Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 74 Really Fragrant Warning!

Chapter 74 Really Fragrant Warning!

In the evening, almost all the people ate in the cafeteria, only the soldier endured his stomach growling, and took Angel Yan to find a room for her.

Passing by rows of closed doors, almost no one lives in them, but Yan just didn't choose well.

What's poor for us is that brother Bing didn't eat, and he still has to hang around with her.

Finally, Angel Yan stopped at the door of a room and began to look at the door carefully.

But the soldier was still not happy, because someone lived in this room, and he was from the Xiongbing Company.

After looking at it for a few times, Yan didn't look any further. He stretched out his hand to hold the doorknob, and with a light twist, the door opened.

I saw Mo Yu inside, walking out of his private kitchen with a plate of side dishes in each hand.

When he saw an angel appearing at his door, he was stunned for a while, and then quickly reacted.

Putting the dishes in his hands on the table beside him, he looked at Angel Yan and asked, "Angel Yan, what are you doing here?"

"Come to sleep with you, kid"

Yanmai walked to Mo Yu's side with light steps, put one hand on his shoulder, put his face next to Mo Yu's ear, and said very ambiguously.

Mo Yu was frightened by Yan and took a few steps back. As a boy who hadn't found a girlfriend for more than 50 years (combined in his past life and present life), he was really taken aback by her sudden coquettish operation.

"Ha ha."

Yan was amused by Mo Yu's actions, and he smiled very charmingly.

"If you have anything to say, don't tempt me here."

Mo Yu didn't dare to look at her anymore, not because he was afraid of being seduced by Yan, but because he was so ashamed.

In the Xiongbing Company, there are so many beauties, Mo Yu is not shy when he sees them, but now when he meets Angel Yan, he is like a mimosa, and instantly wilts.

Sure enough, the charm of angels cannot be stopped.

"Child, I have no place to sleep, what should I do?"

Yan turned his head and looked at the empty door, the soldier who led the way had obviously slipped away, and looked at Mo Yu again, "So kid, you are the only one I know here, why don't I just sleep here with you!"

After finishing speaking, he walked into the room and sat on Mo Yu's bed without waiting for Mo Yu's answer.

But Angel Yan found it uncomfortable to sit on the bed wearing armor, so he used a wormhole to remove the silver armor on his body, and changed into a pair of beautiful clothes for the young lady next door.

Seeing Angel Yan who changed clothes almost instantly, Mo Yu was a little stunned, because Yan Yan was so beautiful at this moment.

"How about it, kid? Do you want to know about Angel Yan's body?"

Angel Yan also noticed Mo Yu's gaze, and he straightened his perfect body without paying any attention, making it even more uneven.

"I don't care about you. You can sleep if you want. I haven't eaten yet?"

Mo Yu shook his head, forgetting Angel Yan's charm, looked helplessly at Yan on the bed, and sat back on the table to prepare for dinner.

"Pfft, you're already a god, why don't you still eat?"

Seeing Mo Yu who was about to eat, Angel Yan burst out laughing.

"No, I just feel like I'm eating, and it's hard not to have something in my mouth."

Holding the chopsticks, Mo Yu stirred the vegetables in the bowl, then picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, with a look of great enjoyment on his face, slowly chewing the food in his mouth.So contrived.

"Why don't you come too?"

After taking a few mouthfuls, Mo Yu looked at Yan, who was staring at him, and invited him.

"I'm an angel. Although I still have a digestive system, I don't need the energy from food anymore."

Yan looked at Mo Yu and said.

Yan hardly feels hungry every day. When she became an angel, she no longer needed food to replenish the energy in her body. She only needed pure energy.

"Oh, OK!"

Seeing that Angel Yan didn't intend to eat together, Mo Yu didn't force him, and started eating on his own.


There was a sound of stomach growling.

There were only two people in the room.

One is Mo Yu who is eating, and it is unlikely that his stomach is growling.

One is Yan who is watching Mo Yu eating, maybe
"You can see that your stomach admits that you are hungry, come and eat."

Mo Yu heard Yan's stomach growling, and said with a smile.

At this moment, Yan was a little surprised.

Her stomach hasn't cried out for more than 7000 years. Since the moment she became an angel, she hasn't been hungry in the thousand years, let alone rang. Although her Angel Nebula also has a lot of food, but basically There are sweets on the table, and angels love sweets very much. This is just a common snack for angels every day, and it is not regarded as daily food.

Angel Yan slowly got up from the bed, came to the table, found a sofa to sit down, and took the meal that Mo Yu served for her.

Slowly use the spoon in your hand to take out a bowl of soup and drink it.

"En! You did a pretty good job! Kid, it's delicious!"

After taking the first bite, Angel Yan raised his head to look at Mo Yu, praised him, then lowered his head and continued eating.

As a man with a system, it is not a matter of minutes to learn how to cook. The meals he makes are simply the best in the universe.

Mo Yu didn't care about Angel Yan's praise, but thought it was normal.

Soon, almost all the dishes on the table were eaten by Angel Yan. She lay leisurely on the bed, stroking her round belly with one hand, feeling like a woman who was three months pregnant.

"Child, I didn't expect you to be able to cook. I found that I like you a little bit."

Angel Yan showed a slight smile.

"I'm not a meal ticket, you can't rely on me."

Mo Yu felt that Angel Yan was just joking and didn't pay much attention to it.

"Son, I'm so confident in your future that I might fall in love with you, tease you, and guard you until my death. But you have to take the initiative."

After Tian Tianyan finished speaking, he fell asleep, leaving only Mo Yu with a confused face.

He shook his head, took out a quilt to cover Yan's body, and then took out a thinner cotton blanket and threw it on the sofa, after clearing away all the dishes on the table.

Mo Yu also lay back on the sofa by himself, covered himself with a cotton blanket, looked at the ceiling, thoughtful. What the hell.

A peerless and beautiful angel was in the same room with me, a lonely man and a widow, so the influence of rumors would be bad.

Although Angel Yan didn't say much, she also had no objection.

But Mo Yu did, who are you? You slept on my bed privately, as if I knew you very well.

Just think about these words.

As the saying goes, see through, don't talk about it.

 Yan: I, Angel Yan, even if I die, die outside, die from exhaustion of energy, I will not eat a bite of your food!

(End of this chapter)

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