Chapter 75
Mo Yu felt that it was necessary to clarify this with Angel Yan, and turned his head to look at Yan: "A demon is approaching."

A strange dark energy was rapidly approaching Mo Yu and the others, which also interrupted Mo Yu's previous question.

"The perception is good. I was just thinking about whether to inform you?"

Angel Yan also felt it, but she was one step earlier, and she also noticed Mo Yu the next second, and Yan felt that this male god was still very good.


A beast-like throat roared up to the sky, waking up the sleeping Sneff. He found his own knife in a panic, held it tightly in his hand, and looked at the place where the sound came from.

Four earth-red primitive demons flapped the wings on their backs and approached them slowly.

Snyf pointed at the demons and shouted excitedly: "That's the demons, they are the ones who ruined my country."

"It's only a few primitive little devils, it's not enough for me to stick between my teeth. Go on."

Seeing the lowest level of primitive demons, Angel Yan felt a little lost. She felt that to deal with her own demons, she had to engage in a bit of god-killing combat. Now that a few low-level demons came, Angel Yan completely lost the ability to attack. Meaning, instead, he looked at Mo Yu and asked him to go.


Mo Yu is not as careless as Yan, not because he is afraid of losing, but Mo Yu thinks that this is a battlefield, and fighting on the battlefield must be taken seriously.

Taking out the holy blade, a faint blue light burst out from the blade, and Mo Yu waved his left hand forward.

The entire blade was manipulated to fly out, stabbing at the demons.

Seeing the flying sword coming, the demons shook their hands, and several energy balls appeared in their hands, and threw them in the direction of the flying sword, trying to rely on these simple energy balls to intercept Mo Yu's holy blade.


The moment the holy blade touched the energy ball, whoever caused the ball to be pierced by the holy blade exploded, and black gunpowder smoke appeared in the dark sky.

The demons thought that the holy blade was successfully intercepted by them, and they all cheered there. Today is the first day they have become demons. As long as they kill these people, King Atuo will give them unexpected benefits. They are not happy.


A blue holy blade flew out of the gunpowder smoke, piercing through the heads of two demons, and the two heads fell to the ground, forming a sharp contrast with the other two demons in the sky.

The cheers of the other demons stopped abruptly, and they looked at the holy blade flying in the sky in fear, Mo Yu who was sitting on a stone and manipulating the holy blade, the bloody head on the ground and the demon corpse on the ground , they were in the moment and made a smart decision.

The remaining two demons turned around and ran, flapping their wings as fast as possible. They couldn't deal with enemies of this level at all. They had to report the matter to King Atuo.

"Did you run?"

Mo Yu showed a disdainful smile, looked at the fleeing demon in the distance, and talked.

Then he retracted the holy blade, and held tightly with one hand towards the departing demon.

The space distorted, forming a narrow space barrier, and the remaining two demons were trapped inside. They kept beating and bombarding with energy balls, but the space barrier remained unchanged.

As the space gradually narrowed, there was no place for the demons to move around. The two demons were tightly squeezed together, but the shrinking space didn't mean to stop.

With the sound of flesh exploding, two bloody demons in the distance were thrown to the ground by Mo Yu with a look of disgust.

"Kid, you did a good job!"

Angel Yan ate melons all the way, and was shocked when he saw the energy released by Mo Yu cause the space to shrink, and use the space contraction to kill the demon.

"The envoy sent by the God of Time is actually so powerful, there is hope for our northern barbarian country!"

After seeing that Mo Yu had easily dealt with the four demons, Snaeff knelt down on the ground excitedly, and sincerely worshiped their belief, the God of Time.

"Okay, it's done, let's continue to sleep." Mo Yu stood up on the rock, stretched lazily, yawned with his mouth open, and slowly returned to the campfire, leaning against the stone beside him and closed his eyes. Eyes sleep.

Seeing that Mo Yu had already fallen asleep, Shi Naifu thought that there would be no more demons coming, and returned to the place where he had just slept.

Angel Yan slowly came to Mo Yu's side, looked at Mo Yu who was already asleep, and smiled pretty.

"Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to sleep like this?"

Yan looked at the sleeping Mo Yu and said.

With a slight smile on his cheek, he summoned his wings and stretched them under Mo Yu's head, so that Mo Yu could sleep more comfortably.

Then he looked at Mo Yu who was asleep and was fascinated.

No matter what kind of people they are, good or bad, ordinary people or gods, the appearance they make when they sleep is often the cutest.

Slowly, Angel Yan also fell into sleep.

"Kid, wake up."

Yan pinched Mo Yu's face habitually to wake him up.

Mo Yu slowly opened his eyes, seeing that Yan was ravaging his face, he frowned, and reached out to beat Yan's hand down.

"Don't be so boring."

Seeing Mo Yu's complexion changed slightly, Yan felt that he was too confused.

"Ha ha."

Mo Yu talked dryly and laughed.

"I heard that Thunder God of War is a god who likes to seduce men, is it true?"

Seeing Yan seducing Mo Yu there, Shi Naifu said in a soft voice.

"Oh, that's how you talk to God." Coincidentally, Yan heard this sentence.

"Oh, there's another devil coming, kid!"

When Yan was about to criticize Sneeff severely, she sensed that the devil was coming again. She felt that the one who came here must be another little devil. Seeing Mo Yu who had already drawn out his weapon, she once again handed over such trivial matters to he.

Sure enough, Yan guessed right, this time three primitive low-level demons came to die.

And Mo Yu dealt with them by three times, five divisions and two divisions.

"I remember that only one demon came. He descended from the sky and started slaughtering our country without saying a word. How come so many demons have descended now?"

Sniff felt a little strange, where did so many demons come from, he only remembered Atuo.

"The demon who came was called Atuo, and she was just a veteran of Morgana. The sword in her hand contained a genetic virus. One or two of every ten people who fell got up again, willing to fall, turned into a demon."

Yan explained.

"What, Morgana, the ancient fallen king?"

Sniff obviously didn't listen to Yan's other words, he only heard the name of Morgana.

"What Morgana, in front of Queen Keisha, she is just a lost dog who can call Bichi."

Yan heard Sneff's fear of Morgana and explained.

"Judgment Angel, King of the Gods, Holy Kaisa?"

Sneeff was already overwhelmed with excitement, he never expected that the divine envoys who came to support him were all big men, and even those great gods who were only recorded in books would say so lightly.

"Also, the ancient fallen king Morgana you mentioned was almost beaten to death by him, so he only severely injured Morgana." Angel Yan looked at Mo Yu with a smile. For dozens of days, she saw Mo Yu's memory through the eye of insight.

If you want to blame, you can only blame him for opening up the genetic authority a bit too much, so that Yan can read his memory.


After listening to Yan's words, Shi Naifu turned to look at Mo Yu with a look of surprise.

He didn't expect that the god sent by the god of time to support him was so powerful that Morgana, the fallen king of ancient times, was almost killed by him.

"Thank you to the great God of Time, thank you to the God of Time for sending a powerful God to support us."

Sneff has increased his respect for the God of Time, and has already regarded the God of Time as his lifelong belief.

He knelt down on the ground again, raised his hands above his head, and shouted with a pious and respectful face. After shouting, he immediately knelt down on the ground, his forehead buried in the mud.

"That time was just a fluke, a fluke!"

Mo Yu said modestly that he was indeed a little lucky that time, if Morgana hadn't let down her vigilance, Mo Yu might have died.

Angel Yan smiled, did not speak, turned his head and continued to move forward.

Mo Yu and Shi Naifu also followed.

(End of this chapter)

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