Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 70 Injury Recovery

Chapter 70 Injury Recovery
Lianfeng went to Lena to explain the situation, and Lena readily agreed.

Although she and Mo Yu often fought and pinched each other, if someone really had an accident first, it is impossible to really refuse to save them.

Lianfeng brought Leina to Mo Yu's infirmary, when Leina saw Mo Yu's physical condition, she was stunned.

With such a serious injury, Reina herself didn't know if she could survive, let alone when her energy was exhausted.

And Mo Yu miraculously survived, which made Lei Na more interested in him.How on earth did he survive?

"Leina, without further ado, please come in and send energy."

Lianfeng saw that Lei Na looked at Mo Yu in a daze, so she couldn't help reminding her.

"oh oh."

Di Leina nodded quickly, her hands gathered a golden light.

Putting your hands on Mo Yu's body, energy began to slowly enter Mo Yu's body, and Mo Yu's injuries began to recover gradually.

"It works, Reina, work harder!"

Lianfeng saw that when Mo Yujin received Leina's energy, the wound began to heal, and his face gradually turned rosy. He couldn't help but began to encourage Leina to increase the energy transmission.


Lena nodded, the light on her hands gradually grew larger, and Lena's face became less pretty.

After all, Lena is not very proficient in the use of energy, and now she is asked to take on such a big responsibility, and she cannot help but feel a little powerless.

If it is used well, Mo Yu can be revived, at worst, he will be weak for a while, and he can recover by absorbing some energy.

If you don't use it well, Mo Yu can't save him, but may put himself in it instead.

How can this make Reina not worry?

That's it, keep delivering energy for almost half an hour later.

The system in Mo Yu's mind spoke: "The energy is restored, the restoration of the divine body is completed, the restoration of the super gene is completed, and the nerves are being stimulated"

In Mo Yu's dream, he was lying on the beach, watching the beautiful evening and welcoming the setting sun.

Suddenly, someone knocked on his head, who can bear it?

I'm lying here perfectly fine, I didn't cause trouble, but now it's fine, something troubles me.

Mo Yu sat up, but what he saw was no longer the seaside scenery, and he couldn't see the bi ji ni beauties all over the place, only Leina with a weak face, and Lianfeng who was hugging Lena and looking at himself.

"What's going on here?"

Mo Yu indicated that he still couldn't come back, he touched his head with one hand, looked at the weak Leina and Lianfeng and asked.

"What happened to Lena?"

"You met Morgana on Mars and escaped desperately"

Lianfeng told Mo Yu the ins and outs, including that Leina consumed energy to save Mo Yu's life.

"Rena, thank you, are you alright?"

After Mo Yu heard this, memories slowly came to mind, and he asked Lena apologetically.

After all, people did this for their own safety.

"It's okay, I'll go absorb some energy and it won't be a big problem!"

Reina stood up unsteadily, and walked out the door.

Seeing this, Lianfeng immediately trotted over to help Reina who was about to fall, and accompanied her to the deck.

Mo Yu sat and moved his upper body, and found that apart from some weakness, there was nothing wrong with it, and his hands could even absorb some energy to form a small wave.

He lifted the quilt, got out of bed slowly, and walked slowly.

"You can actually move, let's go for a walk first, it's good to be active."

Mo Yu looked down at his body, he had almost recovered, and it was time to go out for a walk and move around.

After leaving the infirmary, walking on the deck of the Juxia, watching the people coming and going, they didn't notice Mo Yu's inconvenience.

A few recognized Mo Yu, and came over to ask about his current injury status, and Mo Yu replied that he was almost recovered.

Mo Yu continued walking, and met several boys from the Xiongbing Company who had just finished training.

"Hey, Brother Yu, where have you been these few days? We defeated a group of aliens in Yunshan!"

Xin Zhao saw Mo Yu walking in front of them, so he ran over quickly and punched Mo Yu.

If Mo Yu had been punched in the past, it would be nothing.

Now, Mo Yu was knocked to the ground by Xin Zhao's small fist.

Seeing Mo Yu being knocked down by Xin Zhao, Liu Chuang rushed over quickly, jumped up and kicked Xin Zhao to the side, and then helped Mo Yu up with a painful face.

"Brother Yu, are you okay?"

"It's okay. Chuangzi."

Mo Yu stood up and thanked Liu Chuang for his concern.

"Brother Yu, what happened to you? It wasn't like this before."

Xin Zhao thought of the past, when he was on Mo Yu's body, even if he pushed him, Mo Yu would not move at all, and then Mo Yu knocked him to the ground in turn.

Now with just a small hammer, Mo Yu fell down.

In this regard, Xin Zhao asked!
"A few days ago I was seriously injured on Mars, and I just recovered today, and I went out for a walk." Mo Yu looked at Xin Zhao and explained.

Hu Pingyang was bullied by dogs.

At this moment
Rui Mengmeng came over and reminded several people: "There is a meeting going on, hurry up and go to the classroom!"

"Oh! Come right away."

Liu Chuang replied simply.Then he and Xin Zhao, one on the right and one on the left, supported Mo Yu towards the direction of the classroom.

After several people sat down, Lena slowly looked at everyone, and said: "Due to the frequent alien invasion these days, in order to appease the hearts of the people, the military decided to let the Xiongbing Company send representatives to accept CCTV interviews. We are here to discuss who will go!"

"Ah, it's going to be on TV." Liu Chuang was a little surprised when he heard that.

"Lord Xin, I haven't been on TV since I was born."

Xin Zhao excitedly imagined that he would be on TV, perform heroic speeches and power performances on TV, capture the hearts of a large number of girls, get rid of the title of single dog, and walk to the pinnacle of life.

"Let's forget it. I used to be a hooligan. I'm sure I'll get a bad reaction when I'm on TV!"

Liu Chuang did not deliberately explain too much because he considered his previous 'special' status.

"Then let me forget it, I used to be a gangster too."

When Xin Zhao heard Liu Chuang's words, he thought that his predecessor was not very honorable, so he wanted to refuse.

"My Goddess. I'm not from your earth, so I won't go either. According to the rules above, Qiangwei will go on behalf of the military, Qilin will go on behalf of the police, Ge Xiaolun will go on behalf of the masses, and Mo Yu will go on behalf of the upper class. But now Mo Yu was severely injured by the demon queen Morgana on Mars, and today is just right, and it is not convenient to participate, so Qiangwei, Qilin, Xiaolun and Xin Zhao will go."

Reina looked at the crowd and explained the current situation.

When Leina mentioned that Mo Yu was fighting with Morgana on Mars, it shocked many people in an instant, and only then did the boys know why Mo Yu was so powerless today.

When it came to Morgana, for some reason Qiangwei felt a flash of familiarity. She really wanted to meet this demon queen, and a desire arose in her heart.

She shook her head quickly, killing the thought.

"Okay, everyone who needs to participate, let's get ready and start on time at eight o'clock tonight."

Reina got up, and left the classroom after speaking, her energy hadn't recovered yet, she had to hurry up.

 I can eat dozens of rounds of chicken every day, hey. I vomited, let's eat it next time.

  Bye, collection recommendation or something, it depends on your own mood.

  I don't force it anymore. (no shame to beg)

(End of this chapter)

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