Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 76 The Fall of Keisha

Chapter 76 The Fall of Keisha
The three continued on their journey.

Several people walked on a barren land of wasteland. According to Snyf's description, this place used to be a grassland, and there were villages everywhere on the grassland. Now, there is only dead silence everywhere.

Along the way, they also found a lot of cities, but they have basically turned into dead cities. There is no living person in the city, and some only have those low-level demons raging in the city, and they were killed by Mo Yu in the end.

"These demons are damned!"

Mo Yu is very angry now. Along the way, there are dozens of cities, large and small, with a combined population of more than one million people. There are no survivors in them, and almost all of them have been slaughtered.

"Yeah, let's go, go to Overlord City to have a look."

Angel Yan looked back at the two of them, his tone changed slightly.

Yan also feels that the devil is a bit strange now. In the thousands of years of fighting between her and the devil, she has never seen Morgana's men committing mass murder.

Demons who like to slaughter mortals admire Morgana very much, but Morgana generally does not accept it.

Nowadays, there are so many mortals being massacred by demons, which makes Angel Yan feel very bad, and has no idea of ​​molesting Mo Yu.

"I know the way, I will lead the way."

Snyf in the back was very depressed looking at the dead cities one after another. This is the territory of his northern barbarian country, but now it is an empty city. There is no one in it. people.

When he heard that Angel Yan was going to Overlord City, the capital of his barbarian country, Schneef recommended himself. Now he also wanted to know the specific situation of his capital, and among the three people present, only Schneef knew the specific location of Overlord City.

"En lead the way."

Outside the Overlord City.

Snaeff anxiously turned left and walked right, waiting for Mo Yu and Angel Yan who entered the city.

Because his own strength was too weak, he didn't want to be a burden to Mo Yuheyan, so he resolutely gave up entering the city and waited outside the city alone.

"How? Has that demon been killed by you?"

Seeing Yan and Mo Yu flying from the sky in the distance, Shi Naif asked excitedly.

During the whole day, besides leading the way for Yan and Mo Yu, Snaef also tried to recall the remaining soldiers who survived the barbarian kingdom, but in the end he only found about 200 people.

Today's entire northern barbarian country is full of countless and overwhelming little demons. It is still difficult to defeat them with only two hundred warriors, not to mention the boss of the little demons, the ancient sword demon Atuo.

With these two hundred fighters alone, they may not be able to defeat twenty little demons, and they are more likely to be wiped out by the group.If you fail to kill the devil, you will be fucked.

"We didn't find him in Overlord City, but we're sure he didn't come out of Fraser, and now we can only wait for him to show up."

Yan looked at the anxious Sneff and said.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of him!"

Mo Yu stepped forward, reached out and patted Shi Naifu on the shoulder, comforting him.

"Let's go, now we can only wait for Ato to come out by himself, we don't care about the southern countries."

Yan looked to the south, where was the Kingdom of Alan, the heir land of Kaisa's angel king, Morgana didn't dare to send troops easily.

Not only is she afraid of the holy Kaisha, but she is also afraid that all the older angels will come out to trouble her.

The older generation of angels all agree that Kesha appointed the successor of the king of angels... Anisid's.

If Morgana dared to point fingers, then the older generation of angels would come out and cut Morgana down. Even if she couldn't kill her, they would have to destroy his Devil One.

"The rest of the demons will be dealt with by Anisid herself, and it will be her experience." Angel Yan seemed to have expected it, and said flatly.

Sniff was stunned when he heard that, what is this?

"When we go to war with that ancient demon Atho, you will go to the south and form an alliance with Anisid, and together we will deal with Fraser's remaining primitive demons."

Mo Yu and Sniff said.


Although Snaff had a feud with Anisid, he even fought against Enisid's Alan Kingdom at the beginning, and in the end, Anisid's country won.

At that time, Sneff uttered a cruel sentence, "I will break into your royal capital again in three years, and let you kneel on the ground and lick my sword."

