Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 73 Keisha Arrives

Chapter 73 Keisha Arrives
Cheng Yaowen deserves to be a descendant of the Guangdun family, his benevolence and righteousness and broad-mindedness are worthy of admiration.

Mo Yu watched his back as he went away, and also stood up and followed. According to his understanding of Di Leina, this matter is likely to be possible.

"Hey, look, Yaowen went to find Sister Na, are they arguing?"

Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, and Liu Chuang, who had just finished swimming, stepped onto the deck of the Juxia, and saw Cheng Yaowen running to Di Leina who was leaning on the railing on the edge of the deck to look at the sea.

Xin Zhao took a look, then turned to ask Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang.

"I don't know, probably not, after all Brother Yu was still angry just now."

Ge Xiaolun looked at Cheng Yaowen and Leina who had already started talking in the distance, and had some guesses.

"Let's go, I just finished swimming and I'm almost exhausted, let's find a place to sit first."

Liu Chuang pushed them from behind and continued walking. They swam dozens of laps, and they were still in the entire South China Sea. Now Liu Chuang's legs were trembling, how dare he continue to stand.

"That's right. Find a place to rest first." The other two also agreed very much, and they stopped after walking a few steps.

"Are you done swimming?"

Mo Yu appeared in front of them, and seeing the three of them supporting each other, he asked in relief.

What he dislikes the most is internal strife and infighting. Nowadays, some people think that they are very powerful alone and don't need any players.

Mo Yu just wants them to know that without players, they will feel very uncomfortable and tired in the future.

But if there is, teammates joke with each other, complain a few words, cooperate together, and there are no enemies that cannot be defeated.

"Well, the swim is over!"

When several people saw Mo Yu, they all stopped and nodded.

"Don't make mistakes in the future, go to rest!"

The three of them who were exhausted immediately agreed, and then slowly walked to the rest platform not far away.

Just when the three of them rested for a few minutes, Xin Zhao suddenly pointed to Lei Na and Cheng Yaowen and said, "Hey, look, they are going to fight!"

When the remaining two heard what they said, they also looked at where Cheng Yaowen and the others were.

I saw a huge vortex in the sky, all the clouds were gathering and rotating, and the whole vortex was on the top of the Juxia.

"Oh my god, has the world changed?"

Liu Chuang was terrified. He thought that Leina and Cheng Yaowen would fight in a big fight later, and the power of the eruption would definitely be not small.

"Then shall we go over and stop it?"

"No. Atmospheric pressure"

Before Ge Xiaolun finished speaking, Mo Yu shouted from a distance with a solemn expression:
"If there is a situation, the Xiongbing Company must gather."

Seeing that the Juxia was suddenly busy with nervousness, everyone knew the seriousness of the problem, so they all put on black armor and came to Mo Yu's side.


The siren of the Great Strait sounded.

'A large amount of unknown energy appears above the Juxia, please prepare for the battle. '

Several members of the Xiongbing Company heard this and knew that the incident was serious. They were all directly above the Juxia, and they must have been called by aliens.

They took out their weapons one after another and stood ready.

as expected
A large group of blond and blue-eyed beauties flapped the wings behind them, and slowly landed on the Great Strait.

A huge sword-shaped flying object also appeared above the Juxia, and a sword-shaped throne appeared on the Juxia.

Sitting on the throne is a woman who is more beautiful than all the girls present, including the angels. She looks like a queen. She props her chin with one hand, crosses her legs, and lies on the sofa with her body on her back, looking at the unkind people below. Troops, and she is Holy Kai'sa.

When they first entered the earth's atmosphere, Mo Yu noticed them, so Kaisha had a strong interest in this so-called holy angel.

But instead of talking to Mo Yu first, she hit their superior Dukao first.

"Yo? Isn't this the war madman Dukao? Seeing you on Earth, I seem to understand everything."

Keisha was sitting on the throne, staring straight at Mo Yu, but her mouth was talking about things that had nothing to do with Mo Yu.

"You are Holy Keisha, what are you doing here on Earth?"

When Ducao heard Kesha mocking him, his expression changed, and he pointed to Kesha who was sitting in the air.

"The war you once broke out, now we can only see it in books"

Kesha didn't mean to answer Ducao's words at all. As the king of the gods, she has an inviolable majesty. Not everyone will take the initiative to talk to him. It must be a main god of the same level...or a future main god, She will pay attention to it.

"I know the mistakes I made. I have already apologized to the people of the universe. Do you want to follow in my footsteps?"

Knowing that Kesha was talking about the Deno War, Ducao was depressed at first, then looked at Kesha, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Apologize? Suicide like the sun god? Follow in your footsteps? You treat yourself as a god, right?"

Holy Kaisa disdained to look at Ducao below, and looked at Mo Yu again, with a charming smile on the corner of her mouth.


Ducao was completely stunned and didn't know how to speak.

The opponent is a king of the gods who has lived for more than 3 years, and he is also a person who has lived for tens of thousands of years. When the two sides fight each other, he is at a disadvantage.

The main thing is the majesty of the king of the gods, Kesha will show her aura every time, and Dukao is so overwhelmed that she can't speak.

"Damn, chief, can I say a few words on my behalf?"

Ge Xiaolun couldn't get used to this self-righteous attitude, he looked at Ducao and asked.


Seeing that Ducao agreed, Ge Xiaolun did not back down, pointing to the king of angels, king of gods, and the strongest god in the known universe, he said:

"Hey, who is that sitting on the sofa, who are you?"

"Hehe, isn't this the power of the galaxy? It still looks like a small one."

Kaisha was not angry with Ge Xiaolun's words. As a god who lived for 3 years, she was very patient with a junior who was younger than herself.

"Sir, I want to say a few words."

Mo Yu looked at Kesha and others and said, seeing Ducao nodded, he also said to Kesha again.

"What is the purpose of your coming to Earth?"

"This is a holy angel, not bad." Keisha was a little surprised when she heard Mo Yu's question. She didn't expect Mo Yu to ask a more meaningful topic.

For a god, when another god appears on your territory, you must first know the purpose of his coming, so as to make a response, and Mo Yu has adopted this method.

"Are we here to extract your oil? Hehe. As far as I know, Morgana has descended on the earth. She is the greatest scourge in the known universe. Please allow me to strangle her, the god of the earth."

Kaisha first mocked the technology of the earth. After all, the earth has no other resources that can be plundered except oil and natural gas, and then stated the purpose of her coming.

"How do you know Morgana is on Earth."

Mo Yu thought for a while and said.

"We naturally have our own way."

Keisha didn't tell him that they got the news from Karl, the god of death.

Death and evil are always so stinky, and Keisha didn't believe in Cal. She left her holy right-wing angel, Burning Heart, in Cal's Academy of Dead Songs. If Cal was found to be lying to them, Burning Heart would be burned with the sword over him.

"Queen, we have detected Morgana's specific location on Earth. If a grand trial is launched, some civilians on Earth will be affected. Will it be implemented?"

Angel Yan on Kesha's left spoke to her.

"Go and prepare, first look at the decisions of the people on Earth."

Hearing Kaisha's words, Yan turned around and flew into the outer space, and came to space in an instant. She held up the flame sword, and a flame emerged from the blade of the flame sword, climbing all the way to the tip of the sword, converging into a huge red energy ball.

 The author, I am sick today, and I am in the dormitory on leave, and I will code for you
(End of this chapter)

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