silver Wing, it is specially used to deal with Hua Ye and Su Mali. It will not be used in the early stage, but will come in handy in the later stage.

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  bye! !


(End of this chapter)

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