Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 71 Rectify the atmosphere

Chapter 71 Rectify the atmosphere

"Isn't it enough for you to destroy my homeland? Are you still coming to destroy me? Are you destroying my home on Earth?"

In a certain corner of the Juxia, Cheng Yaowen grabbed Leina's hand and blocked her in the corner. He looked at Lena who was a little flustered in front of him with hatred eyes, and his tone was agitated.

"Let go. Let go, why are you so nervous?"

Leina was very uncomfortable being caught by Cheng Yaowen, struggling to break free.

But Cheng Yaowen, who was in a state of anger, erupted with great force, and Leina couldn't break free at all.


Mo Yu came out from the end of the corridor and shouted angrily.

In today's tense period, they are still fighting in the nest, leaving the good aliens to fight, and here they fight their own people.

"Brother Yu. This is me"

Cheng Yaowen regained a sliver of consciousness and was about to explain, but seeing the way Leina and Mo Yu looked at him, he knew it was unnecessary, and he lowered his head with a self-deprecating smile.

"Cheng Yaowen, come with me."

Mo Yu didn't move, he just stood there pointing at Cheng Yaowen and said.He was really angry, he didn't even call Yaowen, he just called out his name.

Knowing the seriousness of what he just did, Cheng Yaowen didn't have much objection, and walked towards Mo Yu with his head down.

Seeing Cheng Yaowen approaching, Mo Yu also turned his head and left, and Cheng Yaowen followed behind.

"Xiao Lun, you are quite good at watching theater."

When Mo Yu led Cheng Yaowen to a corner, he saw Ge Xiaolun who was about to slip away.

When Ge Xiaolun heard Mo Yu's cold tone, he couldn't help shivering.

"Brother Yu...I...I just arrived."

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

Hearing what Mo Yu said, Ge Xiaolun knew that he was really angry, so he quickly apologized.

"Sorry, I don't dare anymore."

"Then tell me where you went wrong?"

Mo Yu did not take Cheng Yaowen away for the time being, but looked at Ge Xiaolun who was at a loss in front of him.

"I I... I."

To be honest, he didn't know either. If he didn't stop his teammates from fighting, he would also like to. However, this seems to be someone else's business.

If the training is not hard, it is unlikely. Ge Xiaolun trains very hard and earnestly every day, without any sign of laziness.

Then why is their vice-captain Mo Yu angry?
"You two go and call all the team members to the classroom, I have a meeting."

Mo Yu looked at Cheng Yaowen and Ge Xiaolun and said, and then one of them walked to the classroom first.

in the classroom.

All the team members were notified, even the five new arrivals.

Mo Yu opened the door, walked in from the outside, and looked at the people below from the class platform.

And the moment the door was opened, the lively classroom became quiet in less than a second.

"Qilin, Mengmeng, Qiangwei has nothing to do with you, sit aside."

Mo Yu looked at the three girls whose names had been called, pointed to the vacant seat on the right side of the classroom and said.

After the three girls glanced at each other, they got up and sat on the position of Mo Yu's finger.

"Do you know why I called you to the meeting?"

Mo Yu turned back, looked at the remaining few people and said.

But no one spoke up below, and they didn't know why. They always felt that they must have done something wrong in the past few days, and now they are going to hold a criticism meeting and punish them properly.

"I recently heard that someone thinks they can do it." Mo Yu walked off the podium, came to Ge Xiaolun's side, and put a hand on his shoulder, "I feel that I am very good now, and I have begun to look down on others."


A few people trembled in their hearts.

Mo Yu is going to teach them a lesson first.

"Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, Liu Chuang stand up for me."

Mo Yu returned to the front of the podium and shouted.

The three people whose names were called immediately stood up.

"Do you think you are doing well recently?"

"No. Yes. No"

The three of them took different turns, very guilty.

When the other people heard the answers of the three, they also had affirmation in their hearts. These three must be looking down on others, thinking that they are super fighters better than others.

"Do they deserve to be looked down upon by you? What right do you have to look down on them! Are you dumb when you talk?"

Mo Yu pointed at the three of them angrily, yelled loudly, and looked at them with disdain and continued, "What do you think you are better than them? Come on, tell me what is better than them?"


The three boys really don't know what to say. They can't say things like 'I have killed more aliens than them' or 'We are stronger than them'. That will only arouse the anger of more people. Let them become the target of public criticism.

"I don't even know how to say it, do I? Let me tell you."

Mo Yu walked towards the three of them and came to them, "You just have more super genes than them, do you think you can do it? You just have more super genes, and without the super genes, you can't beat them together." One of them, that makes you feel okay? Okay?"

Mo Yu grabbed Ge Xiaolun's head, slapped him on the head with eight palms, pointed at the soldiers outside and looked at the other two, shouting loudly.

"Okay? Ah, do you two think you didn't have the super gene to do one of the soldiers outside?"

Mo Yu let go of Ge Xiaolun's hand, pointed to the soldiers who were working in the distance, and said in the direction of Xin Zhao and Liu Chuang.

You must know that most of the soldiers who can work on the aircraft carrier are first-class masters, either with great skills or with high brain intelligence.

Xin Zhao and Liu Chuang knew this, and they shook their heads at the same time to answer Mo Yu's words, shaking their heads and lowering their heads.

"Since you all know, what right do you have to look down on others and belittle others?"

When Mo Yu saw that the three of them realized how stupid and wrong their idea was, the anger in his heart also eased a bit.

"Glory only belongs to a rigorous and disciplined team. It's not like you, people who are scattered and lawless."

"Go, everyone, swim around the South China Sea ten times for me. If you can't finish swimming, you don't have to come back."

Mo Yu punished them, watched them nod in response, and then jumped into the embrace of the sea.


When Mo Yu returned to the classroom, everyone sat upright and waited for Mo Yu very seriously, but the only difference was that a very coquettish girl was applying makeup on her face in the mirror. The words are heard in the ears.

Feelings What I just said are a little white.

With a cold face, Mo Yu walked quickly towards the girl who was looking in the mirror.

"Little raccoon, little raccoon"

And a girl with glasses next to the girl bumped the girl who was putting on makeup hard with her elbow, trying to remind her that something was wrong.

"Why, didn't you see that you were busy."

Su Xiaoli didn't take his eyes off the mirror, but hit the girl who just pushed him with his hands.

Suddenly, the mirror and cosmetics in her hand disappeared, and her whole body was covered.

When she raised her head, she saw that all her belongings were in Mo Yu's hands.

"I'm not here for your vacation. You have to know when and what to do, and hand in all your cosmetics to me. If I find out that you still have them, you will be at your own risk." Mo Yu stared in front of him. Su Xiaoli said, and then looked at the other new girls, "It's the same with you, hand in all the cosmetics, don't let me see traces of cosmetics, understand?"

Several girls nodded with slight complaints on their faces, and looked at Su Xiaoli with complaining eyes. If she hadn't committed suicide in class, otherwise the cosmetics would not have been confiscated.

(End of this chapter)

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