Now that I have to go to ask for help, I will inevitably be ridiculed, but that's no problem, a generation of kings should have this kind of spirit of being able to bend and stretch, and Shi Naifu immediately agreed to Mo Yu's proposal.


The light from the stars is slowly fading, and the night has come.

Everyone raised a bonfire again, looked at the sky on the stone.

The sky is dotted with stars and the bright moon hangs high, forming a sharp contrast with the silence and desolation on the ground.

Mo Yu still found a rock to lean against, and Yan sat next to Mo Yu without his consent.

Angel Yan took out one from the dark space, the erected stone was still glowing, and it looked very high-end in a low-level civilization.

But in Mo Yu's eyes, this is an altar, and he came to listen to prayers again.

And Mo Yu doesn't want any altar, just give him a mobile phone, he doesn't care about anything, playing games is the kingly way, but in the current period of nine chapters, let's talk about playing games later.

"Great Angel of Judgment, I am Anixid, King of the Kingdom of Frazer Island"

A woman's voice suddenly sounded in Mo Yu's ear.

Fortunately, he knew that this was just an altar, so he wasn't too surprised by the sudden words that came out of his ears.

"Kid, do you know what this is?"

Angel Yan raised the corner of his mouth, pointed at the altar on the ground, looked at Mo Yu and said softly.

"Isn't it just an altar, used by angels to listen to prayers?"

Mo Yu has the eyes of the stars, and this little thing got into his eyes easily.

"It's ok, kid, the eye of insight is working well."

Angel Yan naturally knew that Mo Yu had used the eyes of insight specially used by their angel family. Their queen Kaisha said that Mo Yu was a holy angel, and some parts of the genes were different from angels, so Yan didn't know how to call Mo Yu. Insightful eye.

"Go to bed early, you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow!"

Mo Yu didn't go to talk to Angel Yan, she really couldn't speak up to Yan Yan, she was so good at talking, Mo Yu couldn't stand it.

After finishing speaking, Mo Yu didn't want to listen to Angel Yan's answer, so he fell to the ground and turned his head to sleep.

Devil One.

"How are you preparing now?"

Morgana walked towards Heifeng and asked.

"You can control Reina anytime!"

Hei Feng said with certainty in front of Morgana.

"Well, I can finally destroy the bitch of Holy Kaisa haha"

Morgana looked at the big screen on the instrument, which showed the specific situation of the Xiongbing Company, so she laughed unscrupulously.

The largest god-killing plan in the known universe is being quietly executed.

Angel Yan was flying slowly in the sky, and the white light in his eyes flashed, opening the angels' unique eyes of insight, scanning the surrounding dark energy.

And Mo Yu was walking on the ground, Shi Naif followed behind Mo Yu, walking slowly.

Suddenly, a burst of weakness hit Angel Yan's head, his whole consciousness fell into a faint, and he fell from the sky.

Mo Yu also noticed the strangeness of Angel Yan, and quickly ran to catch the fallen Angel Yan.

Sneff thought that the devil had attacked Lord Angel, so he immediately pulled out the saber from his waist, and looked around vigilantly.

Mo Yu knew something was wrong the moment Angel Yan fell.

"Queen Keisha. Disconnected."

Angel Yan opened his eyes with some difficulty, and spoke to Mo Yu in a paused tone.

Sure enough, if the Holy Fruit Kaisa is destroyed, only Reina and Mo Yu can destroy her, but now that Mo Yu is in Fraser, it is absolutely impossible to suddenly appear on the earth and blow up the Holy Kaisa.

The only possibility is that the demons attacked the Great Strait and successfully captured Di Lena, thus blowing up the Holy Kaisa.

This also means that the Great Strait may have been destroyed as well.

 Xiaoshi, I have been really hard at coding for you recently. When I see the encouragement from others, I am very happy, because my book has brought happiness to everyone.

  I don't expect anything from you.

  I hope you can just send me a word of cheer.

  Come on is the first word I saw to encourage me, so it still means a lot to me.

  Thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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